
Report #251,371

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years
lobby camping.
mtlve was told to not join my games. mtlve has reported me for harrassment and still joins my games after moderators have told him to not join. i said to him to leave and he didnt leave. he also had a game open before mine and he left his game and joined mine. this needs to stop. he is lying about harrassment and got me banned for 3 months and now is lobby camping me.
deletedover 6 years
I wasn't here when someone gave you the warning to stay out his games, so I don't know the history. His alts are feenikss, nevermaf, nokia3310, putler and scumbaggf. Stay out of his games from this moment forward, or you will receive a violation.
over 6 years
lying as always. straight up lying.
deletedover 6 years
i did not know that he was putler. if you read the game i was even asking who he was:
over 6 years
he ignored all from moderators and joined my game on purpose saying "i can play what i want" proof is in screenshot
over 6 years
here was told to stay out of my games:
over 6 years
here was told to stop interacting with me:
over 6 years
reported me for harrassment 14 days ago: