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have fun guys

deletedabout 6 years

i am done with this game and i suggest you all leave too

the people running this site should not be using their powers to harass people and they should actually make a site that does not break every 3 hrs

this was my final straw:

bsm did not even read past like the first minute of the game evidently and then poser like normal i doubt looked at the game at all

run people run like all the good people on this site did......

deletedabout 6 years
this is his only report of harass:

he clearly did not feel harassed by me, or he would have reported it. he just does this as another way to harass me. if you read what he says in games he just says that i am not playing with mtlve that . there is never anything about him feeling harassed. he just thinks that i am dumb and is avoiding me. this is basically what become was doing
so mods saying that i cant play the only open table is just harassment of me again. like if he did this to charley or anyone else basically, they would just tell him to grow up or get banned
deletedabout 6 years
why am i still not banned. i broke their corrupt rule that they were using to harass me with clearly.... ban me you b1tches like you have tried for years. i am done with your harassment and this site
deletedabout 6 years
still waiting for my ban. i even sent 2 reports requesting it. you guys are good at making up vios. you can make up 2 more...
about 6 years
vote to arrest irl and charge with assault and battery in the 1st degree
about 6 years
about 6 years
thanks I had fun
about 6 years
No come back Ra1nyDay I love you!!!
deletedabout 6 years
vote to OT to NV
deletedabout 6 years
another person bullied off the site