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Wrangling the WOKEN

about 7 years

Greetings. I am Jamal Tiberius Marley -- destroyer of the evil clique, executioner of user error, bomber of user Bebop, and most importantly, the leader of the saviours.

For years now, I have fought for the users in this lobby against the people that have threatened them the most. I created the Holy Church of Jamal to unite likeminded individuals who were tired of being at the will of abusive moderators, discourteous people, and a group set out to make their lives on this site and in the Sandbox lobby a living hell.

There was a time where I had such great support in this lobby, truly, against people like Bebop who has wronged so many of you and stole this once great lobby from me because of a grudge he has against me. So many users decided to Stand Tall with Jamal during the hard times when many of our soldiers were victims of the abuse at the hands of the clique, and that will not be forgotten.

The current incarnation of the Holy Church of Jamal truly is a sanctuary for all and a community for all. We have room for everyone who is willing to uphold the values that I have set for the congregants of the church -- and only if they uphold those values. We pride ourselves on spreading positivity and eradicating bullying and toxicity in this lobby and now, the Main lobby.

It has come to my attention that a certain user, Plissken, has been going against the values I have set for the congregants of the church and with that information presented to me, I had my finest team of investigators look into the situation.

Plissken has caused the great people of Sandbox pain and anguish and now with the advent of The List of DELETION, he is directly attacking innocent users who are not toxic nor bullies such as user sl0nderman. While our purpose is to bring justice to the lobbies, we will not be targeting the innocent.

I am hereby revoking Plissken’s WOKEN status and exiling him from the Holy Church of Jamal.

I am hereby shutting down Justice Under Dictators and Scum and anyone who wishes to become WOKEN and begin their path to enlightenment must go through the main branch of the Church:

The WOKEN Warriors may still stay a part of the glorious Church, yet let this serve as a reminder to all that the values I have set must be upheld and that no one is immune from being exiled from the Church. I am the Lord and you will obey.

Anyone who speaks on behalf of Plissken will be seen as a traitor and will be exiled from the Church.

As always, the Holy Church of Jamal is a sanctuary for all and a community for all and we look forward to new congregants joining us:

How do you feel about the greatest wrangler, Jamal Tiberius Marley?
He is our hero!
So divine and also dreamy!
about 7 years

Nakhhash says

what about plissken's wife

All of the WOKEN Warriors obey me -- no one else. The WOKEN Warriors have the opportunity to remain with the Church as I have reason to suspect that user Plissken coerced them into doing his bidding, yet if they do not uphold the values of the Church then they too will be exiled.
about 7 years

Negra says

plissken is judas

Don't insult my boi judas like that

deletedabout 7 years
what about plissken's wife
about 7 years
about 7 years
is that a terroristic threat i smell
about 7 years

Bebop says

jamal: better distance myself from plissken now

Untrue. You may ask user Golbolco, I told her I had a grand announcement that would shock the world hours ago.
about 7 years
and what does bomber of bebop even mean
about 7 years
jamal: better distance myself from plissken now
about 7 years
shut up (moved to spam)
about 7 years
Put this in spam, please.
about 7 years
plissken is judas