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10 Sandbox Commandments

over 5 years

what would the 10 sandbox commandments be? I think this post happened before but fuc k u its happening again

including: whyme/fryme

noavi policy

dont claim virgin as fool

dont kill host n1

dont host mafia partners

always shoot guns / use knives

middle rule

over 5 years
Virgin is always lynched in good faith that it is virgin; a fool deceiving the town when we policy virgin has always been rejected by the sandbox community, as "fool win best win" allows fool to win perfectly on it's own. Claiming virgin as fool is seen as too lazy, and takes too much advantage over one of the fundamental roles of sandbox(virgin) in order to get a cheap and easy win.
over 5 years
I am only the messenger of these commandments, the immediate controversy around them only reinforces their place in this discussion!
over 5 years
A true fool wins by claiming fool. The lobby inherently understands upon this revelation it's responsibility to the greater good and follows through with a fool win.

Any other strategy is senseless and absurd within sandbox. A TRULY cultured member of Sandbox would know this!

Alternatively, if you are virgin a truly PRO strategy is to claim fool.
over 5 years

moonunit says

"Fool win best win" seems antithetical to the entire game. It is my opinion that "fool win best win" is primarily a way to preemptively shrug off responsibility for a loss, and that you nor anyone else actually believes that a fool win is the most good and just outcome of a game. It is absolutely sacrilegious to even suggest that '"fool win best win" is some commandment handed down by the God of epicmafia.

And what, precisely, is the meaning behind "Thou shall not claim virgin as fool," if fool win is "best win"? This seems entirely incoherent and contradictory.

It seems to me that what most of you mean by "commandments" is "funny epicmafia stuff I'd like to put on a tshirt." Perhaps this thread should be re-named: "The blind and popular secularism of sandbox." I'd like each of you to begin backing up your claims with metaphysical and theological discussions.

that thought process is too intelligent for sandbox
over 5 years
"Fool win best win" seems antithetical to the entire game. It is my opinion that "fool win best win" is primarily a way to preemptively shrug off responsibility for a loss, and that you nor anyone else actually believes that a fool win is the most good and just outcome of a game. It is absolutely sacrilegious to even suggest that '"fool win best win" is some commandment handed down by the God of epicmafia.

And what, precisely, is the meaning behind "Thou shall not claim virgin as fool," if fool win is "best win"? This seems entirely incoherent and contradictory.

It seems to me that what most of you mean by "commandments" is "funny epicmafia stuff I'd like to put on a tshirt." Perhaps this thread should be re-named: "The blind and popular secularism of sandbox." I'd like each of you to begin backing up your claims with metaphysical and theological discussions.
over 5 years
1. Thou shall not claim virgin as fool.
2. Noavis shall be lynched before all else.
3. Edits of the default avi, "Halfavis" are worse.
4. Why me = Fry me.
5. Fool win best win.
6. No boxes, no game.
7. Middle rule, left rule, right rule.
8. Celeb is always yakked
9. Shoot all guns, slash all knives
10. sui 4 rui

anti-hostkilling sentiment is for the birds. This list of rules is a combination of tradition and common sense and are vague enough to be interpreted and debated upon endlessly within games

edit: also these commandments were a revelation imparted unto me by a holy light, the spirit of sandbox itself btw
over 5 years
1. Do not claim virgin as fool
2. Why me = Fry me
3. No hostkilling
4. No outing maf partners
5. Middle rule
6. No boxes = sui race
7. Always help weak 3rds win(alien, siren)
8. Never out Thulu

to be a critic I think these are the 8 best so far from the thread the rest don't capture all of sandbox culture/the consensus or are... out there
over 5 years
vegs are worse than suis
over 5 years
dont out cop reports d1, theres a chance you could be insane or lazy (for lazy youd just think you were roleblocked)
over 5 years
Never out Cthulhu either
over 5 years

Bramble says

always gt for siren

same for alien and possibly warlock
over 5 years
caca doodoo i do what i want
over 5 years
always gt for siren
over 5 years
hood still did it
over 5 years
over 5 years
Where, if not sandbox, does the grace of God find more glimpse? Where? There is no other place. The unranked 12-player closed setup is where the wolf becomes king and marries the virgin princess. It is the place where the wicked voodoo becomes the old maid, steals the blank slate of the amne, then redeems the soul of her early victims in village victory in her new village flesh. It is the place where novel currents swell. It is the place where heroes are born and where real legends are made.

Where, if not sandbox, do we find a mirror of ourselves? Surely not in Main Lobby. There, they have abandoned their spirit. They have traded their spirit for tired marching and the integrity of structure. There are no heroes in Main Lobby. They have lost God and have traded Him for the bronze heart. They have traded God for the report and the inquisition.
over 5 years

SirAmelio says

banime says

nightmarePhantom says

banime says

you nerds know your in sandbox right?

Also, another rule is that if Amelio is hosting its likely rigged.

you nerd know what is context right?

these are social rules

Sure, do you know the context?

Suiing is still popular in sandbox regardless of any effort to socially stifle it. Sui Races are a thing. People sui in almost half of the games.If we tried we could name all the people that do it often, Suiyang is not a pariah. So again, you know your in sandbox right?

so because its sandbox its okay to ruin every other game because "lulz"?

if i remember correctly you were one of the people who worshipped that one user who autokicked people who sui'd and vegged from games... how the tides have turned...

What? Idk who that is.

I'm not saying its good to sui. I try to never do it. I hate it when people break games.

All I'm saying is that trying to make it one of the "sandbox commandments" is a nerdy and futile thing to do when so much of the culture revolves around fooling around and doing things that would be game-throwing in Main.
over 5 years
I sui when people throw for dumb reasons.
I'm here to play the game, and I get that its sandbox, but if town are all just NLing for the memes when there's naked mafia and shit, I just leave. If they're using policy on a cleared noavi in lylo, I just leave.
My time is worth more to me than that. I can waste it elsewhere.

I'm against suiing most of the time, but at the end of the day, clicking to play a game doesn't entitle anyone else to your time. Shit happens.
over 5 years
you guys can fool yourselves into thinking that the reason sandbox died is because of lucid's forgetting about it or the infamous european ban, but sandbox really does have some sh*t social norms that will more often than not turn off new players from playing here and it is one of the main reasons it has been dying.
over 5 years

banime says

nightmarePhantom says

banime says

you nerds know your in sandbox right?

Also, another rule is that if Amelio is hosting its likely rigged.

you nerd know what is context right?

these are social rules

Sure, do you know the context?

Suiing is still popular in sandbox regardless of any effort to socially stifle it. Sui Races are a thing. People sui in almost half of the games.If we tried we could name all the people that do it often, Suiyang is not a pariah. So again, you know your in sandbox right?

so because its sandbox its okay to ruin every other game because "lulz"?

if i remember correctly you were one of the people who worshipped that one user who autokicked people who sui'd and vegged from games... how the tides have turned...
over 5 years

nightmarePhantom says

banime says

you nerds know your in sandbox right?

Also, another rule is that if Amelio is hosting its likely rigged.

you nerd know what is context right?

these are social rules

Sure, do you know the context?

Suiing is still popular in sandbox regardless of any effort to socially stifle it. Sui Races are a thing. People sui in almost half of the games.If we tried we could name all the people that do it often, Suiyang is not a pariah. So again, you know your in sandbox right?
over 5 years

banime says

you nerds know your in sandbox right?

Also, another rule is that if Amelio is hosting its likely rigged.

you nerd know what is context right?

these are social rules
over 5 years
you nerds know your in sandbox right?

Also, another rule is that if Amelio is hosting its likely rigged.
over 5 years

there is never a reason to sui out of a game.

are losing? suck it up, its part of the game.

have to go? veg

got bored? suck it up, keep playing

the only "acceptable" reason would be if someone is blatantly harrasing you, posting p*rn, etc
over 5 years
Another commandment would be:

Never suicide.

Even when you are confident your faction has lost, it is wrong to end your own life. Every epicmafia game at every moment contains within it a spark of potentiality that knows no bounds. It is your individual responsibility to keep this spark alive. I have seen many miracles happen in my day. But miracles are not divine interventions; they are the natural crystallizations of novelty and beauty that manifest themselves if you allow the space for them to emerge.

An example: If you are a member of the mafia who has been found, allow yourself to be lynched. Let the universe unfold. Perhaps you have a guardian angel who smiles at you. Perhaps you will survive the lynching and will become during the night phase dinner for a careful and patient wolf. Who are you to rob the universe of yourself?

God is in each epicmafia game but it is only through discipline and a surrender to a hierarchy of values that you will see him or speak to him.