no, it just says humans can not process logic and empathy at the same time. groundhogday presented a logical argument, and he's not wrong. you presented the empathetic argument, which is also not wrong. perhaps you guys might be able to achieve the same objective if you realize why both sides are equally correct
it's not just enough that people think different things than me, i have to let them know that they are dumb for having empathy and should be apathetic about everything like me
it's not just enough that people think different things than me, i have to let them know that they are dumb for having empathy and should be apathetic about everything like me
it's not just enough that people think different things than me, i have to let them know that they are dumb for having empathy and should be apathetic about everything like me
ur just telling people who don't hate the afro american community not to hate the afro american community do u think any actual racist is gonna read what u said and decide not to say n words with hard rs and soft as
the n-word hasn't had its meaning completely changed lmao. idk where ur from but i've heard/seen firsthand white people saying the n-word (hard r and otherwise) about black people in an extremely hateful way plenty of times. it's still extremely ingrained in the vocabulary of anti-black racism.
also, reclaiming a word doesn't mean that it's being offered up as fair game for everyone; it means that the group who has been the target of said slur is removing the power from the people who do use it in a derogatory fashion. so..... if ur not black u really shouldn't say the n-word/try to change its meaning. that's not ur place and just comes off as tone-deaf and offensive.
i'm obviously not trying to argue against free speech lmao. u can reread my post, i said that it's my opinion that non-black people *shouldn't* say the n-word, not that they can't
lol this argument is so petulant and unrealistic. ur technically correct, anyone has the ability to say whatever they want, duh. but this issue is about semantics.
also @peanut i already explained that
No, because when you argue that only certain people are allowed to say X word, it is if they own the word
lol this argument is so petulant and unrealistic. ur technically correct, anyone has the ability to say whatever they want, duh. but this issue is about semantics.