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How is Charley Still a moderator?"

about 6 years

this is getting out of control, I got two violations for a game that I won?

Claims I gamethrew but we won the game...

claims I isped but we won the game....

like what?

about 6 years

Ally says

hotwhipzx says

You guys are really going to ignore the words im saying now while holding my in game words to a higher standard? How does that work? Im explaining what I was doing and you guys are just like "nope we don't care"

yes that's exactly what we're going to do, because your in game words are what you were thinking at the time and your words now are you trying to get out of a vio

I have so many other vios that I simply accepted and you're sitting here saying I'm doing all this because I just want to get out of a vio?

I'm doing this because I shouldnt have a fking vio for gamethrowing. Give me a different vio but I DID NOT GAME THROW AND I WILL NOT HAVE THAT ON MY RECORD JUST BECAUSE MODS DONT LIKE HOW I LYNCHED THE MAF
about 6 years
So you're going to ignore the fact that I didn't gamethrow, @Nathan ?
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

You guys are really going to ignore the words im saying now while holding my in game words to a higher standard? How does that work? Im explaining what I was doing and you guys are just like "nope we don't care"

yes that's exactly what we're going to do, because your in game words are what you were thinking at the time and your words now are you trying to get out of a vio
about 6 years

Enamored says

er hot...

cant see this
about 6 years

Ally says

you're allowed to dislike people but when your opinion of someone dictates your actions in a game that's not playing to your win condition and is gamethrowing.

but as you can see, they didn't dictate my actions, I only continued because it became obvious to me that she was scum , i dont hipfire, or grudge lynch people because I KNOW I WILL GET A VIO FOR IT. I just do it in the beginning to mess with people.

I have been banned probably more times than anybody still currently on this website and do not wish to keep getting banned so I don't do things I know will get me violated.

You guys are really going to ignore the words im saying now while holding my in game words to a higher standard? How does that work? Im explaining what I was doing and you guys are just like "nope we don't care"

I said it before and I'll say it again, giving me a violation for something I didn't do because you guys feel like that's what I wanted to do is a slippery slope. I didn't get reported for it, charley literally looked at the game and then reported me herself then moderated that same report.

If I didn't break the rule I shouldn't get the vio POINT BLANK and anything less shows how freaking corrupt this entire system is.

I can't get convicted of a crime simply for appearing to have the intention to commit a crime, I need to have actually done the offense.
deletedabout 6 years
you're allowed to dislike people but when your opinion of someone dictates your actions in a game that's not playing to your win condition and is gamethrowing.
about 6 years
er hot...

about 6 years

charley 23h 1m
I literally just spoke to nathan about your trolling vio because I don't agree with it but im going to delete everything i said before he see's it. Screw you

about 6 years

Nathan says

Charley and I have spoken about your ISP violation, it's being/been handled. I'd be careful about ISP if I were you tho, I had a look through your previous reports and it seems to be something you do quite a bit more than normal users.

With regards to the GT, there are flaws in your argument. You literally said "magical guilty" twice before you even knew who your cc was and the premise of your argument is because your cc backed her up. So I'm going to back my mods here.

Giving me a vio for a rule I’m not violating doesnMt set the best precendence. It shouldnt matter what I say/what It appears my intentions were. If I didn’t break a rule I didn’t break a rule and all you guys are doing is letting me know to not publically say I have an issue with people. I didn’t gamethrow and just because I publically have an issue with someone I now get a gt violation? If you guys wanna give me a vio make a bew vio for fosing off a grudge or something but don’t you dare say i gamethrew when I didn’t.

A grudge is a grudge and a gamethrow is a gamethrow, you guys not collowing your own rules is why moderators are not respected nearly as much anymore. You think anybody was complaining this much about LOLUMAD or Lucid? Hell no. And this is why.

about 6 years

Nathan says

Also, attacking my mods isn't really the greatest way to go about a complaint. Please refrain, thanks.

i was 100% with you until this post. this si where i draw the line
about 6 years
Also, attacking my mods isn't really the greatest way to go about a complaint. Please refrain, thanks.
about 6 years
Charley and I have spoken about your ISP violation, it's being/been handled. I'd be careful about ISP if I were you tho, I had a look through your previous reports and it seems to be something you do quite a bit more than normal users.

With regards to the GT, there are flaws in your argument. You literally said "magical guilty" twice before you even knew who your cc was and the premise of your argument is because your cc backed her up. So I'm going to back my mods here.
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

You really like to ignore Rainy and just the fact that you did when everyone knows he was complaining about you everyday shows your full of shyt and will say anything to get people off your back, well you got the right one today because I have time


hotwhipzx says

Bro gtf out of here, I would have been on your side but you reported me for nothing, nobody likes you, stop posting

deletedabout 6 years
edit:wait let me get all the screenshots
deletedabout 6 years
you literally admitted within the game to lying about your report because you were mad at her
deletedabout 6 years
about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

I didn't vote magical based on a grudge I voted magical because my CC was voting her and I happened to have a grudge, so im glad you posted that for everyone to see the BS you guys are claiming


You said day1 start she was mafia and that was real cops report and spammed sheriff to shoot her.

deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

and I happened to have a grudge

about 6 years

charley says

hotwhipzx says

On a serious note HOW many users have complained about Chalrey in the past month alone? Like 20? I have seen so many threads of users saying the same and she is still here and its sick. I got a GT violation because charley felt like I did something unethical basically. So now that we can get vios without actually violating the SET FORTH RULE where does it stop? this is a slipper slope and this is why the site is dying.

you and mtlve.. not even lying just you two.

You really like to ignore Rainy and just the fact that you did when everyone knows he was complaining about you everyday shows your full of shyt and will say anything to get people off your back, well you got the right one today because I have time
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

I didn't vote magical based on a grudge I voted magical because my CC was voting her and I happened to have a grudge, so im glad you posted that for everyone to see the BS you guys are claiming


You said day1 start she was mafia and that was real cops report and spammed sheriff to shoot her.
about 6 years
I didn't vote magical based on a grudge I voted magical because my CC was voting her and I happened to have a grudge, so im glad you posted that for everyone to see the BS you guys are claiming

about 6 years
what if it was a game related grudge though
deletedabout 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

On a serious note HOW many users have complained about Chalrey in the past month alone? Like 20? I have seen so many threads of users saying the same and she is still here and its sick. I got a GT violation because charley felt like I did something unethical basically. So now that we can get vios without actually violating the SET FORTH RULE where does it stop? this is a slipper slope and this is why the site is dying.

you and mtlve.. not even lying just you two.
about 6 years

charley says

Okay, first of all, they are two different games. Second of all, I gave you an ISP violation because you were gone the first half of the day come back and say something nongame related then you disappear again. Idc if it vegged its comp. I probably would have been more lenient if you didn't already have violations for doing this in comp.

Your game throw violation I 100% standby. You and magical have some sort of grudge against one another. She is the janitor in this game and outs as the cop. Her cc guilties her and you instantly out as journ and say you were on the real cop (which you were not) and magical is mafia. You didn't once consider she was the real cop. You cannot tell me you had time to fos her because let's face it she had said one thing. You then spammed her day2 saying "smd" and said "how is that for participating" and admitted it was a grudge. Idc if you won you had no intention to win day1 you only wanted her dead.

Your reasons are just like your moderating skills, you shouldnt even be allowed to play games and be a moderator, nor should moderators be allowed to report people themselves.

YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT MY INTENTIONS WERE DAY ONE YOU ARE VIOING ME BECAUSE OF AN ASSUMPTION YOUR MAKING ABOUT MY FEELINGS! how are you going to tell me I had no intention to win Day 1? are you telepathic now? Does being a moderator allow you to see peoples hopes and dreams?