So there's been a lot of shooting recently and the president isnt doing about it.
Australia had its worst mass shooting in 1996 on the 28th of April. 12 days later australia announced a bipartisan deal on sweeping gun control measures. The government brought back and destroyed over a million guns. We (australia) haven't had a mass shooting since.
Why is Trump not doing anything. Children are dying. People aren't living their full lives. If comforting those who have been through trauma and lost loved ones is all they can do b*llfucking sh*t. If saying it will be okay to those victims then saying that to gun owners should be fine too.
Sorry im just annoyed with how this has all been going down.
the fact that you make this a republican/democrat conversation, when it is about what is common sense just goes to show how completely F|_|CKED in the head you are
you're about as incoherent and brainwashed as your PM dancing his way in robe to india
Nah what I’m saying is if he was brown he woyldve been stopped a long time ago, however since he’s white he’s held to a different standard , and in that standard which he was held to the FBI did the best crime prevention they could
Pick battles that actually make sense, take stances that actually hold weight - if you can tell me what the FBI could have legally done to stop this crime I’ll consider it for a second .
What we do know is the FBI could not have taken his gun because 2nd amendment even for th crazies, and he does not wear a hijab or have a red dot on his forehead so there’s absolutely no way he was going to be detained without probable cause.
u r literally saying its the fbi's fault because they r white supremacists
wow he was violent and killed animals and was a blowhard online how abnormal for a kid who is being trained to be a solider and thinks he is a SEAL in waiting
Pick battles that actually make sense, take stances that actually hold weight - if you can tell me what the FBI could have legally done to stop this crime I’ll consider it for a second .
What we do know is the FBI could not have taken his gun because 2nd amendment even for th crazies, and he does not wear a hijab or have a red dot on his forehead so there’s absolutely no way he was going to be detained without probable cause.
"In September, a YouTube user going by Nikolas Cruz posted a comment to a vlogger's YouTube page, saying, "Im going to be a professional school shooter." A law enforcement official confirms the FBI received a report about the post."
Nickolas Cruz was constantly being reported to the FBI, he was even under investigation in the past. He even called the FBI himself. He killed animals, was violent, made threatening posts. Many many people called the FBI on him.
“A good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun” - False “Every school needs an armed guard who is getting paid minimum wage to risk his life” - False