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How is Charley Still a moderator?"

about 6 years

this is getting out of control, I got two violations for a game that I won?

Claims I gamethrew but we won the game...

claims I isped but we won the game....

like what?

about 6 years
On a serious note HOW many users have complained about Chalrey in the past month alone? Like 20? I have seen so many threads of users saying the same and she is still here and its sick. I got a GT violation because charley felt like I did something unethical basically. So now that we can get vios without actually violating the SET FORTH RULE where does it stop? this is a slipper slope and this is why the site is dying.
deletedabout 6 years
yaa u should see the wedding pics they're rlly cute together
about 6 years
married to Nathan of course, well my report isn't going anywhere

no wonder she has a power problem
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

banned user say what?

stfu. they would not have the report if not for the banned user. i retract it. also banned users cant file reports if you really want to go there so that report had to be thrown out if you want to argue that

ps. i know you are jumping up and down that you finally got me banned. congrats
deletedabout 6 years
banned user say what?
deletedabout 6 years
i reported them for isp. i retract that report. it vegged and its too harsh for that. people have lives. that is a note at best. i retract the report though
deletedabout 6 years
Okay, first of all, they are two different games. Second of all, I gave you an ISP violation because you were gone the first half of the day come back and say something nongame related then you disappear again. Idc if it vegged its comp. I probably would have been more lenient if you didn't already have violations for doing this in comp.

Your game throw violation I 100% standby. You and magical have some sort of grudge against one another. She is the janitor in this game and outs as the cop. Her cc guilties her and you instantly out as journ and say you were on the real cop (which you were not) and magical is mafia. You didn't once consider she was the real cop. You cannot tell me you had time to fos her because let's face it she had said one thing. You then spammed her day2 saying "smd" and said "how is that for participating" and admitted it was a grudge. Idc if you won you had no intention to win day1 you only wanted her dead.
deletedabout 6 years
she's married to nathan irl :///