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Community Council Discussion Thread

about 5 years

This thread is only for the discussion of CURRENT issues within the community.

Topics of Discussion *(feel free to bring about your own issues that you would like the council to address)*

  1. No current happenings. Suggest something.

Will you be an honorable, and respectable, member of the EM community by trying to make it a better place?
I will try my best.
about 5 years
We have rules for a reason. Do you think some violations should be punished with an auto-ban?
about 5 years
about 5 years
some people deserve to be driven off the site and a known ip stealer probably should be
about 5 years
All of these things are on the table to discuss, and I can add anything you guys want to talk about
about 5 years
Dzke, did you see discussion question #2
about 5 years
Bramble, if they're a known racist, chances are they've gotten site banned by then lol
about 5 years
its sandbox, its a game, a literal game. you can lynch or not lynch whoever you want without reason and that doesn't and will never make it bullying.
about 5 years
you're disappointed in ME for trying to get a scummy person lynched but not in PHLORAX for stealing a person's IP without their consent?

be disappointed i guess, i dont see you being upset that people lead lynches on holdenrye or other users
about 5 years
so if a user was known to be racist and people would lynch them because theyre racist, thats not bullying? thats kind of the impression im getting from what youre saying
about 5 years
I will update topic discussions to include no avi policy, and remove "Phlorax" from discussion re: bullying users that have been vio'd
about 5 years
I'm pretty sure attacking someone in game and trying to get everyone to lynch them because they're that particular user and not because you're actually using game strat is bullying. I really wish you would be the bigger person in this situation, you are capable of much more than this, and frankly, I'm disappointed.
about 5 years
im making no threats to him at all, are you trying to tell me trying to get him lynched is bullying?
about 5 years
about 5 years
Easy, you can bring your issue here to discuss it if it bothers you. That is the point of this thread. To address, and hopefully fix issues.
about 5 years
Dzke, no one said you have to be in games with him. You have literally tried to create Lynch mobs against him. I've seen it myself yesterday. You can kick him, which as the host of that game, you had the opportunity of doing so. You claim to be mad and uncomfortable, yet allow him to be around you.
about 5 years
You make valid points, Roxy, but how can we enforce no Avis being treated equally?
about 5 years
this is yellowpear all over again
about 5 years
i can get kicked from a bunch of games for no reason and you can all sit around and go "it just be like that sometimes" but when someone does something actually up and against the rules and gets backlash its bullying? this lobby is so beyond backwards.
imagine cherry picking
about 5 years
i know this is a meme but still;;

i dont think kicking phlorax from games is bullying him. i think you have a twisted idea that he's having threats on his life or seriously damaging threats or something. he stole someone's IP and quite frankly, an apology doesn't make up for what he did. i understand that he did apologize, but users including me are mad about it, and an apology doesn't magically wipe the slate clean. it shows accountability, but it doesn't make what he did okay. vivian was affected and probably felt/feels freaked out still. a vio wasn't enough and i'm thoroughly for a ban. he would literally know where someone lived if vivian didnt use a vpn. this is ridiculous. does vio'ing racist behavior or hateful comments make it okay? no. just because he got a vio, doesn't take away what he did. if we want to stay away from him we're entitled to.
about 5 years
also i am being serious about the no avi bullying and we should stop if they genuinly show signs of wnating to learn how to play
about 5 years
no its not for real
about 5 years
this might be a meme but my conviction is not
about 5 years
wait is this for real

this is sucha MEME stop
about 5 years
main does indeed do it
about 5 years
Since it doesnt and it just drops you in the lobby, why should we bully people just for not having an avatar? main doesnt do it. they don't care. as long as you play the game well. i do think they should get an avatar to have some sort of personality but this kicking of no avis is more toxic than kicking someone for stealing someone's ip . we are kicking people who might of been our friends if they simply understood how to play.
but they cant understand because they are kicked as soon as they join and are met with getting lynched day 1. killed n 1. or vegging because they have no clue about the mechanics.

if instead of BULLYING them we guide them and we don't kick them. then we will have a bigger player base and we can make great friends along the way. i made an avatar guide for this very reason. why not link the no avi the avatar guide rather than kicking them with no explination?
why yell at them fuk no avis when they have no way of knowing what an avi is? and who in their right mind would understand?!

to make sandbox great again we must fix this problem first before we can fix anything else because if this is how we welcome newbies then we are a lost cause.