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deletedabout 6 years

he has searched out my reports for months to vio farm me. he does not read the game at all clearly. this report is an example:

you hate me so why not just leave me alone and lets others do the reports? we all know

so the latest stupid things that he did beyond just bad verdicts:

feenikss was slandering me in games and forums. this b1tch had the nerve to tell me that i have to block all of his accounts on all of my accounts or i cant report him again for this slander. so if i block him on all accounts, how will i know when he slanders me again? how stupid do you think that i am?

black wants me to be slandered but just wants to make it so i cant fight it at all. this is beyond bullying me...

deletedabout 6 years
i already told them that and said it on the report when denial first said it was harassment

mods need to stop deciding when people feel harrassed or not. you have no say on this. it should depend on what people say. i said it was hc for a reason

feenikss never reported me. he just said i dont want to play with that so dont join my games. how do you get that i was harassing him from this? he literally told you the reason that he does not want to play with me is because i am stupid. all of his comments for months support that.

he actually reported me for harassment once but he basically said that i was harassing him by reporting him when i feel harassed. i always told him that i would be okay being around him, but i want him to treat me okay. this does not including slandering my name, calling me stupid, etc. asking him to stop attacking me in forums and reports is not harassing him, its just asking him to be respectful to people...
about 6 years
Yes you said that already, but I didn't give the vio so maybe you should go tell Charley and Denial.
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

I'll change it to HC, but that's what it was given, an that's also what his previous vio was for with regard to you

previously he was harassing me and i reported him for that then. here he was just doing hc and i reported him for that, because it was not strong enough to be harassment
about 6 years
I'll change it to HC, but that's what it was given, an that's also what his previous vio was for with regard to you
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

Feenikss got a harassment vio

i said in that report that it was hc and not harassment...

i did not feel harassed there. i felt slandered/like i was told one hateful thing. harassed is more extreme like when he told me several bad things and to shoot myself in the head
about 6 years
Feenikss got a harassment vio
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

i gave the same message to feeniks. we give the same message to everyone who gets a harassment vio.

there was never a harassment vio...

there is a difference between hateful comments/slander and harassment
about 6 years
i gave the same message to feeniks. we give the same message to everyone who gets a harassment vio.
about 6 years
Like you said in your other thread: Grow up.
deletedabout 6 years
fire this guy. he crosses the line like every single day.