
Las Vegas
part of  family

Best scumtells in the world:

  1. Being confused = Being scum

  2. Not saying anything but "lol" on day 1

If jammer disguises as someone, that someone is most likely me.

When all power roles are dead early in the game and someone gives up, that person is town.

First to vote nl or suggest nl in games with a cult is cult. Always.

When a lightkeeper dies and it's "lights out" and also lylo, the second person to vote is always scum. Always.

I LOVE to lie as a confirmed townie.

If you think I'm scum, I'm town.

If you think I'm town, DON'T CHANGE YOUR MIND! >:(

My favorite roles: Spy, Agent, Vent

Least favorite roles: Alien, Werewolf, Lightkeeper

PhilHellmuth: A funny thing happened in d1

PhilHellmuth: I was watching Saw in Youtube while playing this game PhilHellmuth: Then PhilHellmuth: You recieved a message: Hello, Phil

Best game ever:

about 12 years
why neg me?
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return?
over 12 years
+k'ing you even though you backstabbed me. lol
over 12 years
I ish part of the Phil cult!
over 12 years
Phil for best scumtips 2012.
over 13 years
So.. i fail at math, huh? :P +k
over 13 years
almost 14 years
Have fun trying. Bwahaha, etc.
almost 14 years
must discover your MS username
almost 14 years
+k for you, please return.
almost 14 years
+K for playing training lobby with that point
almost 14 years
+K for winning as cult and not even trying
about 14 years
Thanks for letting me know that it was the same as the Ninja. :< I didn't even notice. Maybe this tweak will change your mind? If not, maybe you have a better suggestion.

Godmother: "Can choose who she 'visits' aside from the kill that mafia selects." So, in saying that, she won't be detected in the kill, but she can choose to visit someone else to look like another role, OR choose to visit no one.
over 14 years
+K please return.
over 14 years
Lol You whiney ass poker player!
over 14 years