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right to play

deletedabout 6 years

i had no notes that i was harassing feenikss and he only reported me on this months ago and it was literally a joke report saying that he felt harassed by my reports of feeling harassed. i have tried to get along with him. the bottom line is that he just hates me. others like charley, justin, bsm, emily also hate me but we can play a game together still. the problem here is that feenikss is just acting this way for attention.

if you had told him that he had to play nicely with me or he can get any vios that result from not doing this (and told me the same), i am like 95% sure that he would have sucked it up and played with me without huge incident. if he could not, he could leave the only open game and remake it later (i do this to avoid people like bsm and justin at times myself). the way that feenikss acts is all his fault. i dont even report him for most of the times that he harassed me in forums. why do i get punished and banned from playing any games for hours, when he is the one that is acting immature and doing all of the drama?

since i got him lobby banned 11months ago, he has worked non-stop, even during his bans, to get me banned too. he would comment on all of my reports and threads, slander me, insult me, etc. I did not even report him after months of doing this, but i finally got fed up and reported him like he deserved. why do you go out of the way to reward his behavior here and punish the person getting harassed?

this was handled all wrong. we cant fill competition tables period, so you guys can't be banning people from playing together in competition because they hate each other and dont want to play together (you said somewhere a few months ago that you changed the rule to even make it so they could not request it for no real reason). if you had forced feeniks and i to play together, we would have been within a week without incident i think

deletedabout 6 years

he will not cave

like literally my life is more important than this site and its rules. i had to leave for medical purposes that day. its sad that a medical student cant see what was more important here, but this basically just shows how much he hates me.

as i told him, a 1 vio leash for 3 months would result in me getting banned within a few weeks with how bad these mods hate me

sorry to all of you that i bothered over the years and i will miss a few of you.

good luck with this broken site....

auf wiedershehen!
deletedabout 6 years


it's amazing how mt is still being treated seriously by some people, he's like the ultimate troll who gets points for effort but minus points for not being funny =(

i am happy that you think that i am a troll. i do troll playing a cat and stuff, but this topic is serious now so wtf bring it up here?
deletedabout 6 years

MisterPresident says

If you are having serious anxiety attacks whenever you see certain users around EpicMafia, you probably should start seeking out a therapist and logging off for a while.

i do get help, but i have a choice to play or not. still if any of us do not get along with a person, we have a right to ask that guy to leave you alone and have it respected, even if its a mod. its not like there are not other mods that can do your reports.
about 6 years
it's amazing how mt is still being treated seriously by some people, he's like the ultimate troll who gets points for effort but minus points for not being funny =(
about 6 years
Even though I am no better than an animal, don't I have the right to live?
about 6 years
If you are having serious anxiety attacks whenever you see certain users around EpicMafia, you probably should start seeking out a therapist and logging off for a while.
about 6 years
Mention my name again and I'm reporting you for harrassment dr3amer
about 6 years
pranay becomeclear what?
deletedabout 6 years

denial says

dr3amer says

Ally says

i mean you got your wish. now live with it.

i made a mistake there because of the situation. i apologized, and there is not much else i could do about this.

you guys should be more forgiving though and consider other views beyond your own

if you actually believed in that stance and considered other views beyond your own, the list of people that you think harass you would shrink

this whole 'all the mods hate me and give me vios unfairly' belief you have has been going on for almost the whole existence of your stay here

i on average get a vio that is overturned on appeal every 1-2weeks. previously this was like once every several months. how often do you get wrong vios? pranay? becomeclear?.....

i dont think that i am imaging this here and many quietly say that you are not fair to me, but they never stand up for me anymore as they are sick of having to do this weekly!
deletedabout 6 years
mods need to stop protecting mods that harass people. they need to lose their egos and stop modding people that requested that they stay away. there is probably a reason for these requests, and there are others that can do it.

i have anxiety, and like i cant handle some things for a reason. like whenever i have seen bsm anywhere for months now (and a few others like poser/justin) i basically have a very severe panic attack. there is no reason that he should be doing my reports, emailing me, etc in this case. it just stresses me out and i attack back and he feels attacked and we have this bad cycle. if he would have just listened to my requests months ago (basically gave me space so that i am not so anxious there), we would not be in this situation. he instead like searched out my reports, continued to send me hateful messages, etc.

you cant decide when people feel harassed or not. if someone asks you to stop doing something mulltiple times then you should really stop...
about 6 years

dr3amer says

Ally says

i mean you got your wish. now live with it.

i made a mistake there because of the situation. i apologized, and there is not much else i could do about this.

you guys should be more forgiving though and consider other views beyond your own

if you actually believed in that stance and considered other views beyond your own, the list of people that you think harass you would shrink

this whole 'all the mods hate me and give me vios unfairly' belief you have has been going on for almost the whole existence of your stay here
about 6 years
im rubber & ur glue
deletedabout 6 years
ur personality is ugly too
about 6 years
now the moderators are mocking my putrid looks that not even my mother could love. REVOLTING!

its personality that matters, witch.
deletedabout 6 years

PeanutMarmaduke says

a mod telling a user to LEAVE? my hwo this site ha fallen!

leave, ugly
about 6 years
she apologized what else do u want? SHEESH! start reading books and seeing other views
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

i mean you got your wish. now live with it.

i made a mistake there because of the situation. i apologized, and there is not much else i could do about this.

you guys should be more forgiving though and consider other views beyond your own
about 6 years
a mod telling a user to LEAVE? my hwo this site ha fallen!
deletedabout 6 years
i mean you got your wish. now live with it.
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says


try it.

i was too mad that i could not. it was late enough at night that i could not even really leave the house or something sadly. i needed banned
deletedabout 6 years

try it.
deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

giving you a trolling vio is not harassing you and comparing this to a case of actual abuse is sick.

you have no right to chose when and who i feel harassed by. i legit was not in a good state then because of his harassment. it was not even just this one report. it was the additive stuff of months of his bs
deletedabout 6 years

PatrykSzczescie says

Have you tried reporting him for talking about you in reports and forums?

You were aware and warned multiple times that you're forbidden to join his games but you joined with a pretext that you couldn't play your hearts? It's like you stole a sushi because you were hungry or murdered your mother for inheritance because she refused to give you money when you were in debt - and you expect to be innocent in these cases once put in trial.

i stayed away from his games actually at the expensive of playing for like a week. i intentionally did break the lc rule only in the lc2 vio that i got, but that was because i had asked to be banned and they were not doing it and i was desperate to escape the guy harassing me then
deletedabout 6 years
regardless, having a temper tantrum still doesn't justify you breaking a rule.
deletedabout 6 years
giving you a trolling vio is not harassing you and comparing this to a case of actual abuse is sick.