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deletedabout 6 years

i am done with this game and i suggest you all leave too

the people running this site should not be using their powers to harass people and they should actually make a site that does not break every 3 hrs

this was my final straw:

bsm did not even read past like the first minute of the game evidently and then poser like normal i doubt looked at the game at all

run people run like all the good people on this site did......

about 6 years
just fatter
about 6 years
you're trump 2.0
about 6 years
about 6 years

Jeff says


Shouldn't be surprised you avoided answering, you're not very good with uncomfortable truths are you

For the record, I kicked her because Putler was unsuspended and wanted to play a heart. He messaged me about it. Games weren't filling at the time so I was going to help him fill one. She left a 6/9 lobby to join mine which was at 2/9 and which I had already linked to Putler. She had no reason to do that.

I don't snatch reports, I put the top ten or so in progress and do them all. I've handled nine(seven if you consider two were dupes) reports against her in the six months I've been a mod. She's been reported 64 times. It's not my fault that she plays all her games when I'm on. Believe me, I wish she didn't.

I don't let my bias affect my reports either. Maybe that's how you modded, but I don't. If I did I would have round suspended her instantly when she got two vios in 726, instead of talking to Nathan to figure out a way to let her keep playing. I also would have given her vios for harassment instead of giving her multiple notes in the hopes she'd learn her lesson.

Overall, I've given her two vios(one was overturned) in six months, on seven reports. I've advocated for her not to be round suspended, and I've spent a lot of my time trying to get her to understand why she shouldn't do some of the things she does.

So tell me again how I'm biased?

EDIT: she's also currently sitting on six vios, from six different mods.
about 6 years
bsm is garbage
about 6 years
like you don't have a single leg to stand on here because even your fellow moderators know you're overstepping and inserting yourself into situations that are easily avoidable if you just let other mods fairly deal with mtlve but you can't even put aside your bias for a single second because you wanna slap her with bullshït trolling vios for games you CLEARLY didn't read.
about 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

jeff, if i made 6 threads complaining about the site and vios i'd received etc, and i name dropped you in each of them, and made another thread where i put your name in the title, what would you do?

(a) report me for harassment

(b) ignore me

(c) respond in the thread and/or PMs asking me to leave you out of my threads

because mtlve has done that to feeniks, and he's done nothing lmao

if you were a mod and you hated someone and had so much bias against them that you kick them out of games that they have every right to be in would you

a) notice you are biased

b) snatch their reports and give them vios because you hate them
about 6 years
BSM can't get any action barring violating without consent, cut the fellow some slack.
about 6 years
jeff, if i made 6 threads complaining about the site and vios i'd received etc, and i name dropped you in each of them, and made another thread where i put your name in the title, what would you do?

(a) report me for harassment

(b) ignore me

(c) respond in the thread and/or PMs asking me to leave you out of my threads

because mtlve has done that to feeniks, and he's done nothing lmao
deletedabout 6 years

Jeff says

I know both Shoopie and Charley agree it should be OT'd to no vio, so it should be fixed. That vio is wrong completely. Blacksnakemoan is clearly acting out of an immense bias.

uh idk about shoopie but ally denial and I agreed.
about 6 years
Also, Feeniks is very openly and obviously the aggressor in the Mtlve/Feeniks ordeal like Jesus Christ y'all are purposely moderating this shït with your heads up your aśses.
about 6 years
First of all, his bias is so obvious he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her reports. HE KICKED HER FROM A GAME BECAUSE "FEENIKS WAS COMING LATER". Mtlve is there first, she gets to play, you don't kick her so that someone else can join in her place that's like.... I.......

BSM comment is INSANELY stupid on the appeal also for the Trolling vio.

blacksnakemoan 19h 2m -1
You've been warned and vio'd for fake claiming as a blue before - - because you give town no choice but to lynch you or your CC, which so often turns out to be town.

That in itself is disrupting gameplay, and as we've discussed before, getting reported is a negative reaction, and a sign of antagonism.

Did he even read the GAME? There was no lynch happening between "Mtlve and her CC". The cop was blitzed on kicks. Yea, Mtlve should have retracted, but Mtlve was obviously hard pushing on mafia and in no way trolling or throwing against her alignment, she was poorly trying to roleswap and get her scumread lynched, it just unfortunately didn't work, but in no way does that make it a vio. This is INSANELY stupid to base the verdict off of result rather than INTENT. Earlier today in a game I did the same thing, tried to RS doc, got my scumread lynched and won. So it's not a vio, but if it fails, it's a vio? Regardless of intent? Nah. That's dumb. BSM shouldn't be touching Mtlve's reports.
about 6 years
I know both Shoopie and Charley agree it should be OT'd to no vio, so it should be fixed. That vio is wrong completely. Blacksnakemoan is clearly acting out of an immense bias.
about 6 years
all things aside, the trolling vio BSM gave her is absolute garbage. we know mtlve sucks at reading games when she's tunneling someone. she was very obviously not trying to get cop lynched and was pushing hard on scum and trying to get sacked in cops place like in no world was she throwing or tossing in this game.

This needs to be fixed.
deletedabout 6 years
also charley i feel slandered by feenikss and not harassed now but at times he as harassed me. his whole behavior is a childish act to just get me banned. why not make him stop? why not make him stop being toxic to all. everyone complains about how toxic he is

right now i am more harassed by the mod team, as they vio farm me. you guys already ruled that you cant just ban people from playing with you because you do not want to play with them. why should i wait 2hrs for a game to fill because he has the only open table? why cant he just leave the game if he does not want to play with me?
deletedabout 6 years

charley says

Ra1nyDay says

3. mods stop harassing me and let me play in peace. mods stop trying to start drama with me and harass me as they always do

The moderators aren't harassing you lol. Games with both you and feenikss are toxic for everyone not just you both. Just because a verdict doesn't go the way you would like it to does not mean we are harassing you.

how were the games toxic? they were only toxic in the sense that feenikss decides to use it as an excuss to insult me, troll and suicides as part of the act. if you guys said that he needs to behave and play with the only open table nicely, i think that he would. if he does not want to play with me, he can always leave and rehost after it fills. why should i be punished only because he wants to throw a tantrum and harass me? you should be defending the person getting harassed and not the harasser
deletedabout 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

3. mods stop harassing me and let me play in peace. mods stop trying to start drama with me and harass me as they always do

The moderators aren't harassing you lol. Games with both you and feenikss are toxic for everyone not just you both. Just because a verdict doesn't go the way you would like it to does not mean we are harassing you.

If you want to quit then just quit because, to be frank, I could not give a flying f*ck., but if you are going to do it at least have a good excuse for doing so because right now all your reasons all add up to one thing. "I am 10 years old irl and everything I say do or think is correct and everyone else is wrong."

I agree with you that your most recent trolling violation is the wrong verdict, but just because bsm and poser think it is trolling doesn't mean she is out to get you. Poser didn't even know it was you for gods sake. I PMed and told you I was discussing your violation with Nathan/The mod team because a few of the mods don't think it is trolling and what do you do? You start joining feenikss game to antagonize him in order to be banned. You're acting like a god damn child. You're supposed to be a 27-year-old woman. Grow the f*ck up.
deletedabout 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

i am done with this site until you do the following:

1. bsm, poser, ally, and charley are not allowed to vote on the initial reports and appeals but ally and charley only can vote to overturn things or not if it goes past the inital report and appeal

If I am unbiased enough to vote on your appeals I am unbiased enough to do the initial report. Stop being a child. No one is using the report system to harass you.

Ra1nyDay says

2. i am allowed to play the only open table in peace. people cant pick who they play with. if they do not want to play with someone they can host after that game fills

You were told that we would review the case in 3 months, but for now, the lobby camping stays. You both feel harassed by one another. Again why do you want to play with your harasser? May it be because you, in fact, do not feel harassed at all and just love attention?
about 6 years
even though you’re my ex-wife, please stay. we love you
about 6 years
How much of an addict are you that you have to get yourself banned in order to take a break?
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
i love it when the people harassing me tell me to stop trying to get banned. they dont want me to leave, as they will not have anyone to harass....

grow up
deletedabout 6 years

SausageDog says

Mtlve pls don’t leave. EM won’t be the same without you :(

i love you puppy even though i never see you now :)
deletedabout 6 years
i am done with this site until you do the following:

1. bsm, poser, ally, and charley are not allowed to vote on the initial reports and appeals but ally and charley only can vote to overturn things or not if it goes past the inital report and appeal

2. i am allowed to play the only open table in peace. people cant pick who they play with. if they do not want to play with someone they can host after that game fills

3. mods stop harassing me and let me play in peace. mods stop trying to start drama with me and harass me as they always do
about 6 years
Mtlve pls don’t leave. EM won’t be the same without you :(