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Mod abuse IS real

about 6 years

Never forget, brothers & sisters of EM - we play on an unstable child's personal echo chamber. Please spread this message and ignore any moderator decisions until charley has been overthrown and her sycophants removed from power.

I'm encouraging everyone to play the game how it's meant to be played; push the meta forward, never follow a strategy just because it's enforced, and above all don't make gameplay choices because of how you feel about someone personally. If you get a violation or a ban from our corrupt mod team (and I can't stress enough the word "team" there), ask me how to download & install Tor. It's actually really easy these days, it's not super clunky like how it used to be.

When I'm actually unbanned I'm not going to play any games on this account (the less ammo they have the better), I'm just going to use it for my Carmen For Moderator campaign. Soon we can actually end this, the TRUE reason Epicmafia is dying. It's not Lucid or even the coding problems, it's the selfish, arrogant clique who hate their own community, and are saddled with running it.

deletedabout 6 years

Carmen says

Jesus Christ, I hate you so much - you have the most despicable and irritating "personality" I've probably ever encountered

Carmen says

I never insulted your personality

about 6 years
you see by forgoing scumreading we greatly reduce the chance of being salty about anything except lucid's spagetty code
about 6 years
about 6 years

Shwartz99 says

bring back jamal not plissken

who tf are these randos you guys keep jacking off over
about 6 years
bring back the good drama
about 6 years

SirAmelio says

carmen is the worst troll we've ever had bring back jamal and plissken

I don't troll. You can say a lot about me, but I'm honest to a fault.

I'm here because I'm banned lol, unban me and you won't see me here anymore
about 6 years
bring back jamal not plissken
about 6 years
carmen is the worst troll we've ever had bring back jamal and plissken
about 6 years
you're right this is the site's trash can but guess what making a serious thread in here means you are
about 6 years
then leave and let us alone
about 6 years
The santa/enforcer setup is really good if you give it a chance

"we don't scumread here"

and this is why I laugh at anyone with "sandbox pride" or whatever, make no mistake this lobby is the site's trash can
about 6 years
this is the worst thread in existence
about 6 years
hey bebop can i make a 32k setup to get carmen out of this lobby thanks
about 6 years
carmen you are REALLY crossing the line with these rando main setups :/
about 6 years

jingahegami says

are these people considered as part of sandbox

Yup! Are you?
about 6 years

Bebop says

bring back jamal honestly

Am I supposed to know who this is?

blacksnakemoan says

Bebop says

Article 2: Right to life
Article 3: Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
Article 4: Freedom from slavery and forced labour
Article 5: Right to liberty and security
Article 6: Right to a fair trial
Article 7: No punishment without law
Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
Article 9: Freedom of thought, belief and religion
Article 10: Freedom of expression
Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association
Article 12: Right to marry and start a family
Article 13: Right to play in Epicmafia's Main Lobby
Article 14: Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
Protocol 1, Article 1: Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
Protocol 1, Article 2: Right to education
Protocol 1, Article 3: Right to participate in free elections
Protocol 13, Article 1: Abolition of the death penalty

amateurs didn't notice that you deleted article 1: right to immunity from EM persecution

Good one? Like I said, I never said you treated me as subhuman because you banned me, Ally did it when she said I was inbred and deserve less because of that.
about 6 years

Ally says

Carmen says

I hope you realize people are only nice to you and queen charley because they're afraid of you using your mod powers against them lmao.

Carmen says

Friends are friends with you because they like you, not because they're scared of you abusing them.

Carmen says

Charley is literally a spastic monkey and all Ally does is mirror her.

Carmen says

There's no misunderstanding; she's a maniac.

Carmen says

ally does this charade a lot, it's so messed up that she acts a certain way just to get people on her side, then turns around and is a monster when it comes to actual mod decisions that matter

Carmen says

LOL, I'm shi­tting on a landfill, how much worse can you really make it?

Carmen says

Ally says

if you can be nice to someone when they call you a literal monster, a liar, a hypocrite, evil, and an abuser (all of which i was called prior to what you're quoting of mine, and before i insulted her in any capacity) then cool you're nicer than i am but i'm not going to be insulted repeatedly and not insult someone back

But you ARE all of those things. Maybe when you're tired of people calling you a bad person, the solution isn't to rapidfire insults, but...not be a bad person?

Carmen says

Ally's little "oh poor innocent me" act when she's an actively malicious, vile bully is so annoying.

Carmen says

Jesus Christ, I hate you so much - you have the most despicable and irritating "personality" I've probably ever encountered.

idk carmen when will they end

How are those personal attacks? I never said your relatives are inbreds, I never dragged your family into the discussion. I just called you out for being EVIL, I never insulted your personality - I criticized your morality.
deletedabout 6 years
What did I just read..
about 6 years
Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure HOPE it does.
about 6 years

Bebop says

Article 2: Right to life
Article 3: Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
Article 4: Freedom from slavery and forced labour
Article 5: Right to liberty and security
Article 6: Right to a fair trial
Article 7: No punishment without law
Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
Article 9: Freedom of thought, belief and religion
Article 10: Freedom of expression
Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association
Article 12: Right to marry and start a family
Article 13: Right to play in Epicmafia's Main Lobby
Article 14: Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
Protocol 1, Article 1: Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
Protocol 1, Article 2: Right to education
Protocol 1, Article 3: Right to participate in free elections
Protocol 13, Article 1: Abolition of the death penalty

amateurs didn't notice that you deleted article 1: right to immunity from EM persecution
deletedabout 6 years

Schikgil says

I don't want to eat no beast men

dude you said that you wanted a waffle!!!!

thanks for making me laugh at least :)
about 6 years
I don't want to eat no beast men
deletedabout 6 years

Schikgil says

Beastman is terrible

i will cook you one, if you promise to pet me and feed me plenty of mice
about 6 years
bring back jamal honestly
about 6 years
Beastman is terrible