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deletedabout 6 years

he has searched out my reports for months to vio farm me. he does not read the game at all clearly. this report is an example:

you hate me so why not just leave me alone and lets others do the reports? we all know

so the latest stupid things that he did beyond just bad verdicts:

feenikss was slandering me in games and forums. this b1tch had the nerve to tell me that i have to block all of his accounts on all of my accounts or i cant report him again for this slander. so if i block him on all accounts, how will i know when he slanders me again? how stupid do you think that i am?

black wants me to be slandered but just wants to make it so i cant fight it at all. this is beyond bullying me...

about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

hotwhipzx says

after seeing how you treat other epicmafia users, you laugh in their faces, grudge report people, lash out, and are generally an unpleasant person to even try to deal with

you got magicalqueen lynched on a grudge, then laughed at her, yelled suck my dîck, and now spam threads.

do you think she thinks you're pleasant? do you think that was nice treatment?

I didn't know there were so many Sensitive people on here, I had way worse stuff said to me when I first started playing when I was 12 years old so forgive my lack of sympathy for someone offended at words on a computer screen, On this website specifically.

Alot of users on here including the mod team are freaking toxic individuals and you want to call me out because I told somebody who reported me for no reason to smd? Get out of here with that.
about 6 years

dr3amer says

out of curiosity how was bsm reprimanded for booting me from his game? you tell him probably to not do it and that pat his back privately to say do it again...

its not his back, thats all i can say on the matter
deletedabout 6 years

dr3amer says

out of curiosity how was bsm reprimanded for booting me from his game? you tell him probably to not do it and that pat his back privately to say do it again...

he never even said that he messed up and did anything wrong there. he had no remorse at all
deletedabout 6 years
out of curiosity how was bsm reprimanded for booting me from his game? you tell him probably to not do it and that pat his back privately to say do it again...
about 6 years

Ally says

don't forget this

verified pleasant user™
deletedabout 6 years
Hotwhipzx i have a serious question for you. Did you see in the mod actions that mtlve was banned and think to yourself "it's my time to shine!"
deletedabout 6 years
don't forget this
about 6 years

hotwhipzx says

after seeing how you treat other epicmafia users, you laugh in their faces, grudge report people, lash out, and are generally an unpleasant person to even try to deal with

you got magicalqueen lynched on a grudge, then laughed at her, yelled suck my dîck, and now spam threads.

do you think she thinks you're pleasant? do you think that was nice treatment?
about 6 years
l m a o
about 6 years
those are 2 unrelateed thoughts. she refused to take her kids to the midnight screening of the latest star wars and i cannot forgive that i feel bad for her kids and also she is a bad mod.
about 6 years

Ally says

"i don't like how you moderate on epicmafia dot com so i feel bad for your kids and i hope you have health problems"

More like "the way you moderate on epicmafia shows you have an imbalance of chemicals in your brain, I feel bad for those that depend on you and for those that have to report to you in any significant capacity and I would like you gone"
deletedabout 6 years
"i don't like how you moderate on epicmafia dot com so i feel bad for your kids and i hope you have health problems"
about 6 years
I hope you have more medical problems so you can get off of Epicmafia again, you're a cancer to the site
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Your point? I used to think you were cool in general but my opinion has now changed after seeing how you treat other epicmafia users, you laugh in their faces, grudge report people, lash out, and are generally an unpleasant person to even try to deal with and I pray you dont have any real power over people IRL. If you do I feel bad for those under you and your kids or future kids.

I'm donald trump
about 6 years
Your point? I used to think you were cool in general but my opinion has now changed after seeing how you treat other epicmafia users, you laugh in their faces, grudge report people, lash out, and are generally an unpleasant person to even try to deal with and I pray you dont have any real power over people IRL. If you do I feel bad for those under you and your kids or future kids.
deletedabout 6 years

hotwhipzx says

Charley actually is not that good at the game but I do admit charley is impartial in reports

about 6 years

charley says

ok how is she able to comment when she is site banned fcking hell lucid

charley you need to self delete your a terrible mod
deletedabout 6 years
ok how is she able to comment when she is site banned fcking hell lucid
deletedabout 6 years
hot whip: i said to put a note at most. you really messed up that game and i was running because you could not stay around and unvote when sheriff outed..

sorry to make you upset. best wishes
about 6 years
Why do u not just give forum spam until he's banned from posting
about 6 years
Mtlve made 9 threads in one week in this subforum
about 6 years
Rainy shut up noone cares bro take your ban like a man and skedaddle.
about 6 years
Literally WHY do you guys keep responding
deletedabout 6 years
they allow him to harass me by refusing to let me play. they also let him get away with slandering me and stuff in forums and reports. they would even upvote his stuff
about 6 years
you're such a headache

"mods need to stop deciding when people feel harassed or not"

no dumb@ss, your whole spiel on feenikks is basically that you think hes only trying to avoid games with you because he doesnt want to play with you and thinks you're dumb, and he doesnt feel harassed

aka u want mods to make a decision call on whether he actually feels harassed or not

if you don't feel harassed by his comments, we can remove the vio though since you're right harassment vios are based off the user themself being harassed

i mean its a bit weird that you worded your report to basically say how he always slanders you and insults your intelligence, but you wanted to report him for HC and not harassment

i have a literal message from you saying that you believe that mods allow him to harass you, so that was my understanding of the situation.

you thought it was harassment and i agreed with that because you have expressed discontent with the way he talks to you and he continues to do it