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Congregants of the Church

almost 8 years

What We Are

The Holy Church of Jamal is the most positive and uplifting community on EpicMafia. Each member supports and respects each other both on and off of the website. As we look to eradicate the toxicity that manifests itself on this site in order to spread our positivity and promote tolerance for those who need it the most. We do not tolerate bullying nor harassment and seek justice against those who harm others. This is far more than just a faith -- it is a way of life.

The Holy Church of Jamal is a sanctuary for all and a community for all.

We value tolerance, respect, positivity, and community above all else.

Recently, EpicMafia and the Sandbox lobby have been plagued with inactivity in addition to the toxicity that we have struggled with for years. The Holy Church of Jamal is a league of champions, we are the saviours and we will save this lobby and this site from decaying any further -- we will inject new life into this website.

Join me on a path to enlightenment.

How to Join

All users are welcome in the Holy Church of Jamal. You have a few options to earn your membership to the Church:

1- Join the Church itself:

◘ You may privately message me or post on this thread if there is a slot available for another member of the Church and wish to join. Ensure that you have a score of 1000+ located on your profile.

2 - Join one of the Church's colonies

◘ The colonies of the Church are listed in the description of the Church. You may click the link above and privately message the owners of the colonies if you wish to join them. Ensure that you have a score of 1000+ located on your profile.

3 - Have your family become a colony of the Church

◘ Have the owner of your family put in the family's description that the family is a colony of the Holy Church of Jamal

4 - State on your profile that you are a member of the Holy Church of Jamal

◘ Post on this thread once you have stated on your profile that you are a member of the Church and you will be added to the list of congregants

5 - Declare your membership here

◘ You may declare yourself a member of the Church by requesting membership on this thread.

6 - Privately message JamalMarley

◘ If you are unable to post here due to a lack of karma or a forum ban and still wish to join the Church, you may privately message JamalMarley with a request to join and share why you are a fit for the Church.

Members of the Holy Church of Jamal and her Colonies

  1. JamalMarley (Holy Church of Jamal)
  2. Coconutnut (Holy Church of Jamal)
  3. Notary (Holy Church of Jamal)
  4. iminthetoilet (Holy Church of Jamal)
  5. Constantinople (Holy Church of Jamal)
  6. TheWitch (Holy Church of Jamal)
  7. RaMpUrl (Holy Church of Jamal)
  8. LordFuuba (Holy Church of Jamal)
  9. lions (Holy Church of Jamal)
  10. RadDudesman (Holy Church of Jamal)
  11. bite (Holy Church of Jamal)
  12. nomchu (The Irrelevants colony)
  13. Roddiix (The Irrelevants colony)
  14. HolidayBlues (The Irrelevants colony)
  15. Golbolco (Golbamaniacs colony)
  16. potatoz (Golbamaniacs colony)
  17. BigBulldog (Golbamaniacs colony)
  18. Jimbei (Golbamaniacs colony)
  19. fishswim
  20. spacechupi
  21. Ally
  22. Brianmertz
  23. UmaKompton
  24. Andry
  25. Volta
  26. YellowPear
  27. Hela
  28. HectorTheBandit
  29. Zoella
  30. VWXYZ
  31. yela
  32. LazyYami
  33. meg
  34. Megami
  36. hannah393939
  37. jingahegami
  38. calciumkid
  39. Shwartz99
  40. Ace (Clovers colony)
  41. i
  42. eris
  43. Jenny
  44. Gorness (Holy Church of Jamal)
  45. matt
  46. WilliamPhips
  47. lildickygirl666
  48. MrsClaus
  49. BenKenobi
  50. ReadyForBready
  51. ICouldBeYourBrother
  52. ICouldBeYourDad
  53. ICouldbeYourMum
  54. ICouldBeYourSister
  55. ICouldbeYourSon
  56. ICouldBeYourDaughter
  57. JM123
  58. BadUmpire (Holy Church of Jamal)
  59. Altair (Clovers colony)
  60. Bannanaxd (Clovers colony)
  61. Taki (Clovers colony)
  62. imsohappy (Clovers colony)
  63. Kyanite (Clovers colony)
  64. numberwang (Clovers colony)
  65. Kermit (Clovers colony)
  66. OverTheTop (Clovers colony)
  67. Tashie (Clovers colony)
  68. Ashe (Clovers colony)
  69. jaesti (Clovers colony)
  70. zzippy (Clovers colony)
  71. Gutfish (Clovers colony)
  72. SandboxIsDeadbox
  73. SpookyNoodle
  74. banime
What would you describe this as?
about 6 years
oi, JamalMarley mon

why the hell is my name still on the list? I thought I filled in the divorce papers!
about 6 years

bitsy says

this thread n a nutshell
about 6 years

JamalMarley says

HectorTheBandit says

My loyalty towards my Lord, JamalMarley will never die; neither will this thread.

Thank you, congregant HectorTheBandit. Your loyalty will not go unnoticed.

Certain pathetic users like rigby are so hateful and need to be eradicated.

binch ribgy is the best user
deletedabout 6 years
I would like to join the church. I read all of this and it seems nice. Wholeheartedly i can say. My love, GrannyPixel was in this family and to just be readin about how it wishes to unite everyone with love and kindness and no toxicity, is simply joyous. I would like to join the same family GrannyPixel was in, to keep goin what she rooted for, no toxicity, fairness, and love amongst all EM players. Most of the community could tell you i may be annoying, i talk alot, and i'm probably not the best mafia player. But none can say that I'm a selfish arsehole. I humbly request that i could join your family. Thank You for your time
about 6 years
Oh Kindest Jamal, noone deserves to be eradicated. We accept and forgive!
about 6 years

Coconutnut says

hahaha i love you jamal

So many users do.
deletedabout 6 years
hahaha i love you jamal
about 6 years

HectorTheBandit says

My loyalty towards my Lord, JamalMarley will never die; neither will this thread.

Thank you, congregant HectorTheBandit. Your loyalty will not go unnoticed.

Certain pathetic users like rigby are so hateful and need to be eradicated.
about 6 years
My loyalty towards my Lord, JamalMarley will never die; neither will this thread.
about 6 years
can this thread...
about 6 years

Shwartz99 says

Glorious news, my lord! Families can now include 50 members, and the Church can continue growing!

over 6 years
Glorious news! Families can now include a ton of members, and the church should die from combustion!
over 6 years
Glorious news, my lord! Families can now include 50 members, and the Church can continue growing!
over 6 years
This is so excellent.
over 6 years
over 6 years
yay im part of this
over 6 years

MrMongrel says

welcome to our church. you can join today

The Holy Church of Jamal has been the church of Sandbox for over two years now -- your sad attempt to gain power and manipulate people into joining your cult will not change that.
over 6 years
welcome to our church. you can join today
over 6 years

rockgirlnikki says

Let. It. Go.

Folks, can you believe this user is so against a group spreading positivity? Terrible.
over 6 years
Let. It. Go.
over 6 years
I request to be moved up to No.2
over 6 years
Welcome to our newest members.
over 6 years
I would like to support this cause. Hail Jamal!
over 6 years
How come I'm not a member
over 6 years
Now that the awful wench dooze has been dethroned, it is time for the Church to finally rise again!