
Report #251,955

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years

I request another moderator aside from charley look at this, she has a grudge against me and I did not ISP. the game even vegged so how was I given a vio for a vegged game?
about 6 years
Ally from what I was told there is no set bar for insufficient participation so clearly that isnt true so I need to know now what ISP is. I cant even go into the game to look at why your saying I didnt sufficiently participate because im suspended now
about 6 years
Charley your reasoning is BS man you have a grdge against me and just because you arent saying it verbatum doesnt mean its not true. Im sure you have better things to do than report and moderate things nobody is reporting me for. But im not standing for this because you're a sick individual and you just like to abuse your power. I didnt ISP and even if I did the game vegged my actions didnt detriment the game in any way shape or form
deletedabout 6 years
1) you can get a vio for a vegged game, someone else vegging doesn't immediately take away your infraction

2) this was pretty clearly isp, you have a history of this, just participate more
deletedabout 6 years
Ra1nyDay 2m 44s
i reported them for this and asked for a note only. they were clearly just gone. we have lives and things happened, and it vegged so we dont need to get petty here.

he is always "gone" in comp games
deletedabout 6 years
I have given a perfectly good reason as to why you got a GT violation. Although this report is about your ISP violation so if you would also like to appeal the GT vio, please be my guest and report me.
deletedabout 6 years
dont tell me what to do banned user.
deletedabout 6 years
change this to a note charley.
deletedabout 6 years
i reported them for this and asked for a note only. they were clearly just gone. we have lives and things happened, and it vegged so we dont need to get petty here.
about 6 years
If I win the game how did I gamethrow? Charley cant keep opening moderator reports and then not giving reasoning as to why or how she comes to the verdicts she done