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Pro Lifer Punched

over 5 years

A Pro-Life man was punched while trying to say babies in front of Planned Parenthood.

Video in link below:

NYC also recently passed a law allowing abortion up until birth. Is a baby 1 minute before birth less human then 1 minute after?

When should it be considered murder to kill a human?
After 2 years old (Peter Singer)
Can feel pain (18-19 weeks)
Brain Waves Detected (42 days)
Heartbeat (18 days old)
over 5 years
lol no one answered your question
"Is a baby 1 minute before birth less human then 1 minute after?"
over 5 years
abortion isnt murder
over 5 years
abortion isnt murder
over 5 years
Choice to murder?
over 5 years
>voting in your own poll LMAO youre pathetic
women have the right to have a choice
over 5 years
over 5 years
So when you're pregnant with a boy does the woman have a p3nis? Or 2 heartbeats?
over 5 years
what about just letting women do what they want with their bodies