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EMBB9 Trophy Game

over 6 years

EMBB9: The Ultimate Board Game

Cast Reveal:






Finalist Speeches:

Morgan's Finalist Speech

Zacharae's Finalist Speech

Jury Speeches:

FFSDT's Jury Speech

Borrach's Jury Speech

FDP's Jury Speech

Uprizzle's Jury Speech

POD's Jury Speech

Cjn104's Jury Speech

Memory Wall:

over 6 years
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Power of Veto Competition Results

6th - Morgan, Abstain
Tied for 5th - FireDragonPrince and Uprizzle, 2/23
3rd - cjn104, 5/23
2nd - Rosematter, 10/23
1st - FFSierraDamnThomas, 23/23(edited)
Which means with a PERFECT SCORE OF 23/23, FFSierraDamnThomas wins the Power of Veto!

You have until 8 PM EST tomorrow (9/20) to submit whether you will save yourself or Uprizzle as well as a speech. Morgan, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Power of Veto Competition
Players: Morgan, FFSierraDamnThomas, Uprizzle, Rosematter, cjn104, and FireDragonPrince.

Another week, another Power of Veto competition. This competition will flashback to EMBB’s past as it was just used last season. The winner of this competition last season threw it and still won. Will one of you suffer the same fate, or in contrast, be blessed with that fate? Or, will you just lose without a chance at saving one of the nominees on the block? Analysis will be key.

Welcome to your next Power of Veto competition!

Today you will be playing Music Video Identification! In this competition, you will attempt to put in order a series of screenshots from a music video. This music video will be....

Radiohead’s House of Cards!

You will complete this competition in your DR. When you request to begin, you will be given an imgur album with screenshots from this video, each one assigned to a letter of the alphabet. When submitting, you will give us the order you believe the screenshots appear in the video clip like so: XYZABC. You will only be able to submit ONCE, and you will not be permitted to change your submission once sent to your Diary Room. Please take note that when you’ll get your list of images, the corresponding letter is below the image, not above it.

The houseguest that gets the most correct will win the Power of Veto and have the opportunity to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block. In the event of a tie, the time of your submission will be used as a tiebreaker.

You must finish this challenge prior to 8 PM EST Wednesday September 19th.
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Power of Veto Picks
It's time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition!
Morgan, as Head of Household, and FFSierraDamnThomas and Uprizzle, as the nominees, will all each pick a chip out of a bag to determine the other three players playing in this Power of Veto competition.

Morgan, as Head of Household, will pick first.

Morgan picks..
Houseguest’s Choice!
Morgan: I pick... Rosematter!

FFSierraDamnThomas picks..

Uprizzle picks..
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Nomination Ceremony
Morgan: I have nominated FFSierraDamnThomas and Uprizzle for eviction.
Morgan: FFSDT, I'm sorry dude but we really haven't spoken much this game and I don't see you around a whole lot, at least compared to the other houseguests. It's nothing personal and you haven't done anything to cross me this game it's just a hard week for nominations we're really getting down to it now.
Morgan: Uprizzle, Again, you're one of the people I've spoken to less than others in this game. From what I have seen you're a good guy but I haven't seen much. I hope you don't take this nomination the wrong way as I don't want you to go home, if anything we're even now since you nominated me in Week 3 and we learned in the HoH comp that we love being even with each other.
Morgan: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years

over 6 years
WEEK 7 Head of Household Competition Results

The last remaining houseguest in the Head of Household competition is... Morgan! You have until 8PM EST tomorrow (9/18) to submit two nominations, a key order, and a speech.
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Announcement
Congratulations. You've all made the jury phase of this game! If you don't make it to the final 2, you will cast a vote for someone to win EMBB9. Good job for getting here and hopefully you'll use this to light a fire under your a*s and keep trying for that W.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Joker's Ratings

1. Zacharae (+1)
2. powerofdeath (+5)
3. FireDragonPrince (+1)
4. Borrach (+1)
5. cjn104 (-2)
6. Morgan (+2)
7. Uprizzle (-1)
8. Rosematter (+2)
9. FFSierraDamnThomas (-)
10. ZadenTheSurfer (+1)
11. YanmegaMan (-10)
12. Chanman123 (-)
13. sammy (-)
14. GoldAce154 (-)
15. benfox2 (-)
16. jgriffy (-)
over 6 years
WEEK 7 Head of Household Competition

The clock is ticking and waiting for you to take the win. Will you put in the effort to win this competition or is it not in the cards for you to get blood on your hands? Regardless of what you perceive, you'll only have a limited amount of lives this competition and loyalties will be tested.

Welcome to your next Head of Household competition!

Zacharae and powerofdeath, as outgoing Head of Households, you are BANNED from competing.

This competition is called "24 Hour Task Chop." Each of you have 5 lives. For the next 24 hours, tasks will be sent to the 24 Hour Task Chop chat periodically.

The player to complete the task will get to chop one of their fellow houseguest's lives. The houseguest last standing will win the Head of Household competition.

For example, if I sent a task that asked to complete the math problem 1+1, the first player to answer with 2 would complete the task and earn the ability to chop one of their fellow houseguest's lives.

If no one completes a task for 10 minutes, the task will be considered void and we will continue. You are allowed to attempt a task multiple times, unless it is specified you cannot.

This competition will start at 9:00 PM EST today and end at 9:00 PM EST tomorrow (9/17). Good luck houseguests!
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Eviction

By a vote of 6-0, ZadenTheSurfer, you have been evicted from the EMBB9 House. If you have goodbyes, send them to your Diary Room and we will release them in the House Chat. Thank you for playing.
over 6 years
powerofdeath stands.

This week powerofdeath used his Dessert power. This power allowed powerofdeath to give the Head of Household a plate of tasty, homemade desserts. In the event Zacharae nominated him, powerofdeath would become the Head of Household, and could name the nominee to replace him on the block. This means powerofdeath is not nominated, and must name a replacement nominee. Zacharae, as the original dethroned Head of Household, FireDragonPrince, immune because of his Get out of Jail Free Card, Borrach, as a nominee, and Morgan, as the Power of Veto holder are all ineligible.

powerofdeath: Wow what a shocker! You tried to nominate me... : ( Sorry for not discussing this with anybody because I have absolutely no idea if Zach was nomming me now, backdooring me, or even at all.

powerofdeath: I have decided to renominate...
powerofdeath: ZadenTheSurfer.

powerofdeath: I decided to nominate Zaden because I feel like youre making multiple alliances around the house, and it was literally yesterday when you made another one with the hoh... yes it got leaked by few members and it shows that people clearly dont trust you. I really dont feel comfortable with you doing this kind of sh*t, youre just trying to play all sides of the house, sorry : (
Morgan: This power of veto ceremony is adjourned.

The final nominees are Borrach and ZadenTheSurfer. The house must vote to evict between them as well as submit goodbye messages for both by 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (9/16). powerofdeath, you must send in a tiebreaker vote in the event of a tie along with a speech, and goodbye messages to both nominees. Nominees must send a goodbye message for the other nominee. Zacharae, as dethroned Head of Household, you are not allowed to vote.

Zacharae and powerofdeath, as outgoing Head of Households, you may not compete in the next The next HOH competition is endurance and will last 24 hours. Good luck.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Power of Veto Ceremony

Morgan walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.
Morgan: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. Zacharae has nomianted Borrach and I for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen...
Morgan: To use the Power of Veto on myself.

Morgan: it kinda sucks that i was nommed but there's slim pickings for zach in his situation. either way, i'm sorry borrach to leave u in this spot but anyone would have done the same i wish u the best in the vote to come. i don't think i need to say much else about this decision we all saw it coming.
Morgan: Zacharae, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.

Zacharae: I have chosen to renominate...
Zacharae: powerofdeath.

Zacharae: i am v sorry abt this but u backdoored me and i think u may have a power so x i wanna experiment bc im curious :kissing_closed_eyes: sorry for breakin ur pinkie. if i somehow go home this week it'd be so ducking funny and iconic so!, i did not necessarily intend to do this when i initially won HOH but like... i am now rip so sorry was misted by god. if we both stay this week, we're even x btw i enjoyed the treats they were very delicious

Morgan: This power of veto ceremony is adjour-
over 6 years
When asking questions, there is a 50 character limit. That means your questions cannot go over 50 characters.
Misspelled words, incorrect grammar and abbreviations are not allowed in your questions. That means if your question has a typo, abbreviations, or incorrect grammar, it will not count.

WEEK 6 Power of Veto Competition Results

In 6th place with 9 guesses...

In 5th place with 8 guesses...
Zacharae, cjn104, Uprizzle, and FFSierraDamnThomas!

Which means with 7 guesses, congratulations Morgan you have won the Power of Veto!

You have until 8 PM EST tomorrow (9/15) to submit whether you will save yourself or Borrach as well as a speech. Zacharae, as HoH, you must submit a renomination and a speech in case the Veto is used.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Power of Veto Competition
Zacharae, as HoH, and Borrach and Morgan, as the two nominees, you are competing in the Power of Veto competition along with cjn104, Uprizzle, and FFSierraDamnThomas.

Another week, another HOH competition, another nomination ceremony, another POV competition, another POV ceremony, another eviction ceremony. You've followed a repetitive series of events for weeks now - whether or not you fall off the handle due to exhaustion is up to you. Vague plans will provoke vague results. Will you control your own fate or have it be dwindled by other means?

This Power of Veto competition is called 20 Questions. When you are ready to compete, you will go to your Diary Room and ask to play.

Each of the Power of Veto players have a unique EMBB player assigned to you. You have to ask yes or no questions to figure out who it is. The player who correctly guesses the EMBB player with the fewest questions will win the Power of Veto!

In the event of a tie, the player who correctly guesses the EMBB player in the least amount of time will win.
You can use the EMBB wikia as a reference to ask questions that can narrow down your pick.

When asking questions, label each question so we can keep track, like:
QUESTION 1: Is Beastman2764 awesome?

If you decide to guess a houseguest, it counts as a question. All EMBB players are eligible to be a possible option.

You have until 8:00 PM EST tomorrow (9/14) to go to your Diary Room and compete.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Power of Veto Picks
It's time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition!
Zacharae, as Head of Household, and Borrach and Morgan, as the nominees, will each pick a chip out of a bag to determine the other three Power of Veto players.

Zacharae reaches into the bag and picks...
Houseguest's Choice!
Zacharae: I pick... cjn104!

Borrach reaches into the bag and picks...

Morgan reaches into the bag and picks...
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Nomination Ceremony

Zacharae: This means I have nominated Borrach and Morgan for eviction.

Zacharae: ok so to put it short, i hate straight men. especially weebs. and, nothing can keep you from reaching your goals… except you(r)se(l)f.

Zacharae: also, to my beautiful girl hals:
if i showed up with a plane ticket,
and a shiny diamond ring w ur name on it,
would u wanna run away too,, cause all i really want is you..

Zacharae: for real, i’ve talked to you both, you know the down low. this is nothing personal, you’re both great people, but unfortunately this week my options are very limited and this is what I feel is safest.

Zacharae: i love yawls but i wish neither of you any luck in veto because i want to win. goodbye sorry 4 this feel free to fight me, i just wanted attention and im chaotic and gay x


Zacharae: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Announcement

FireDragonPrince stands.

''Sorry lads, I'm meant for 7th and I cannot afford to be the (possible) last pre-juror! Also Borrach says hi''

FireDragonPrince has used his Get Out of Jail Free card. He is using this card to grant himself immunity from being nominated this week. Zacharae may not nominate him for eviction.
over 6 years
WEEK 6 Head of Household Competition Results

powerofdeath and ZadenTheSurfer abstained. They are the first two houseguests eliminated from Round 1.
The third houseguest not progressing to Round 2 is Uprizzle in Kanye Zone.

The two houseguests not progressing to Round 3 are FFSierraDamnThomas and Morgan in One More Line.

The two houseguests not progressing to the final round are cjn104 and Rosematter in Maverick Bird.

The final two standing are Borrach and Zacharae.
Winning the final round with a Robot Unicorn Attack Score of 111,348 over 69,112 is.....
Zacharae! Congratulations, Zacharae, you are the new Head of Household! You have until 8PM EST tomorrow (9/13) to submit two nominations, a key order, and a speech.
over 6 years
Yan... ;.;
over 6 years
over 6 years
Week 5 Joker's Ratings

1. YanmegaMan (+1)
2. Zacharae (+1)
3. cjn104 (+5)
4. FireDragonPrince (+3)
5. Borrach (-)
6. Uprizzle (+3)
7. powerofdeath (-3)
8. Morgan (+2)
9. FFSierraDamnThomas (+2)
10. rosematter (+3)
11. ZadenTheSurfer (+1)
12. Chanman123 (-6)
13. sammy (-12)
14. GoldAce154 (-)
15. benfox2 (-)
16. jgriffy (-)
over 6 years
Game Three: Maverick Bird

The two houseguests with the highest scores in Maverick Bird will progress to the final round.

Final Game: Robot Unicorn Attack

The player with the highest score in Robot Unicorn Attack will be crowned Head of Household!

When submitting your scores, always make sure to include your discord and the date and time in the screenshot like this:

You may submit all of your scores in your DR simultaneously, or one at a time as you complete them. Please note that we will only accept one score per flash game. Please also note that we will be looking at your CURRENT score, not your HIGH SCORE.

You have until 9:00 PM EST tomorrow (9/12) to send in your scores.
over 6 years
credit to TheStyleAisle for the POV comp!

WEEK 5 Eviction

By a vote of 8-0, YanmegaMan, you have been evicted from the EMBB9 House.

WEEK 6 Head of Household Competition

As the house comes from a unanimous vote right after a split vote, you all settle down... but there is no time for that as the Head of Household competition is now. This battle for power may or may not end your game. Will you let the power fall in the wrong hands or will you defy all odds and take the power for yourself? Only time will tell...

FireDragonPrince, as outgoing HOH, you are BANNED from competing.

It’s time for your next Head of Household Competition! Today you will be playing Blinded Games! In this challenge, you will be given four flash games. You will have the next 24 hours to play each of these games and send us your best score.

Game One: Kanye Zone

The six houseguests with the highest scores in Kanye Zone will progress to the second round.

Game Two: One More Line

The four houseguests with the highest scores in One More Line will progress to the third round.
over 6 years
That honestly might have been the coolest PoV comp idea I've ever seen