You know, the numerical part of accounting is truly the best part. I wish the exam was mostly based on that. Our teacher likes to throw in essay questions on ethical matters worth 20% and multiple choice worth 40% as well. Fuck university. I forgot that the forums existed! I just came to check up on you :D Glad you're doing well. (:
I keep my cowl for rainy days, sometimes I just want to show a little skin for the ladies, you dig, dog?
Also, I am currently playing a lot of which is a server that uses the tekkit mods. You'd have to apply, but you'll have way cooler villages over thar with me. :) If interested, again DL the launcher from it's so much more enjoyable than vanilla.
So since you are obviously around EM. Why don't you play?
deletedabout 13 years
Have we played?
deletedabout 13 years
Hi PublicEnemy. There's a problem right now about non-moderators using moderator actions, so could you stop reporting Laexio for his angry comment that offended you? I'm sure he didn't mean it to hurt your feelings, and he's stressed out because Cloud and Laexio are the ones dealing with the ongoing problem. Please understand his troubles, and if possible, solve this problem via PM preferably. I think he'll apologize if you explain to him what offended you.