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How is Charley Still a moderator?"

about 6 years

this is getting out of control, I got two violations for a game that I won?

Claims I gamethrew but we won the game...

claims I isped but we won the game....

like what?

about 6 years
My CC was the journ and my vio is rediculous
about 6 years
Your cc was the sheriff btw
about 6 years

denial says

hotwhipzx says

PatrykSzczescie says

I have read both games thoroughly.

In the game where you NL'd and caused mafia to force NL on lylo, you should've received an ISP vio. Your course of action put town into a certain loss, which was avoided just by veg, but veg has never been an excuse to affect a verdict of a report if a questioned deed had been done before somebody vegged.

About the game where you pushed on magicalqueen the janitor. It doesn't doesn't matter if magicalqueen was janitor, cop or whoever else, the verdict is based on your intent. From D1 itself I can see that you pushed on guiltied cop claim without claiming a pr but looking like a pr, softing pr claim. However, on D2, you admitted you hadn't known the cop. However, you acknowledged magicalqueen's cop claim on D1 saying that she's not the cop and you pushed a shot on her. Therefore, you pushed on the only cop claim you knew, just after one line she said, which was a mere cop claim. This actually proves your grudge against magicalqueen.

But the thing is, just like I explained din the other thread, I wanted magical lynched because I was the journ. I did vote her at first just to mess with her but I did not lynch her because of a grudge, that is my entire point

Either way Idrc about the vio, thanks for taking the time out to atleast look at the games

it comes down to this:

if you thought she didnt have a cop cc, why do you think shes maf as uncced cop when you had a journalist cc

Because she said that the journ had her cleared. I was the journ. It was right then I knew they both were maf for sure.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

PatrykSzczescie says

I have read both games thoroughly.

In the game where you NL'd and caused mafia to force NL on lylo, you should've received an ISP vio. Your course of action put town into a certain loss, which was avoided just by veg, but veg has never been an excuse to affect a verdict of a report if a questioned deed had been done before somebody vegged.

About the game where you pushed on magicalqueen the janitor. It doesn't doesn't matter if magicalqueen was janitor, cop or whoever else, the verdict is based on your intent. From D1 itself I can see that you pushed on guiltied cop claim without claiming a pr but looking like a pr, softing pr claim. However, on D2, you admitted you hadn't known the cop. However, you acknowledged magicalqueen's cop claim on D1 saying that she's not the cop and you pushed a shot on her. Therefore, you pushed on the only cop claim you knew, just after one line she said, which was a mere cop claim. This actually proves your grudge against magicalqueen.

But the thing is, just like I explained din the other thread, I wanted magical lynched because I was the journ. I did vote her at first just to mess with her but I did not lynch her because of a grudge, that is my entire point

Either way Idrc about the vio, thanks for taking the time out to atleast look at the games

it comes down to this:

if you thought she didnt have a cop cc, why do you think shes maf as uncced cop when you had a journalist cc
about 6 years

mandevian says

that isn't gt but it is definitely ISP, faking afk as mafia to influence the votes has always been ISP

Not trying to get the vio removed
about 6 years
that isn't gt but it is definitely ISP, faking afk as mafia to influence the votes has always been ISP
about 6 years
Like I said, I am not trying to get the vio removed, but if people bring it up I don't mind talking about it.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

But the thing is, just like I explained din the other thread, I wanted magical lynched because I was the journ. I did vote her at first just to mess with her but I did not lynch her because of a grudge, that is my entire point

Well, if your point is that you weren't serious with what you said that game, good luck convincing mods to OT the vio. As far as I know, players joking like that also don't get away without a violation, especially that the gun could be shot at any moment.
about 6 years

PatrykSzczescie says

I have read both games thoroughly.

In the game where you NL'd and caused mafia to force NL on lylo, you should've received an ISP vio. Your course of action put town into a certain loss, which was avoided just by veg, but veg has never been an excuse to affect a verdict of a report if a questioned deed had been done before somebody vegged.

About the game where you pushed on magicalqueen the janitor. It doesn't doesn't matter if magicalqueen was janitor, cop or whoever else, the verdict is based on your intent. From D1 itself I can see that you pushed on guiltied cop claim without claiming a pr but looking like a pr, softing pr claim. However, on D2, you admitted you hadn't known the cop. However, you acknowledged magicalqueen's cop claim on D1 saying that she's not the cop and you pushed a shot on her. Therefore, you pushed on the only cop claim you knew, just after one line she said, which was a mere cop claim. This actually proves your grudge against magicalqueen.

But the thing is, just like I explained din the other thread, I wanted magical lynched because I was the journ. I did vote her at first just to mess with her but I did not lynch her because of a grudge, that is my entire point

Either way Idrc about the vio, thanks for taking the time out to atleast look at the games
about 6 years
I have read both games thoroughly.

In the game where you NL'd and caused mafia to force NL on lylo, you should've received an ISP vio. Your course of action put town into a certain loss, which was avoided just by veg, but veg has never been an excuse to affect a verdict of a report if a questioned deed had been done before somebody vegged.

About the game where you pushed on magicalqueen the janitor. It doesn't doesn't matter if magicalqueen was janitor, cop or whoever else, the verdict is based on your intent. From D1 itself I can see that you pushed on guiltied cop claim without claiming a pr but looking like a pr, softing pr claim. However, on D2, you admitted you hadn't known the cop. However, you acknowledged magicalqueen's cop claim on D1 saying that she's not the cop and you pushed a shot on her. Therefore, you pushed on the only cop claim you knew, just after one line she said, which was a mere cop claim. This actually proves your grudge against magicalqueen.
about 6 years

Volta says

In this report charley was reported for mod abuse:

Now some days later the violation is gone. One can only assume she removed the violation on herself with her mod powers, making it double mod abuse, because she mod abused the power to remove mod abuse.

How long will this go on?

Which is why I'm not apologizing to Charley because I think she is the main problem with this website, her entire position is questionable because of her relationship to Nathan and then she does things like remove violations on her own. I hope you are teaching your kids to be more ethical than their mother
about 6 years
mod abuse israel
about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

On a serious note HOW many users have complained about Chalrey in the past month alone? Like 20? I have seen so many threads of users saying the same and she is still here and its sick. I got a GT violation because charley felt like I did something unethical basically. So now that we can get vios without actually violating the SET FORTH RULE where does it stop? this is a slipper slope and this is why the site is dying.

you and mtlve.. not even lying just you two.

and me
deletedabout 6 years
I deleted it your right.
about 6 years
In this report charley was reported for mod abuse:

Now some days later the violation is gone. One can only assume she removed the violation on herself with her mod powers, making it double mod abuse, because she mod abused the power to remove mod abuse.

How long will this go on?
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Ouch 23 with two kids?

saggin like my grandma earlobe

someone clearly doesn't understand how sag occurs
about 6 years
hotwhipzx have you met mtlve? You 2 should go on a date
about 6 years
Ouch 23 with two kids?

saggin like my grandma earlobe
deletedabout 6 years
ur Scottish ur near the end of ur life
deletedabout 6 years
Since when is 23 middles aged!?????? I’m offended
about 6 years
Charley this is why nobody on this site likes you, your a middle aged woman that sits behind a computer and gets her rocks off by abusing her power
deletedabout 6 years
Fun oops
deletedabout 6 years
Have gun
about 6 years

Ally says

hotwhipzx says

You guys are really going to ignore the words im saying now while holding my in game words to a higher standard? How does that work? Im explaining what I was doing and you guys are just like "nope we don't care"

yes that's exactly what we're going to do, because your in game words are what you were thinking at the time and your words now are you trying to get out of a vio

Give me a different vio if you have a hard on for me but no a vio for something I didnt do thats just fking dirty and you know it. I won't stop until everybody on this site sees this because this is wild.
about 6 years

Ally says

Didn't play against my win condition, didn't vote based on a grudge, and I didn make a fake claim but it did not play against my win condition.