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deletedabout 6 years

he has searched out my reports for months to vio farm me. he does not read the game at all clearly. this report is an example:

you hate me so why not just leave me alone and lets others do the reports? we all know

so the latest stupid things that he did beyond just bad verdicts:

feenikss was slandering me in games and forums. this b1tch had the nerve to tell me that i have to block all of his accounts on all of my accounts or i cant report him again for this slander. so if i block him on all accounts, how will i know when he slanders me again? how stupid do you think that i am?

black wants me to be slandered but just wants to make it so i cant fight it at all. this is beyond bullying me...

deletedabout 6 years
I'm locking this now. You both have notes of harassment. You both have been told not to interact with one another and to block each other. End of.
deletedabout 6 years
Out of respect for the situation bsm has agreed not to touch your reports. Now stop being a baby and stop using the complaint threads as your personal blog.
deletedabout 6 years

this needs noted that he does not do my reports at all. i will then delete this thread and leave him alone. the only reason that this is so out of hand is that he is harassing me in reports for months now. he can't be unbiased and this only has caused problems
deletedabout 6 years
woah steady girl i'm only quoting you
about 6 years
because i was leaving you alone like you asked and that's not me you idiot
deletedabout 6 years
both of you need to delete that made up quote. u will probably manage to use it against me later...
deletedabout 6 years
that really was not called for. its slander. this guy is literally harassing me for months now, and you guys will not do anything. then you have the nerve to make up quotes like this.
deletedabout 6 years

charley says


stop harassing me charley. that is slander
about 6 years

charley says

Ra1nyDay says

i really love bsm


im so happy we're getting over our differences.
deletedabout 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

i love bsm

deletedabout 6 years

Yes says

Props to Blacksnakemoan for having the balls to vio mtlve and their trolling nonsense. I've known this dude for like a decade and he's definitely quality mod material.

mtlve if you have a problem I suggest you consider why so many people keep reporting you for trolling and GT behaviour.

why not speak on your main?
deletedabout 6 years

k1ngyy says

bark bark

meow meow meow. <3
deletedabout 6 years
bark bark
about 6 years
Props to Blacksnakemoan for having the balls to vio mtlve and their trolling nonsense. I've known this dude for like a decade and he's definitely quality mod material.

mtlve if you have a problem I suggest you consider why so many people keep reporting you for trolling and GT behaviour.
about 6 years
Mtlve has c l a s s
deletedabout 6 years

charley said that i was harassing them back if he harasses me. i have asked him to just leave me alone in reports for over a month. i deleted threads where he threw even to make peace, but he can't have the same decency to just leave me alone? he clearly has harassed me for months and the mods just support it.
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

GunGunPower says

blacksnakemoan says

It's also not a perfectly fine attitude to take

You are basically Hotwhip but with moderator abilities from what I have seen in the report section

Feel free to find a report where I tell someone to suck my dïck

hotwhipzx says

also you're probably the biggest moderator bully I have ever seen holy sh!t the amount of reports you have for harassment is crazy

There's like 4 or 5. All from the same two users. The rest are appeals for vios I've given.

i am one of these two that report you for harassment. how often have i reported people like shoopie, dog, denial, etc for harassment?

maybe there is a reason that i report you over them?
about 6 years
Aren't you banned?
deletedabout 6 years
why does this guy get away with harassing 1/2 the site. he is always just told to stop and then he continues to do it again to everyone?
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years

leave me alone you bully. stay away from me period. i told you to do this months ago, yet you still always searched out my reports to vio farm me and harassed me in many ways
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

Sorry, was a joke, didn't think you'd take a pregame empty table kick this way

deletedabout 6 years
so why does bsm get to boot people from comp games and not get kicked out? if he thought that he even messed up, he would have apologized
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

I didn't know there were so many Sensitive people on here, I had way worse stuff said to me when I first started playing when I was 12 years old so forgive my lack of sympathy for someone offended at words on a computer screen, On this website specifically.

dude you literally just got sensitive:

hotwhipzx says

after seeing how you treat other epicmafia users, you laugh in their faces, grudge report people, lash out, and are generally an unpleasant person to even try to deal with

so which is it? am i sensitive, or is there an exception to the rule where you get to be a little twat
about 6 years

charley says

Hotwhipzx i have a serious question for you. Did you see in the mod actions that mtlve was banned and think to yourself "it's my time to shine!"

Not sure who mtive is nor do I know where to go to view moderator actions