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10 Sandbox Commandments

about 5 years

what would the 10 sandbox commandments be? I think this post happened before but fuc k u its happening again

including: whyme/fryme

noavi policy

dont claim virgin as fool

dont kill host n1

dont host mafia partners

always shoot guns / use knives

middle rule

about 5 years
commandment no 9: always argue on the lobby wall when there is drama regardless if its any of your business or not. make it your business.
about 5 years
I just came from a game where the entire town suicided because of a so-called host-kill. It turned out to be a guise.

Your commandments don't work. They don't provide a foundational ethic on which players can move forward in the world.
about 5 years
Suicide race
about 5 years

moonunit says

Bramble says

always claim virgin as hunter, even tho you might be huntsman

A real hunter waits patiently to enact the will of God. A real hunter is not eager, but patient. This is built into us, deep down.

Claiming hunter in lylo is a sin.
about 5 years
turbovirgin alert
about 5 years

Bramble says

always claim virgin as hunter, even tho you might be huntsman

A real hunter waits patiently to enact the will of God. A real hunter is not eager, but patient. This is built into us, deep down.
about 5 years
If your solution is to separate the virgin and the fool in setups, then the commandment that is being offered will no longer be needed, we presume. If you need to separate the virgin from the fool because your ethic is not sufficient enough to deal with a fool and a virgin in the same game, then you need to return to the drawing board and produce a more coherent ethic.

Food for thought: Is the virgin a resource that HAS to be used? Does it HAVE to be used night 1? Is the virgin like the gun and knife in the OP list? Always shoot guns / use knives / lynch virgins?
about 5 years
1. Thou shalt have an avi before you. Thou shalt lynch those who break the first commandment on the first day.
2. Thou shalt give up your life by self-slaughter to reinforce the checking of the boxes. Unchecked boxes are the work of evil, and must be shown the true path.
3. Thou shalt not make false claims of virgin as fool. Thou shalt not make false claims of fool as baker.
4. Thou shalt respect the life of your host on the first night.
5. Thou shalt always test the items you are given
6. Thou shalt never listen to the mods and always decry the name of Lucid
7. Thou shalt not take pride in thy main ranking; indeed thou shalt always decry ranking and main play lest ye incur the wrath of Sandbox
8. Thou shalt always laugh at threats of reporting; mock those who cry for gamethrowing, enjoy the hate of those who expect you to play correctly, and take pride in the killing of your fellow maf if it even seems to mock those who take too seriously sandbox as if it were main
9. Thou shalt meme your way to victory. In this, one must also adhere to this: always fry those who ask why. It is a meme, and memes are victory.
10. Thou shalt disregard all rules as you please in sandbox
about 5 years
If people claim virgin as fool, it means we cannot have both virgin and fool in the same setup. They just wouldn't work together.
about 5 years
Also it is a silly way to play fool, when in sandbox just claiming fool will net you a fool win
about 5 years

Alyssa says

Claiming virgin as fool is seen as too lazy, and takes too much advantage over one of the fundamental roles of sandbox(virgin) in order to get a cheap and easy win.

about 5 years
if fool win is best win why do people get triggered when fool claims virgin
about 5 years
always claim virgin as hunter, even tho you might be huntsman
about 5 years
about 5 years
my religion is the right one!
about 5 years
Guys stop fighting im scared
about 5 years
Put it on a tshirt. Good luck forming a church around it.
about 5 years
the light came back and told me that commandment #10 is actually "nl for meteor"
about 5 years
I am no prophet. I am merely stating what we all know to be true deep down.
about 5 years
moonunit is a false prophet
about 5 years
Your bronze statue will crack, MrMongrel. God's rules are built into the fabric of space and time.
about 5 years
No one should keep a fool win at bay, it is clearly stated in commandment #5 that fool win is best win
about 5 years
Alyssa, you reek of the loss of responsibility. Who, if not the village, is responsible for keeping a fool win at bay? The fool, you say? This is sacrilegious to even suggest.

If you rush to lynch an eager virgin claim at any time, it is you who is deceiving yourself and it is you who is lazy. If you, as a virgin, rush and eagerly claim with the expectation to be lynched, you are only perpetuating the conditions under which your ridiculous 'commandment' begins to hold any merit. Are you so bored as a virgin that you must declare from the rooftops your virginity at the first sign of daylight? Are you so eager for a "cheap and easy" lynch (to use your words), that you must follow the virgin lynch like a godless sheep?

You have all found yourself so deep in the refusal to accept your own personal responsibility, that you have built up false stories about how to behave. And you have come to believe these stories.
about 5 years
These commandments are the once unspoken pillar our culture and traditions are founded upon!
about 5 years
You speak as though your words originate from a witnessed truth in real sandbox games. They do not. It is as though you are describing a game where Night 2 comes AFTER Night 3. Or a game where the graveyard can vote and the village is doomed to cold silence. Or a game where left is right and right is left.

A truly cultured member of sandbox knows that up is down, you say.