
Report #252,118

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
continued to harassment. i reported him already for this, including this week: examples: booting me from games, insulting my intelligence, biased modding, etc. since these reports, he insulted my intelligence again here today, in spite of knowing that this is really bothering me and i feel harassed by him already: [img][/img]

stop defending your friends. this guy deserves a harassment vio and he should not be processing my reports, talking in my threads, etc.
deletedabout 6 years
It does not have to be formal. You haven’t had a violation from him since the trolling one which was OTed the moderators looked at your other vios and agreed they are suit. So stop playing the fcking victim ok? Move on. Block him.
about 6 years
Someone owes me some money because I told you if you give her an inch she'll take a mile
deletedabout 6 years
how do i forget that he does not exist when he is involved with every single vio on me? he needs off my reports and this needs to be formal. then we will have no need to deal with each other
deletedabout 6 years
Just so you do not hold that comment against him in the future. He is being respectful and said he will not touch your reports. He has not been forced not to.
deletedabout 6 years
You were asked to block him already yet you decided to ignore that and quote things he said in the general forums and reply to him in complaints. That is not ok. You baited him to speak to you here. So block him now and he will do the same. He has already said he will stay away from your reports. Both of you grow the hell up. You’re both adults. DONT SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER DONT MENTION ONE ANOTHER FORGET THE OTHER PERSON EXISTS IT IS NOT HARD
deletedabout 6 years
and i was talking to charley and shoopie in this thread about what they did. there was no need for him to go there to just insult me like normal
deletedabout 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
when he is banned from doing my reports and talking on my threads, i will take down his thread too