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deletedabout 6 years

i am done with this game and i suggest you all leave too

the people running this site should not be using their powers to harass people and they should actually make a site that does not break every 3 hrs

this was my final straw:

bsm did not even read past like the first minute of the game evidently and then poser like normal i doubt looked at the game at all

run people run like all the good people on this site did......

deletedabout 6 years

Ally says

you all take a dying mafia site way too seriously

Nice yellow star you have there.
deletedabout 6 years
you all take a dying mafia site way too seriously
about 6 years
yeah, let me know when i tell you that you'd be better off dead lmao.
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

Jeff says

rainy, he's a bully. nothing more. nothing you can do here.

isn't this a tad hypocritical after the time you said it'd be good if she died

while jeff is mean to me at times. he is very nice to me when i need it the most. you on the other hand just continue to harass me even when i was suicidal......
about 6 years

Jeff says

rainy, he's a bully. nothing more. nothing you can do here.

isn't this a tad hypocritical after the time you said it'd be good if she died
deletedabout 6 years
[quote=blacksnakemoan]I already explained that I left your game to start my own which Feeniks could play since he didn't want to decay a heart. Games are hard to fill, isn't that what you say? You had a game at 6/9 so I started a new one for him./quote]

if you look at the table now, no games started around then, but your game. putler was not playing at all then. he played 30min after that. he also played a lot of hearts after then, so he was not just playing one heart so it would not veg? additionally i made a thread on this right after and you did not have that excuse then. you booted me because i was asking a question:
about 6 years
sometimes the video game goes way too far
about 6 years
his ego is too big to realize he's wrong 100% on the trolling vio.
about 6 years
rainy, he's a bully. nothing more. nothing you can do here.
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

you hate me enough to boot me from games so why not just leave all my reports alone? you clearly want to do them

I already explained that I left your game to start my own which Feeniks could play since he didn't want to decay a heart. Games are hard to fill, isn't that what you say? You had a game at 6/9 so I started a new one for him.

I do whatever reports are there when I go to the section. The only time I'll do one report and no others is if it's HC, GRS, or an appeal.

Ra1nyDay says

show me how i harassed him? if he felt harassed why would he not report me? maybe you are making this up? clearly you are - thread named after him and complaining about him after he asked you to leave him alone - thread complaining about him after he asked you to leave him alone - thread complaining about him after he asked you to leave him alone

all made within the space of 2 days
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

Sorry, I meant he's done nothing as in he isn't spamming threads. He hasn't even reported you for all the harassment he gets from you.

show me how i harassed him? if he felt harassed why would he not report me? maybe you are making this up? clearly you are
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

townyyy1 says

so lies again bsm. you reported me for 2 of my vios and gave me 2. your bs warning was used as evidence for the 5th.

I reported you for two but another mod gave them to you. I didn't decide it was a violation, someone else did. I report plenty of people and they don't get vio'd, so clearly you deserved it.

Sustaining a violation doesn't count as giving it to you, it's just saying I agree with the original decision.

townyyy1 says

you are clearly harassing me. like most vios that i got that were overturned lately were from you too.

Lies, I gave you a GT vio when I was first modded for claiming too many roles. It was OT'd. That's the only one.

townyyy1 says

finally poser modded 2 of these reports too and she was not supposed to mod my stuff at all. her and my hatred for each other was beyond feenikss and me now.

You don't get to choose who mods reports.

you hate me enough to boot me from games so why not just leave all my reports alone? you clearly want to do them

also the appeal accounts, as you took up a vote that stopped someone who would read the game actually to over throw it. finally at least one of those that you reported me for was processed like 1min after by poser. i did not even have a chance to argue my case
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

=bsm]because mtlve has done that to feeniks, and he's done nothing lmao

have you even read the whole history of reports between feenikss and i?

Sorry, I meant he's done nothing as in he isn't spamming threads. He hasn't even reported you for all the harassment he gets from you.
about 6 years

townyyy1 says

so lies again bsm. you reported me for 2 of my vios and gave me 2. your bs warning was used as evidence for the 5th.

I reported you for two but another mod gave them to you. I didn't decide it was a violation, someone else did. I report plenty of people and they don't get vio'd, so clearly you deserved it.

Sustaining a violation doesn't count as giving it to you, it's just saying I agree with the original decision.

townyyy1 says

you are clearly harassing me. like most vios that i got that were overturned lately were from you too.

Lies, I gave you a GT vio when I was first modded for claiming too many roles. It was OT'd. That's the only one.

townyyy1 says

finally poser modded 2 of these reports too and she was not supposed to mod my stuff at all. her and my hatred for each other was beyond feenikss and me now.

You don't get to choose who mods reports.
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

Okay, listen your Lobby camping violation and issue with feenikss has been resolved as far as the mod team is concerned. We aren't going to discuss that further. We told you that we would re-look at it in 3 months and see where you and feenikss stand other than that we aren't going to discuss it with you. If you want to continue complaining about your trolling vio, I don't blame you, and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

it would be different i think if both of us like caused drama when together but i can play normally with most people. if he cant do that, he can suffer the consequences and this fight is basically in 1 direction
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

Okay, listen your Lobby camping violation and issue with feenikss has been resolved as far as the mod team is concerned. We aren't going to discuss that further. We told you that we would re-look at it in 3 months and see where you and feenikss stand other than that we aren't going to discuss it with you. If you want to continue complaining about your trolling vio, I don't blame you, and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

so when feenikss is mad at you and demands you to not play with him, will you let him ban you from games? he has no reason to ban me from games. he can play like an adult like the rest of us. i will play the only open table period. if he does not want to play with me, he can leave and wait 1.5hrs for the next would be different if games filled but this site is dead. you cant ban people from playing together like this
deletedabout 6 years trolling bsm/poser trolling jm123/bsm forum spam bebop/ unknown sustain but bsm warned me to not post threads only because they were attacking him lobby camp charley/shoopie report spam; bsm reported me and poser viod, shoopie bsm reported me, ally viod,

so lies again bsm. you reported me for 2 of my vios and gave me 2. your bs warning was used as evidence for the 5th. the lobby camping is the only one that you were not directly involved in but you have been involved booting me from games, threatening me,etc.

you are clearly harassing me. like most vios that i got that were overturned lately were from you too. you clearly hate me and cant be unbiased against me.

finally poser modded 2 of these reports too and she was not supposed to mod my stuff at all. her and my hatred for each other was beyond feenikss and me now. wtf are they modding? she was told the last time that she was a mod to leave my reports alone for a reason
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

Jeff says


Shouldn't be surprised you avoided answering, you're not very good with uncomfortable truths are you

For the record, I kicked her because Putler was unsuspended and wanted to play a heart. He messaged me about it. Games weren't filling at the time so I was going to help him fill one. She left a 6/9 lobby to join mine which was at 2/9 and which I had already linked to Putler. She had no reason to do that.

dude it was the only open game or i would have avoided the game with the mod i cant stand dont you think? stop spreading lies. also the agreement was that the first person to join gets to play that game???
deletedabout 6 years
Okay, listen your Lobby camping violation and issue with feenikss has been resolved as far as the mod team is concerned. We aren't going to discuss that further. We told you that we would re-look at it in 3 months and see where you and feenikss stand other than that we aren't going to discuss it with you. If you want to continue complaining about your trolling vio, I don't blame you, and we will be happy to discuss it with you.
deletedabout 6 years

Jeff says

would you

a) notice you are biased

b) snatch their reports and give them vios because you hate them

he does b obviously. he mods like probably 1/2 my reports. there will be like 80 reports and he will do any reports on me but leave the other reports that were before and after them. it has been common for him to even do the report on me but not do any of the other reports in that same game!
deletedabout 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

jeff, if i made 6 threads complaining about the site and vios i'd received etc, and i name dropped you in each of them, and made another thread where i put your name in the title, what would you do?

(a) report me for harassment

(b) ignore me

(c) respond in the thread and/or PMs asking me to leave you out of my threads

because mtlve has done that to feeniks, and he's done nothing lmao

have you even read the whole history of reports between feenikss and i? clearly not. like 11months ago he gt in my game and got a gt vio and banned for 3 months and this is what started this whole thing. here is the report:

since this he absolutely hated me. he was banned but he would still read every game that i was in to try to find things to ban me for and comment everytime that i was reported. if i had a thread he would always join it to just attack me. yes he has like 2 harassment vios in the past but that was when he crossed the line with what he said mostly. most of the time i just ignore his bs, but like when he tells me to kill myself in forums.....

i always told him that i would play nicely with him, but if he cant talk nicely to me, he should stay away. i have the right to play games, like all of us, without getting called the r word the whole game and grudge lynched. he is not playing to win when he does this and he is just doing this to troll.
deletedabout 6 years
hey guys! we've got a lot of problems here, but have you considered the answer we're looking for lies outside the realms of conflict, and more within the domain of voluntary self-extermination?
about 6 years
You b1tch c*nt
about 6 years
Shut up Jeff
about 6 years
stupid aśs