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EMBB9 Trophy Game

over 6 years

EMBB9: The Ultimate Board Game

Cast Reveal:






Finalist Speeches:

Morgan's Finalist Speech

Zacharae's Finalist Speech

Jury Speeches:

FFSDT's Jury Speech

Borrach's Jury Speech

FDP's Jury Speech

Uprizzle's Jury Speech

POD's Jury Speech

Cjn104's Jury Speech

Memory Wall:

over 6 years
Week 5 - Power of Veto Ceremony

Zacharae walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.

Zacharae: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. FireDragonPrince has nominated YanmegaMan and I for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen...

Zacharae: To use the Power of Veto on myself.

Zacharae: so.. [refer to picture, then gif]

jk for real i'm using veto on myself. as much as i love being a final nominee and having to campaign n such, i'll save that for next week when i get 2nd in hoh again and get nommed ): good luck renom and yan :heart: _ :heart: i love everyone in the house pls talk to me more

Zacharae: FireDragonPrince, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.

FireDragonPrince: I have chosen to renominate...

FireDragonPrince: cjn104.

FireDragonPrince: Chris I hope telling you beforehand is enough to keep what we have, I believe unless Yan crops up with a power, you should stay! I implore my fellow houseguests to keep chris but alas if this flops guess ill be the final prejuror next week!

Zacharae: This veto ceremony is adjourned.

The final nominees are cjn104 and YanmegaMan. The house must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 8:00 PM EST on September 11th. FireDragonPrince, as HoH, you must send a tiebreaker vote in the event of a tie, and you must send goodbye messages for both nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee.
over 6 years
The first person to leave the Game Room...

The second and third people to leave the Game Room (tie)...
ZadenTheSurfer and Morgan!

The fourth and fifth people to leave the Game Room(tie)...
Borrach and FireDragonPrince!
Congratulations Zacharae, you have won the Power of Veto! You have until tomorrow 9:30 AM EST to submit whether you will save YanmegaMan or yourself as well as a speech. FireDragonPrince, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
over 6 years
i) DELIVER TO CHAT. Once an hour, a player can ask, in their diary room, for a Host to deliver a message into the House Chat. This will be done anonymously. This can be used to suggest a challenge, or just to call someone out, or for any reason.
These commands are not to be abused. If a Host believes you are abusing these commands by repeatedly using them without need, you will be punished. Please note: The Hosts are going to use their best judgement to make overrules, and whether to allow rules to pass or not. We will be discussing these in the host chat room, and whatever is decided by a Host is to be respected and followed. Get creative! Good luck!
The winner must be decided by September 10th at 8 PM EST.
over 6 years
If you leave that chat room, you are eliminated from the competition. If you will be busy/can’t dedicate the time, you can simply leave the chat of your own volition. If you leave, you may not return. If you invite anyone into the game chat, you and whoever you invite will be removed immediately by a Host, so, do not invite anyone. Although we want you to be as self-policing as possible, the Hosts are prepared to receive commands to help you better run your games, or to help you create games/ideas. You are welcome to do your own versions of these, but if you prefer a third party, we are available. Several of these will use an online generator. These commands include:
a) COUNTDOWN. A Host will begin a countdown from 5 to GO.
b) RANDOM NUMBER. A Host will give you a random number. If you would like it within a specific range, state so within the command.
c) RANDOM WORD. A Host will give you a random word. If you would like it to start with a specific letter/be a specific length, state so within the command.
d) RANDOM TRIVIA QUESTION. A Host will give you a random trivia question. We have a premade pool of 25 questions. Once they are used up, this command becomes invalid.
e) FLIP A COIN. A Host will state ‘HEADS’ or ‘TAILS’ after flipping a coin.
f) JUDGE THIS. If submitted with at least two links/options, a host will get a judge from outside the game to rate any submissions from Favourite to Least Favourite.
g) ROLL TWO DICE. The Hosts will state two numbers between 1-6. The first die will be the first number shared. For example, both 1 6 and 6 1 may come up.
h) ROCK PAPER SCISSORS. Two players will state in their diary room one of Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The Host will then state the winner when both players have submitted to their diary room in the game chat.
over 6 years
For example, a rule that says ‘if Anthony doesn’t post in 5min he has to leave’ agreed to by Yousef, Matt, XFire and Nat would not count, as this is a rule that leads to his direct elimination without his consent.

However, if Anthony agreed to this for whatever reason, then did not post in the chat for 5min, it would be valid. There are many ideas that can be presented that are valid, so feel free to get creative with your suggestions. A host will state, in bold, when a rule has been enacted, thus confirming it. If we did not confirm it, it is not valid. This validation from the Hosts is only for this rule. The rest will be mainly self-policing.
If you agree to have some sort of face off against (a) player(s) with whatever sort of challenge you two agree upon/create rules for, whatever you agree is the consequence of winning/losing that challenge MUST happen. For instance, if Anthony and Matt agree to a game that XFire decides who leaves next, whoever XFire decided to leave next MUST LEAVE. If the Hosts believe something was not run fairly we will overrule, otherwise agreed to consequences in the chat are FINAL. A player who refuses to leave despite fairly losing a challenge/bet/rule they agreed to will be given a penalty and removed forcibly by a Host.

The Hosts will be looking for participation. Make conversation and suggestions for deals/challenges/whatever, and come up with/agree to rules and motions for the chat room. Going more than four hours without sufficient participation in the chatroom will result in a Warning. If you go another four hours without sufficient participation, you will be removed from the chatroom. You will only receive one WARNING, which you will likely use when you go to sleep. Make sure to be as active as possible. Being active in your Diary Room/House Chat does not count towards activity in the chatroom.
over 6 years
Week 5 - Power of Veto Competition

FireDragonPrince, YanmegaMan, Zacharae, Borrach, Morgan, and ZadenTheSurfer, are competing in the Power of Veto Competition.

This Power of Veto competition is called... Make Your Own POV!

You have all been welcome to enter the game room, and it locks behind you. You may want to escape this room, however your objective to become the PoV with this challenge is to be the last player playing the game by the time 24 hours has passed, as that will show you have the determination you need to win the PoV!
However, this challenge could go the full 24 hours or be over in just a few, because we are going to let YOU guys decide how the winner is decided.

We invite you to make deals to entice people to leave, offer up challenge ideas to your competitors, agree to duels, and make suggestions, WHATEVER you want to do. We are leaving all up to you. There are a few rules, however. The Hosts (that would be any of the five of us) will not be interacting for the most part, but will be watching.

A winner, AKA the last person in the chatroom, must be decided by September 10th at 8 PM EST, which is just over twenty four hours from now.

If there are more than two players still in the chat room by this time, there will be MAJOR consequences. Agree to challenges, make a deal, WHATEVER. ONCE AGAIN, A WINNER MUST BE DECIDED AMONGST YOURSELVES BY SEPTEMBER 10th AT 8PM EST. As long as it is not something that leads to the direct elimination of someone not present at the time/who did not agree, a rule or motion can be enacted in the chat room, if the appropriate amount of people agree to it.(edited)
If there are six players left, four must agree. If there are five players left, four must agree. If there are four players left, three must agree. If there are three players left, three must agree. If there are two players left, both must agree.
over 6 years
Week 5 - Nomination Ceremony

FireDragonPrince: I have nominated YanmegaMan and Zacharae for eviction.

FireDragonPrince: Yan, i guess its me targeting you first rather than the other way around. I do love you but alas cruel fate mustn't allow us to work together. Also 'pls' is not a valid reason to not nominate u!

FireDragonPrince: Zach, after last week I dont think we can mend our relationship fully that said you arent my target this week, I just put you up to prevent you guys from saving one another unless a power crops up! Ilu tho

FireDragonPrince: Good luck to ya both and pov players! This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years
Week 5 Head of Household Competition Results

Special Shoutout to our 4 judges for the HOH Comp: SirAmelio, Otherscott, RoronoaZ0ro, and cosmoiswatching.

rosematter, Borrach, and FFSierraDamnThomas abstained.
ZadenTheSurfer elected to assist Zacharae with his project.
We had 4 categories worth 10 points each, so the HOH was out of a possible 160 total points.
In 6th place with a total score of 30....YanmegaMan!
In 5th place with a total score of 64... Uprizzle!
In 4th place with a total score of 68... cjn104!
In 3rd place with a total score of 74...morgan!
Winning HOH with a score of 108 over 98...

Congratulations, FireDragonPrince, you are the new Head of Household! You have until 9PM EST to submit two nominations, a key order, and a speech.
over 6 years
Week 4 Joker's Ratings

1. sammy (-)
2. YanmegaMan (+2)
3. Zacharae (-)
4. powerofdeath (+6)
5. Borrach (+3)
6. Chanman123 (+6)
7. FireDragonPrince (-)
8. cjn104 (-3)
9. Uprizzle (-3)
10. Morgan (-1)
11. FFSierraDamnThomas (-)
12. ZadenTheSurfer (-10)
13. rosematter (-)
14. GoldAce154 (-)
15. benfox2 (-)
16. jgriffy (-)
over 6 years
Week 4 Eviction

With 0 Votes to save, Sammy has been evicted from the EMBB9 House.
With 4/9 Votes to save, Chanman123 has been evicted from the EMBB9 House.

Week 5 Head of Household Competition

It’s time for your next Head of Household competition. In this competition, you will be designing your own tabletop game. You have creative license here, it can be a board game, a card game, a campaign game, anything you’d like. You will have 24 hours to complete your game, and at the end of that time you will be judged by our panel of board gaming pros. They will evaluate your game based on originality, aesthetics, playability and enjoyment factor.

Here’s the catch. Should you decide to, you may not make a game but may instead opt to help another player to create their board game. If you do this, you forfeit your chance of becoming HoH. You do not gain safety by doing this either, for should the person you choose to assist decide to nominate you they would be within their rights, so choose wisely.

Submissions are due at 8pm EST tomorrow (Saturday 8th September).
over 6 years
YanmegaMan: powerofdeath, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.
powerofdeath: I have chosen to renominate…
powerofdeath: Zacharae.
powerofdeath: Being HoH this week is very stressful and I have no idea how the vote would turn out.

Zach ur great and i’m sorry for this! I know you probably are gonna hate me for it but I honestly couldn’t decide what else to do.

You have a lot of connections in the house and I’m sure you are able to use those connections to keep yourself in this game over Sammy. Im really sorry!
YanmegaMan: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
The final nominees are Chanman123, sammy and Zacharae. The house must vote to SAVE one of them as well as submit goodbye messages for all of them by 8 PM EST tomorrow. powerofdeath, as HoH, you are not allowed to vote, but must send goodbye messages for all nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominees.
over 6 years
Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony

YanmegaMan walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.

YanmegaMan: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. powerofdeath has nominated me, Chanman123, and sammy for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen…

YanmegaMan: To use the Power of Veto on myself.

YanmegaMan: Pod, I don't really know what your plan was, but you told me to my face you were targeting me this week. You said you didn't want to just be a wuss and try to backdoor me, even though you were a wuss by not telling me I was being nominated when you said you would. After you claimed that a 'majority' wanted you to put up Mitch as a pawn, you didn't deny it, and instead contradicted yourself by saying you wanted to make the majority uncomfortable (even though you supposedly did what they asked by putting up Mitch?).

Story time! You'll recall this one, Pod. Season 2 of PODORG, you and I are hosts and Sammy is a major player. A few people in one alliance of about 3-4 people thought he was apart of a majority alliance that he was the figurehead of, when in reality he had only a couple close allies and everyone else in the game was playing the middle, saving Sammy because they recognized it to be beneficial to them to keep him even though they could've gone either way. Is this starting to sound familiar?
You know that as a player in this game, you're a complete mess, and you admitted to me that you were just that. I'm very sorry to both Mitch and Sammy for having this double eviction happen, because I don't think either of you really deserve this right now and are the byproduct of the decision made by a coward, and at minimum at least one of you two (maybe both depending on the renom) will be evicted tomorrow, which is really unfortunate. Best of luck.
over 6 years
Week 4 - Power of Veto Competition Results
In 6th place receiving a strike...
In 5th place abstaining...
In 4th place with a total of $24.07...
In 3rd place with a total of $17.12...
This means it is between FFSierraDamnThomas and YanmegaMan.
Winning the POV with a total of $4.16 against $14.29...
Congratulations, YanmegaMan, you have won the Power of Veto! You have until 8 PM EST tomorrow to submit whether you will save yourself, sammy or Chanman123 as well as a speech. powerofdeath, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
over 6 years
Week 4 - Power of Veto Competition

With the Crossroads Card in effect, the battle to win the power of veto is more important than ever. By the end of the week, two of you will have lost the battle for survival and will leave the Big Brother House. But fret not, there is still hope! Rumor has it, that outside of the Big Brother House, there are still places where you can gather everything you need to survive in the game.

When you're ready, you'll go to your Diary Room and ask to venture outside of the house. You will then be given a list of items that can help you survive in the game.. Your task will be to find the lowest price for each of the items on the shopping list.


- You can use any shopping link, but it must be in USD currency.
- When you submit, send a product link for every item on the shopping link as well as the monetary value.
- If you submit an invalid link or an incorrect price, your submission will be deemed invalid and you will be ineligible to win the Power of Veto.
- You must submit the entire list in one message and once it is sent, it is your final submission. You may not change your submission or update once it is sent in.

The houseguest who spends the least amount of money total on the shopping list will win the Power of Veto.

If there is a tie in the totals, the houseguest with who sent their submission in the fastest will win.

Once you have completed this challenge, you may not discuss it. You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (Wednesday) to compete.
over 6 years
Sammy, I just want to say that communication is a 2-way street, and I understand that I am mostly to be at blame for not approaching you earlier to fix our relationship, but we just simply never spoke until I just won the HoH. It make me think that you just simply don't want to bother putting in effort with me, and that's fine, I didn't bother doing it either. We both honestly cant expect each others to not nominate the others in an event one of us win HoH if we both aren't willing to put in an effort. It's just the way it is. I think you're a swell guy, and I'm sorry we didn't hit it off at all this game. I know that you told couple of people that you think you and Yan are being nommed together, which kinda confirm my speculation that you two are in fact close in this game, and your relationship with him is primary the reason why I'm putting you up in the first place.
Mitch - Whew, well I understand that you're honestly a busy guy, but this is a game, and I don't know where your head is at either since I don't think you are being active enough in this game, and our conversation were either really short, not game related, or there were super long pause between each responses. I'm really sorry for this, and I honestly spent all day trying to figuring out who would be a good third nominee, and I kept going back and forth, but in the end, I'm just trying to please the majority here since I'm getting a lot of blood for putting up 3 and potentially 4 or more nominees this week. Putting up people sucks, I was going to approach you guys about it but you guys can thanks Sammy for blowing up in the house chat because it prevented me from speaking to you before I sent the nominations. If you want to talk, I'll try my best to talk it out, but I probably won't reply if I think youre going to be rude and salty about this. Best of luck in the veto and the voting, you all will need it!
powerofdeath: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years
Nomination Ceremony
powerofdeath: This means I have nominated Sammy, chanman123, and YanmegaMan for eviction.
powerofdeath: First of all, I just wanted to say, it's extremely difficult to make 3 nominations because I know no matter what, someone is gonna be upset, someone is going to be pissed off, maybe a mixture of both. I've been struggling all day trying to figure out the nominations and it honestly sucks. I lack the charismatic skill that make people feel little bit at ease instead of being really upset/bitter with me, and I apologize for that. Moving on to my nominations, I have decided to nominate you Jake, Sammy, and Mitch. Jake, a couple of people were telling me that they felt like you were leaking everything people were saying straight to Sammy during Sammy/Benfox vote to help Sammy campaign to stay, and I honestly felt really sketched by it. Nobody in this game enjoy playing with a leaker. If this was not the case, then I really don't know where your head is at because you haven't really given me a compelling reason to not nominate you beside "pls" and if you think youre going to meme your way to the end telling people "pls" as a reasoning to not nominate you, then you really need to reconsider your game if you want to make it further. I also know how good you are at comps, and I'm giving you an opportunity to fight it out in the veto to save yourself instead of being a wuss and backdoor you. Best of luck!
over 6 years

In Last place abstaining…

In 11th place with a time of 52:48…

In 10th place with a time of 39:52…

In 9th place with a time of 36:04…

In 8th place with a time of 35:23…

In 7th place with a time of 29:10…

In 6th place with a time of 26:19…

In 5th place with a time of 24:46…

In 4th place with a time of 19:59…

In 3rd place with a time of 17:45…

It comes down to powerofdeath and Zacharae…

Winning HOH with a time of 13:43 over 14:32….

Congratulations, powerofdeath, you are the new Head of Household! You have until 9:30PM EST to submit THREE nominations, a key order, and a speech.
over 6 years
may he rest in hell like the other gays
over 6 years
rip sammy
over 6 years

Welcome to your next Head of Household competition!

With the threat of a Double Eviction looming, the power of the Head of Household title is more important than ever. Will you or your allies be lost in the crossfire of these dangerous crossroads? This is your opportunity to win and demolish the threats to your game. Will you take it and succeed? Time will only tell.

Uprizzle, as outgoing HOH, you are BANNED from competing.

This competition is called Trials in the Dead of Winter. When you are ready, you will go to your Diary Room and ask to compete. We will then give you a puzzle you will have to complete before moving onto the next trial. You MUST include your name in the URL bar and show the date in the screenshot.

The next trial will be a flash game we will not announce. More information on that when you are ready to compete in your Diary Room. As always when submitting screenshots, have your name be shown in the URL bar and have the date showing somewhere.

The final trial will be Comboplatter. There will be Zombie Hands, Green Zombies, Blue Zombies, Zombie Scratches, Skulls, and Roblox Zombies all on a picture. You will have to identify how many of each item are on the picture.

Zombie Hands
Green Zombies
Blue Zombies
Zombie Scratches
Roblox Zombies

For example, there are 1 circle, 3 triangles, and 1 plus sign in this picture.

Once you have completed all the trials, we will accumulate the time it took for you to complete all of them. The houseguest who completed all the trials in the fastest time will win the Head of Household competition.

You have until 9 PM EST tomorrow (Monday) to complete this Head of Household Competition in your Diary Room.
over 6 years

By a vote of 11-0, GoldAce154, you have been evicted from the EMBB9 House.
over 6 years
Uprizzle: Morgan.
Uprizzle: Morgan, you’re a pawn just like Jake was. Everyone, vote out Gavin. He blatantly isn’t playing this game and is making things unpleasant for all of us. This week should be simple.

Zacharae: This veto ceremony is adjou-

Before this Veto Ceremony is adjourned, we have an announcement.

Earlier this week a Crossroads Card was found. The card indicates that the game is at a crossroads, and that the game itself will change according to the crossroad triggers.

This crossroad states that if the Power of Veto is used, it will trigger a Double Elimination for the week following the current one. Zacharae, as you have used the Power of Veto, the Crossroads has been triggered and we will be facing a Double Elimination next week EMBB1 style. The Head of Household will have to name three nominees and the houseguests will vote to save one of the three nominees. The two houseguests with the least amount of votes to save will be evicted.

Zacharae: This Power of Veto ceremony is now adjourned.

The final nominees are GoldAce154 and Morgan. The house must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (Sunday). Uprizzle, as HoH, you are not allowed to vote, but must send goodbye messages for both nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee.
over 6 years
Week 3 - Power of Veto Ceremony
Zacharae walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.

Zacharae: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. Uprizzle has nominated GoldAce154 and YanmegaMan for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen

Zacharae: To use the Power of Veto on YanmegaMan.

Zacharae: Jake, I reviewed your pitch to get vetoed (“pls”) and it was quite enough to keep you off this time, as being seated next to Gavin, you might’ve not been okay. Good luck in HOH dude.
,,, ok for real like i just thought that was funny ^ im so hilarious hahaha. Yanmega stroked my ego and called me his fav abomination and idk veto has been used every week, gotta keep followin the # trend and likeee im crazy SMDGKLDSM but yah yan has been nice 2 me and all that!! LOL anyway thanks 4 listening sorry big z u can take away ‘lil z’ from me im so gay

Zacharae: Uprizzle, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.

Uprizzle: I have chosen to renominate
over 6 years
Week 3 - Power of Veto Competition Results

GoldAce154 - 1
Uprizzle - 2
Chanman123 - 4
Sammy - 7
YanmegaMan - 8
Zacharae - 10

Congratulations, Zacharae, with a score of 10/30 you have won the Power of Veto! You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (September 1st) to submit whether you will save GoldAce154 or YanmegaMan as well as a speech. Uprizzle, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
over 6 years
Week 3 - Power of Veto Competition
It's time to pick players for the Veto competition!

Uprizzle puts his hand in the bag and picks... Chanman123!

GoldAce154 puts his hand in the bag and picks... sammy!

YanmegaMan puts his hand in the bag and picks... Zacharae!

In this game, knowledge is power and that is evident more now than ever. As you glance around at your fellow houseguests, you cannot help but question the knowledge that they possess, and the position it leaves you in. It is up to you to consider how best to gain that knowledge and therefore that power, and to address whether your current game awareness is sufficient.

It's time to reveal the Power of Veto competition!
Earlier today and last night we sent some EMBB links in the Announcement Chat. Hopefully you put those to good use and studied because this competition is EMBB Trivia.

When you are ready, you will go to your Diary Room to test your EMBB knowledge. We will give you the first question, and you will only have 5 seconds to answer it (along with the other questions) unless it is specified you have a different amount of time to answer the question.

The player with the most correct answers will win the Power of Veto. You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (Friday) to complete this Power of Veto competition. Please notify the hosts when you think you’ll be able to play so we can try to schedule a time for you.