
Report #252,011

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years
[appeal] why did you decide leniency is best when theyve spent literal months doing this after repeated warnings?
about 6 years
oops, *than
about 6 years
Is he crying over having PMs in his inbox LMAO
about 6 years
ya it is none of these reports have any substance and she's been told this
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
those aren't spam lol
about 6 years
reversing my sustain and voting to ot to report spam since she's started up again
about 6 years
i feel v harassed to wake up to many pms in my inbox with no actual repots!!!!
about 6 years
balancing act. sometimes we have to be nice to make up for all the mean things we do

also site bans a little harsh for somebody that doesn't understand the difference between a site ban and a lobby ban

and all things considered report spam is at least a little less harmful then if they had spammed the forums with nudity or something