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EMBB9 Trophy Game

over 6 years

EMBB9: The Ultimate Board Game

Cast Reveal:






Finalist Speeches:

Morgan's Finalist Speech

Zacharae's Finalist Speech

Jury Speeches:

FFSDT's Jury Speech

Borrach's Jury Speech

FDP's Jury Speech

Uprizzle's Jury Speech

POD's Jury Speech

Cjn104's Jury Speech

Memory Wall:

over 6 years
This competition is called Distortion.

When you are ready, you will go to your Diary Room. The host will then send you an imgur album with 18 pictures. Each of the pictures have three evicted houseguest’s profile pictures from the memory wall on Epicmafia distorted together. You will have to identify the three evicted houseguests in the distorted photo.

You will submit your list like so:

Bob, Jessica and Mary
Rachel, Bob and Angelica
Angel, Mary and Jessica

The final 3 pictures only have 2 houseguests for each picture.

You will only submit your list once and that will be your final submission. When submitting, you have to note that it’s your final submission in a message above/under it, or in the same message.

You will receive a point for each person you identify. This means three points are available in the first fifteen photos, and two points are available in the last three photos.

The houseguest with the most points will win Part 2 and move on to Part 3 against Zach for the title of Final Head of Household. In the event of a tie, the houseguest who took the least time to complete the competition will win.

You have until 11:00 PM EST tomorrow to complete this competition. Once you have completed it, you will be unable to speak about the competition to anyone else.
over 6 years

Congratulations Zacharae! You have won Part 1 of the 3-part Final HOH Challenge! You automatically advance to Part 3 and will face off against the winner of Part 2.
(FFSDT and Morgan both abstained.)
over 6 years
Here is the list of speeds, time frames and messages.

Start - “I am ready to win the Board Game.”
Every 3 minutes for 30 minutes - “I’M STILL PLAYING THE BOARD GAME.” (10 messages)
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes - “I’M STILL DESTROYING THE BOARD GAME.” (6 messages)
Every 10 minutes for as long as you can - “I’M STILL WINNING THE BOARD GAME.”
The hosts do not need to be present for you to start. We will check Discord time to see you were posting at the correct times. This means you will be on your own when having to know when to post something.

You cannot send a message any earlier than you are supposed to. You also cannot edit/remove any messages. You will be automatically out if you do. Once you mess up, you’re out.

Punctuation (your posts must include an apostrophe and period) and spelling do matter, but if your messages are not capitalized, you will not be eliminated for it. This means if you post “Im still playing the board game” or “Im still destroyng the brd game”, you will be eliminated. However, “I’m still winning the board game.” is acceptable.
As long as you are within the minute you need to post, you are still in. This means that if you start at 12:00:07 AM, but post your next message at 12:03:59 AM, you are still in. If you posted at 12:04:00 instead, you would be out.

You must begin this challenge within 24 hours. Once begun, you will have 24 hours to complete it. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in your Diary Room.

You will be able to start this competition at 8:00 PM EST tonight.
over 6 years
WEEK 12 Final HOH Part 1
Congratulations on trophying. You’ve joined the EMBB trophier club but is a trophy what you really covet? These final competitions will either cut you or one of your competitors. Will you stand idly by as you watch your fate fall into someone else’s hands or will you finally take control of your own game? How bad do you want this W? You will have to endure.
Welcome to the first part of the Final HOH.

This competition is called Board Game Bloodbath.

When you are ready to compete in this competition, you will go to your challenge channel and send “I am ready to win the Board Game.”
For the next 30 minutes, your job is to tell us every 3 minutes that you are still playing the board game. You will do this by sending “I’M STILL PLAYING THE BOARD GAME.” each time.

For the 30 minutes after that, your job is to tell us every 5 minutes that you are destroying the board game. You will do this by sending “I’M STILL DESTROYING THE BOARD GAME.” each time.

For the rest of the competition after the second 30 minutes, your job is to tell us every 10 minutes that you are winning the board game. You will do this by sending “I’M STILL WINNING THE BOARD GAME.” each time.(edited)
For example:

If I send a message saying “I am ready to win the Board Game.” at 12:00 AM, I must send a message at 12:03 AM, 12:06 AM, 12:09 AM, 12:12 AM, 12:15 AM, 12:18 AM, 12:21 AM, 12:24 AM, 12:27 AM, and 12:30 AM “I’M STILL PLAYING THE BOARD GAME.” each time.

Then at 12:35 AM, 12:40 AM, 12:45 AM, 12:50 AM, 12:55 AM, and 1:00 AM I must send “I’M STILL DESTROYING THE BOARD GAME.” each time.

For the rest of the competition, you would have to send at 1:10 AM, 1:20 AM, 1:30 AM (and so on) with “I’M STILL WINNING THE BOARD GAME.” until you wish to stop/mess up.
over 6 years

Voting for Fan Favorite has now begun. Message a host on Discord to vote or pm the EMBB account on Epicmafia!


Anyone is eligible to be voted. Happy voting!

Houseguests are not allowed to campaign to anyone about who to vote.
over 6 years
WEEK 12 Joker's Ratings

1. FFSierraDamnThomas (+3)
2. Morgan (+3)
3. Zacharae (-1)
4. Borrach (-1)
5. FireDragonPrince (-4)
6. Uprizzle (-)
7. powerofdeath (-)
8. cjn104 (-)
9. Rosematter (-)
10. ZadenTheSurfer (-)
11. YanmegaMan (-)
12. Chanman123 (-)
13. sammy (-)
14. GoldAce154 (-)
15. benfox2 (-)
16. jgriffy (-)
over 6 years
WEEK 12 Announcement

ZadenTheSurfer has been removed from the jury for severe inactivity. This means there will be only 6 jurors. In the event of a tie, the first juror's vote will not count (cjn104's. Sorry :()
over 6 years
WEEK 11 Eviction Ceremony

Morgan stands.

Morgan: In Big Brother, as a bubbler who couldn't make final 3;
and in Survivor, as a trophier who flopped in his second EMORG.
He will go down in official history as a bubble player, and no one will ever understand him...
that was his final mission.
And like a true soldier, he saw it through the end.
But I think he wanted you, of all people to know the truth.
He wanted to live on in your memory.
Not as a houseguest, but as a man.
But... he was forbidden to tell you himself.
And that's why he told me...
Viewers, history will never know what he did.
No one will ever learn the truth.
His story, his loyalty...
will endure only in your hearts.
Everything he did, he did for his alliance.
He sacrificed his life and his honor for his closest ally.
He was a real hero...
He was a true patriot...
says hi.
I vote to evict Borrach.

Borrach, thank you for playing EMBB9. You are now the 6th juror.
over 6 years
POV Ceremony
Jackson walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.
Jackson: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. I have nominated Zach and Morgan for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen…
Jackson: To use the Power of Veto on Morgan.

Jackson: Sometimes u have to make tough choices
This was one of those.
Jackson: As I have vetoed one of my nominations, I must name a new replacement nominee. As we are at Final 4, Borrach is the only eligible houseguest left to be re-nominated.
The final nominees are Zach and Borrach. Morgan, as you hold the sole vote to evict, you must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 2:30PM (10/14). Jackson, as HoH, you are not allowed to vote, but must send goodbye messages for both nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee.
over 6 years

Voting for Fan Favorite has now begun. Message a host on Discord to vote or pm the EMBB account on Epicmafia!


Anyone is eligible to be voted. Happy voting!

Houseguests are not allowed to campaign to anyone to vote them.
over 6 years
grats bebop!!!
over 6 years
congrats to me for trophying
over 6 years
borrach you must live to end the embb anime avi curse
over 6 years
over 6 years

1. Did Ally and Emile leave the hosting team BEFORE or AFTER Morgan was named the replacement nominee Week 3?
2. Was the Crossroads Card triggered BEFORE or AFTER the first unanimous vote of the season?
3. Was Zach dethroned as Head of Household BEFORE or AFTER Borrach and Chris had a roast battle?
4. Did YanmegaMan recreate his favorite It's always Sunny in Philadelphia quote in a fun activity video BEFORE or AFTER FireDragonPrince won their first competition?
5. Did sammy spam the House Chat with the word causing MEE6 to spam with it's commands BEFORE or AFTER YanmegaMan won his only Power of Veto?
6. Did Zaden create a Haiku about chicken nuggets BEFORE or AFTER benfox2 was evicted?
7. Was cjn104 chopped out of the HOH competition BEFORE or AFTER Uprizzle was chopped out of the HOH Competition?
8. Did Rosematter play her Flip the Board power BEFORE or AFTER Uprizzle was nominated for the second time?
9. Was the last Houseguest's Choice chip pulled BEFORE or AFTER cjn104 was evicted?
10. Was FireDragonPrince given an "HOH Basket" created by Yousef BEFORE or AFTER FireDragonPrince nominated Zacharae and YanmegaMan?
11. Did Rosematter play in her first Power of Veto competition BEFORE or AFTER Zacharae was dethroned as Head of Household?
12. Did the returning players outnumber the new players for the first time BEFORE or AFTER sammy was evicted?
13. Were GoldAce154 and ZadenTheSurfer eliminated in the Codenames Tournament HOH Competition BEFORE or AFTER benfox2 and Chanman123 were eliminated in the Codenames Tournament HOH copmetition?
14. Was the Trials in the Dead of Winter winner announced BEFORE or AFTER sammy last abstained in a competition?
15. Did Lelmoo enter the house to host results of a Power of Veto competition BEFORE or AFTER Uprizzle won his first Head of Household competition?

over 6 years
WEEK 11 Final Power of Veto Competition Results

Last Place - Borrach with 3/15
3rd Place - Zacharae with 9/15
2nd Place - Morgan with 10/15
1st Place - FFSierraDamnThomas with 11/15

Congratulations FFSIERRADAMNTHOMAS, you have won the Power of Veto!

You have until 8PM EST tomorrow (10/13) to submit whether you will save Morgan or Zacharae, as well as a speech. You will also have to provide a speech for the renomination if you decide to use the Power of Veto to save a nominee.
over 6 years
WEEK 11 Final Power of Veto Competition

This competition is called Before or After.

When you are ready to compete, you will go to your Diary Room.

The question will give you the first event and then the second event. You will have to identify if the first event occurred before or after the second event. For example:

Did the houseguests enter the house BEFORE or AFTER FireDragonPrince was evicted?
The answer would be BEFORE.

Whether or not you’re correct will not be revealed and we will continue to the next question after you answer.

You will only have 11 seconds to answer a question. If you do not answer in time, you will not receive a point.
If you typo, it will be counted, as long as the hosts know what you’re talking about. You are allowed to type "B" or "A" to signify your answer.

The houseguests with the most points in the competition will win the Power of Veto. There are 15 questions. In the event of a tie, the houseguests in the tie will have to answer a tiebreaker question
over 6 years
WEEK 11 Nomination Ceremony

FFSierraDamnThomas: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will pull the first and only key, and that person will be safe. The two houseguests that do not have a key will be the nominees for the week.

First and only key...

FFSierraDamnThomas: This means I have nominated Morgan and Zacharae for eviction this week.

FFSierraDamnThomas: borrach says hi

FFSierraDamnThomas: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years

In last place...with a time of 39:23....

That means it's down to Borrach and FFSDT.

With a difference of 31+ seconds...

FFSIERRADAMNTHOMAS wins Head of Household with 168:41 over Borrach's 137:37!

Congratulations FFSierraDamnThomas! You have won you have won Head of Household! You have until 8PM EST tomorrow (10/9) to submit your nominations, a speech, and a key order.
over 6 years
WEEK 11 Head of Household Competition

The so called biggest threat of the game has just left. Who's the biggest threat now? Is it you? Do you need a competition win in order to survive? There's not a lot you can do as the game is picking up into the endgame stages, but what you can do is win this Head of Household to secure your safety.

Zacharae, as outgoing Head of Household, you are BANNED from competing.

This competition is called Hexagon. You must navigate your way through flash colors and constantly changing hexagons to last as long as you can.

Once you're satisfied with a time, you will screenshot it with all of your screen showing, along with the time + date showing and your name in the URL bar.

The player who remains in the game the longest will win Head of Household.

You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (10/08) to send in your time (with your name in the URL bar, date+time showing and full screen.)
over 6 years
WEEK 10 Eviction Ceremony

By a vote of 2-0, FireDragonPrince, you have been evicted from the EMBB9 House. Thank you for playing. You are the fifth juror and will have a vote in who wins this game.
over 6 years
WEEK 10 Power of Veto Ceremony

FFSierraDamnThomas walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.

FFSierraDamnThomas: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. Zacharae has nominated Borrach and FireDragonPrince for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen...

FFSierraDamnThomas: To not use the Power of Veto.

FFSierraDamnThomas: im more than happy to return the favor you two have given me. gg

FFSierraDamnThomas: The veto ceremony is adjourned.

This is the first time all season the Power of Veto has not been used.

The final nominees are Borrach and FireDragonPrince. The house must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 8PM EST tomorrow (10/07). Zacharae, as HoH, you will send in a vote in the event of a tie and speech along with goodbye messages to both nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee.
over 6 years
over 6 years
The video used:
The questions:
QUESTION 1: What card did the player in the video's perspective take fourth when given the fourth hand?
QUESTION 2: What is the “only card you keep round to round”?
QUESTION 3: What is the recommended age limit?
QUESTION 4: Does everyone pass their hand of cards to the left or right?
QUESTION 5: What card did the player in the video's perspective take second when given the second hand?
QUESTION 6: What card did the player in the video's perspective take third when given the third hand?
QUESTION 7: How many points do 2 Tempura cards equal?
QUESTION 8: True or False: The player in the video's perspective only took one set of cards (2 cards) that were the same card.
QUESTION 9: What does the narrator in the video say in the blank?
"Get as many dumplings as you can! They score BLANK.”
QUESTION 10: Which card, when it comes to obtaining it, is "like a race with the other players"?
QUESTION 11: True or False: Chopsticks cards can allow you to take 3 cards from a hand at once.
QUESTION 12: What card did the player in the video's perspective first take when given the first hand?
QUESTION 13: How long does the narrator say it take to play the game?
QUESTION 14: True or False: The last card remaining for the player of all the hands given to him in the video's perspective was the Sashimi card.
QUESTION 15: How many points does a Salmon Nigiri card equal?
QUESTION 16: After how many rounds are the points added up?
QUESTION 17: True or False: The creator of Sushi Go! designed Paleontology: The Card Game.
QUESTION 18: How many points do 4 Dumpling Cards equal?
QUESTION 19: What is the range for how many players can play?
QUESTION 20: Which card will mean nothing if you only get 1 of it’s card?
QUESTION 21: How many points do 3 Dumpling Cards equal?
over 6 years
WEEK 10 Power of Veto Competition Results

In 5th place, with a score of 8/21...
The top 4 players all scored 13, 14, 15, and 16 points each.
In 4th place, with a score of 13/21...
That means it's down to Borrach, FFSierraDamnThomas, and Zacharae.
In 3rd place, with a score of 14/21...
With a score of 16/21, beating out the other player's 15/21...
Congratulations FFSIERRADAMNTHOMAS, you have won the Power of Veto!

You have until 8PM EST tomorrow (10/6) to submit whether you will save Borrach or FireDragonPrince, as well as a speech. Zacharae, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.