
Report #251,570

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
again lobby camping:

he wont stop until banned. the sooner you ban him the better
about 6 years
he will make up a new excuse next time, guaranteed
deletedabout 6 years
Okay, I’m adding a note to this so that you and the other moderators are aware. I spoke to Nathan and he agreed that this was he right decision. Giving a lobby camping 2nd and a ban for this just doesn’t sit right considering mtlves excuse(especially when you yourself have done this putler.) Nathan has decided that you must check the lobby before joining a game and if you fail to do so YOU must suicide from the game, mtlve. You won’t recieve a GRS violation for doing so. Take this as your last and final warning mtlve the next time will be a ban.
about 6 years
moderators please do not ignore that he is ignoring your decisions. the decision was made: we are not to play in each other games. he is openly not following this decision. please do not allow him to continue this
deletedabout 6 years
why would i report you if you play like a normal person and play to win and not slander me? yeah if you just call me names the whole game i would report you but we can play like adults and focus on the game...

i have class and tried to fix things with you, but you want drama and to hurt me like you feel that i did to you

i was the last to join. accidents happen, like when you joined my game. i will not suicide when there is an accident though. like sorry cop but i accidentally stole money from the store and i felt bad so i shot the clerk while i was there
about 6 years
he is lobby camping me, its obvious. he will not stop until banned, he has never stopped in the past and never will.
about 6 years
he made me suicide by staying in the game. if i didnt suicide he would again report me for GT or harassment. he also said he will not suicide even though he has broke the rule about not joining my games. i did the same mistake one time and charley said it was my fault and that i am lying about not noticing. i claim the same thing happened here: mtlve is lying.