
Report #251,858

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 6 years

If you read this game you will see that this noob and I clearly had a mutually agreed upon rs going on. He calls me blue: 12:06, 13:29, 16:11,18:23. Yes I random guilted him when I claimed cop day2 to reaction test him and he cced, and I immediately changed to a report on the dead and we continued the mutual rs all game (13:30): 13:30 everyone off nasal 17:33 I tr nasal. 19:23 stop fishing he is not my cc(referring to the cop). 14:00 I say why I was random guilting people at all: to get reads since we had no mislynch. I then lead on mafia, but none of the table was listening to me. The cop was voting my tr. I tried to get all to unvote but no one would and it was at kicks. If zayn was not mafia or followed me (or any other town), we would have lynched mafia there. Song even said that ani was mafia at 16:43 but refused to vote their cc…

In the report bsm, said that the real cop softed all days, but he really did not until day2 and then he and I willingly rsed. He claimed that I guilted and pushed on my claim but this is clearly a lie. I retracted like 1minute later and was rsing with him. I never pushed on him or my claim and I even softed that I was not cop at 19:23. You said that his play was not relevant to mine, but it takes two people to rs and he clearly agreed to do this with me. He was a noob clear and it was good that I could rs and try to lead town. The problem was that this whole town was just ignoring us all and mafia was like more leading town here. Its not my fault that the town decided to gt and split votes. Both cop claims were voting outside of their votes, yet they still refused to unvote at our requests to lynch actual mafia….
deletedabout 6 years
vote to OT to NV
deletedabout 6 years
i got an unjust vio for fake claiming before. i will not stop doing it on occasion, like everyone on this site does. if you want to ban me for playing the game like we should, then that is on you.

it was not a huge issue there if they crossed like i asked or they lynched with me. i would have been clear if they voted the correct way and we got ani. it takes 2 to rs and it was an obvious rs
deletedabout 6 years
dude if you look at the actual votes they were all selfing or crossing for me to hammer. ani and ravenn were selfing. the cop was voting songin. songin blitzed the cop at kicks but i personally thought it was completely crossed. jeff refused to vote at the count down. i tried to get people to all unvote at that point but they would not and it was at kicks. so he would like not force the lynch on someone i tr, i voted ani there. i did not know if jeff was town or not, but like i had no other choice there but to just vote and hope he was town, as no one was unvoting and we were at kicks
about 6 years
You've been warned and vio'd for fake claiming as a blue before - - because you give town no choice but to lynch you or your CC, which so often turns out to be town.

That in itself is disrupting gameplay, and as we've discussed before, getting reported is a negative reaction, and a sign of antagonism.
deletedabout 6 years
"Antagonizing other players, disrupting gameplay through actions or communications, or otherwise playing to get negative reactions from other players."

i did not antagonize anyone. i did not disrupt the game and could have won the game if town voted their fos and did not split votes intentionally. i did not play to get negative reactions...
deletedabout 6 years
In the report bsm, said that the real cop softed all days, but he really did not until day2 and then he and I willingly rsed.

He claimed that I guilted and pushed on my claim but this is clearly a lie. I retracted like 1minute later and was rsing with him. I never pushed on him or my claim and I even softed that I was not cop at 19:23.

You said that his play was not relevant to mine, but it takes two people to rs and he clearly agreed to do this with me. He was a noob clear and it was good that I could rs and try to lead town.

The problem was that this whole town was just ignoring us all and mafia was like more leading town here. Its not my fault that the town decided to gt and split votes. Both cop claims were voting outside of their votes, yet they still refused to unvote at our requests to lynch actual mafia….
deletedabout 6 years
He calls me blue: 12:06, 13:29, 16:11,18:23.

Yes I random guilted him when I claimed cop day2 to reaction test him and he cced later, and I immediately changed to a report on the dead and we continued the mutual rs all game:

13:30 everyone off nasal 17:33 I tr nasal. 19:23 stop fishing he is not my cc(referring to the cop).

14:00 I say why I was random guilting people at all: to get reads since we had no mislynch.

I then lead on mafia, but none of the table was listening to me. The cop was voting my tr. I tried to get all to unvote but no one would and it was at kicks. If zayn was not mafia or followed me (or any other town), we would have lynched mafia there. Song even said that ani was mafia at 16:43 but refused to vote their cc…