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EM Policy Discussion

about 5 years

As a role mod, I usually consider this stuff outside of my wheelhouse, but I think that there's some role for me to play in this.

I'd like to open up a thread about discussing how to best enforce EM's rules and policies. What I mean by this is what are some things Lucid could implement to keep EM a safe and user-friendly website?

This thread is not for suggesting rules or arguing about whether X rule is redundant next to Y rule, that's stuff that admins handle and sometimes the admins are unaware that I exist. This thread is more for listing temporary email sites (Lucid has a blacklist that needs updating) or word filters.

Making fun of Shwartz in this thread is also okay because he doesn't like it happening on the lobby wall and so it needs a containment thread that he will never open.

Sign this petition if
4 signed
Sign this petition if you're banned from Main Lobby.
Worst EM rule?
Copied Mechanics
Lobby Camping
about 5 years

Bramble says

some words shouldnt be censored tho and others just dont make any sense

"sh*t" isnt censored in game but "sh*tty" is and it makes absolutely no sense
"b*tch" shouldnt be censored either

but "f*ck" is allowed when its technically considered one of the worst swears compared to the other two


Sh*tty is censored by mistake. S*it was added to the filtered for a brief period after people were complaining about the filter.

I do agree that b*tch being in the filter makes no sense, and is usually what needlessly causes people to be aware that the filter exists. W*ore, meanwhile, an arguably more hateful and misogynistic word, is apparently a-ok.

I'm also of the opinion that c*nt shouldn't filtered, as the mods have decided that it is not a slur.

Seems pretty simple to me. If you don't get a vio for saying a word, the word shouldn't be filtered.
about 5 years
some words shouldnt be censored tho and others just dont make any sense

"sh*t" isnt censored in game but "sh*tty" is and it makes absolutely no sense
"b*tch" shouldnt be censored either

but "f*ck" is allowed when its technically considered one of the worst swears compared to the other two

about 5 years
They censored it themselves though, completely.
about 5 years
bc they were still technically avoiding the filter by saying a slur that would normally be censored... thats how hc/rs vios work
about 5 years
Imo the word filter is already too bloated. There's some stuff that gets filtered that has no business being filtered, especially when comparatively worse words do not get filtered. I appreciate and can even get fully behind the idea and implementation of a filter, but not to the shaky and half-assed way that it was done.

Ideally, a great filter should be something people aren't even aware is there; Most users aren't using slurs, after all. However, when you put random curse words into the filter, I think it messes things up a bit. I see the same happen anyone someone realizes they can't say certain curse words, they immediately enter every curse words they know (possibly including slurs), and then are just confused as to why some get filtered and some do not.

I've also witnessed a user get a vio for "IMPLIED racial slurs,"( because he said "what up my *****" and yes, he used 5 stars. If he would have just said a word, it would have gotten filtered, come out as banana or whatever, and it would have been fine despite everyone knowing what he meant. However, since he censored it himself, he got a vio. This is a bit puzzling to me. It seems you are better off just firing off whatever offensive words you know, and if they don't get filtered, you're a-ok.
about 5 years
*game doesnt go in a players favor*

about 5 years
Trolling/Gamethrow worst rule, simply on the grounds that I've legit seen people use this as justification to harass and report new people.
Being new/bad isn't gamethrowing, but good luck selling that to main.
about 5 years
@shwartz yeah

and low-contrast colors is the only instance of game-related rules being enforced in sandbox
about 5 years
I personally think the 2nd HC penalty should completely removed (warning --> 24 hr site ban/comment, forum, and chat ban --> site ban). If someone says something marginalizing twice (first time I can give benefit of the doubt to since the definition of HC varies from site to site), it's pretty clear they aren't interested in having a positive impact on the community. Same with harassment. It's not hard to avoid harassing people.
about 5 years

Shwartz99 says

make fun of me in here and you're banned

about 5 years
I agree we should enforce Policy.
about 5 years
i think 3 to 5 community vios to be an acceptable amount for banning, seeing it's a social game and sandbox doesn't count to game vios, if someone is unable to adhere to social I don't really see the reason to keep them around.
about 5 years
about 5 years
doesnt low contrast colors fall under trolling
about 5 years

this image is so old but im posting again
about 5 years

Bebop says

in the poll you forgot low contrast colours

about 5 years
encouraging rule breaking should be valid ranked strategy
about 5 years
in the poll you forgot low contrast colours
about 5 years
shwartz99 is an owner
about 5 years
You need 3 community violations to post in this thread, sorry Shwartz.
about 5 years
make fun of me in here and you're banned