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deletedabout 6 years

i had no notes that i was harassing feenikss and he only reported me on this months ago and it was literally a joke report saying that he felt harassed by my reports of feeling harassed. i have tried to get along with him. the bottom line is that he just hates me. others like charley, justin, bsm, emily also hate me but we can play a game together still. the problem here is that feenikss is just acting this way for attention.

if you had told him that he had to play nicely with me or he can get any vios that result from not doing this (and told me the same), i am like 95% sure that he would have sucked it up and played with me without huge incident. if he could not, he could leave the only open game and remake it later (i do this to avoid people like bsm and justin at times myself). the way that feenikss acts is all his fault. i dont even report him for most of the times that he harassed me in forums. why do i get punished and banned from playing any games for hours, when he is the one that is acting immature and doing all of the drama?

since i got him lobby banned 11months ago, he has worked non-stop, even during his bans, to get me banned too. he would comment on all of my reports and threads, slander me, insult me, etc. I did not even report him after months of doing this, but i finally got fed up and reported him like he deserved. why do you go out of the way to reward his behavior here and punish the person getting harassed?

this was handled all wrong. we cant fill competition tables period, so you guys can't be banning people from playing together in competition because they hate each other and dont want to play together (you said somewhere a few months ago that you changed the rule to even make it so they could not request it for no real reason). if you had forced feeniks and i to play together, we would have been within a week without incident i think

deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

if ur in an emotional state because u broke the law and got caught and then u go murder someone because ur upset ur still going to jail for it

did you even read what i said? what law did i break that caused an emotional state?

i was in this state because bsm would not stop doing my reports and he gave me a trolling vio that you agreed was wrong too ally, like basically the whole mod team! in addition to this he was saying things like if someone reports you for trolling its an auto trolling vio because they felt antagonized. he was harassing me in mails for months calling me stupid and stuff after i asked him to leave me alone

a better analogy here is if a battered women kills the person abusing her, what should the punishment be?
about 6 years
I posted this before seeing Ally's post btw.
about 6 years
Have you tried reporting him for talking about you in reports and forums?

You were aware and warned multiple times that you're forbidden to join his games but you joined with a pretext that you couldn't play your hearts? It's like you stole a sushi because you were hungry or murdered your mother for inheritance because she refused to give you money when you were in debt - and you expect to be innocent in these cases once put in trial.
deletedabout 6 years
In summary, this whole thing has been a complete mess. A lot was not handled well. Shoopie’s report was sloppy 6months ago and did not match are agreement clearly at the time. I had no idea of what feenikss alts were, and he should have sent reminders when he was unbanned if he really wanted people to avoid him. I just avoid them whenever possible, because they are toxic! Charley’s report with the warning was completely wrong and I had not even had a chance to appeal it before she used that as a basis to give me the unjust lc vio 1.

Then the harassment was way out of hand and this did not mix well with my own issues and it resulted in me wanting to be locked off the site for good at that time. I messed up there trying to get banned, but like if bsm had just left me alone like I asked 1 million times or the mods stepped in and made it happen, then none of this would have happened.

I still think that 2 lc vios for all that charley mention is beyond excessive. Like one was for trying to make peace with him once. the 2nd is like no different than giving feenikss a grs vio when he suicides from my games…the difference is that I get the harsh treatment because they all hate me. Bsm on the other hand gets 2 warnings in 1 day to leave someone alone and they still get only a note for the 3rd time in that day! Fix all of this

Finally I still want to mention that lc needs reformed now period. I showed screenshots today of a game that took 1 hr to fill and there were no games for 2 hrs before that. People should not be able to pick and chose their tables. If people start playing again, you can change it but for now you don't have the people to maintain both games and this rule!!!!!!
deletedabout 6 years
if ur in an emotional state because u broke the law and got caught and then u go murder someone because ur upset ur still going to jail for it
deletedabout 6 years

charley says - didn’t care that you had a lc vio and joined again.. AND WAS WARNED AGAIN.

see what I said on the report“i was the last to join. accidents happen, like when you joined my game. i will not suicide when there is an accident though. like sorry cop but i accidentally stole money from the store and i felt bad so i shot the clerk while i was there”. this was an honest accident and he did this too!!!!!

charley says - lobby camping 2nd.

People deserve to know exactly how many warnings you got. You were shown so much more leniency than anyone else has. This is the last time I will post on any of your threads or speak to you regarding this or anything at all for that matter.

In this last report, you know very well that I asked to get banned here before this, as bsm was harassing me and I needed to get away before I like snapped….

I messaged you to ban me too but you blocked my emails!

Yes this game I actually messed up joining, but I apologized for it and like a had a legit reason for what I did. While it was not the best situation, you do not think rationally when you are in fight for flight mode and the emotional state that I was in there clearly.
deletedabout 6 years

charley says - Were reported again and did not recieve a violation to which i told you AGAIN to stay out of his games.

this report was done wrong from the beginning. At first you said that I stayed in the game after denial told me who it was, which was a lie. Additionally I really did not have an order to stay out of his games. I had been avoiding him though and I told shoopie that I would continue this 6months before. Finally I had no idea who his alts even were. He had been banned for like 5 months so what do you expect? Do you think that I would join his game to get called a liar and pretender and get grudge lynched on purpose? I always avoided him for a reason…

[quote=charley] - didn’t listen to your 2nd warning and was given lobby camping first 11 days ago.

My appeal:https// The first warning was appealed after this report, as you did not even understand the game or what shoopie, feenikss and I agreed to 6months before. You later then said the warning game would account to this and a 3rd game where I accidently joined and could not leave in time, something that feenikss did too. So basically this vio was decided by one game where I joined feenikks.

What happened here (see the threads)? Basically I joined a table that was at the bottom of the page and only had him in it, because it was clear that none of our games would fill after hours of trying and I wanted to see if we could make peace and play together.

Lc requires you to join games and not 1 game and it requires to antagonize and not try to make peace with.
about 6 years
mtlve how old are you
deletedabout 6 years

charley says - You were told to stay out of his games 6 months ago.

this report was 6 months ago, as you say. Feenikss reported me saying that I did not feel harassed because I was joining his games. I told shoopie that I would stay out of his games, because he was harassing me. We agreed that if I did not stay out of his games, then he would lose the 2 harassment vios. This is summarized here:

at the time I had no reason to be banned from his games and really feenikss just wanted the vios off so he would be unbanned, so you are wrong about what you said that this report is.

Even if you were to argue that this is a warning for lc, its 6months old. He was just unbanned and I had not even played near him for like 5 months, so how would I even know if I was to stay away from someone there or not? Now the rule even says that it is updated like every 3 months…

deletedabout 6 years
dreamer at least we can agree that if charley wasn't here the mods would be abusing the out of you unchecked, shoppie helps some but i feel like it's only because the others know charley is watching
about 6 years

wink says

groundhogday says

as the wife of an epicmafia moderator i feel that it's my duty to inform you that you are r*tarded i'm sorry

ret*rded =/= stupid

use stupid or dumb or literally anything else when you mean unintelligent

what should i use if i mean the other word
about 6 years
im sick of being mistreated. i love school and painting. i have three paint brushes. i paint giarffes. i can show u guys sometim ut right now im just reported. cnta hnadle this. unreal. baffling.
deletedabout 6 years

dr3amer says

i think that i should maybe instead of leaving this account, i could use it to harass and annoy the mods tons, like they have tried to do to me here

actually this is not good for my health so i will not.

i hope that you guys at some point grow up and really think about how you treat people. yeah they look just like pixels here, but there are real people behind them. they have problems, feelings, etc. you should not be treating people different than a person that you see like every day at work, school, etc. people instead forget that there are actual people here and think its more fun to just seem cool by bullying the person that they dont like.

i will respond to charley later tonight when i have time
deletedabout 6 years - You were told to stay out of his games 6 months ago. - Were reported again and did not recieve a violation to which i told you AGAIN to stay out of his games. - didn’t listen to your 2nd warning and was given lobby camping first 11 days ago. - didn’t care that you had a lc vio and joined again.. AND WAS WARNED AGAIN. - lobby camping 2nd.

People deserve to know exactly how many warnings you got. You were shown so much more leniency than anyone else has. This is the last time I will post on any of your threads or speak to you regarding this or anything at all for that matter.
about 6 years

dr3amer says

i think that i should maybe instead of leaving this account, i could use it to harass and annoy the mods tons, like they have tried to do to me here

Because obviously you're physically incapable of actually leaving EpicMafia

You're just making excuses to stay now
deletedabout 6 years
i think that i should maybe instead of leaving this account, i could use it to harass and annoy the mods tons, like they have tried to do to me here
about 6 years

groundhogday says

as the wife of an epicmafia moderator i feel that it's my duty to inform you that you are r*tarded i'm sorry

ur the wife?
about 6 years
about 6 years

groundhogday says

as the wife of an epicmafia moderator i feel that it's my duty to inform you that you are r*tarded i'm sorry

ret*rded =/= stupid

use stupid or dumb or literally anything else when you mean unintelligent
deletedabout 6 years
why are you posting screenshots admitting you are bypassing.
deletedabout 6 years

groundhogday says

as the wife of an epicmafia moderator i feel that it's my duty to inform you that you are r*tarded i'm sorry

you don't talk that way to anyone dude.

if you want to talk about how games do not fill then be my guest, otherwise stfu
about 6 years
as the wife of an epicmafia moderator i feel that it's my duty to inform you that you are r*tarded i'm sorry
deletedabout 6 years
right now the last comp game was 2hrs ago:

they just rehosted and will wait again for an hour..
deletedabout 6 years
here is an example from today how hard it is to fill a game when i am normally on:

these are examples of how i could not play a game because we had 2 tables

here is an a example where neither of us were playing because we had 2 tables

mods and admins have no business banning people from playing now and with so few players on the site they need to be way more lenient with vios
deletedabout 6 years
banned on this too?- stop the harassment...