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Wrangling the WOKEN

about 7 years

Greetings. I am Jamal Tiberius Marley -- destroyer of the evil clique, executioner of user error, bomber of user Bebop, and most importantly, the leader of the saviours.

For years now, I have fought for the users in this lobby against the people that have threatened them the most. I created the Holy Church of Jamal to unite likeminded individuals who were tired of being at the will of abusive moderators, discourteous people, and a group set out to make their lives on this site and in the Sandbox lobby a living hell.

There was a time where I had such great support in this lobby, truly, against people like Bebop who has wronged so many of you and stole this once great lobby from me because of a grudge he has against me. So many users decided to Stand Tall with Jamal during the hard times when many of our soldiers were victims of the abuse at the hands of the clique, and that will not be forgotten.

The current incarnation of the Holy Church of Jamal truly is a sanctuary for all and a community for all. We have room for everyone who is willing to uphold the values that I have set for the congregants of the church -- and only if they uphold those values. We pride ourselves on spreading positivity and eradicating bullying and toxicity in this lobby and now, the Main lobby.

It has come to my attention that a certain user, Plissken, has been going against the values I have set for the congregants of the church and with that information presented to me, I had my finest team of investigators look into the situation.

Plissken has caused the great people of Sandbox pain and anguish and now with the advent of The List of DELETION, he is directly attacking innocent users who are not toxic nor bullies such as user sl0nderman. While our purpose is to bring justice to the lobbies, we will not be targeting the innocent.

I am hereby revoking Plissken’s WOKEN status and exiling him from the Holy Church of Jamal.

I am hereby shutting down Justice Under Dictators and Scum and anyone who wishes to become WOKEN and begin their path to enlightenment must go through the main branch of the Church:

The WOKEN Warriors may still stay a part of the glorious Church, yet let this serve as a reminder to all that the values I have set must be upheld and that no one is immune from being exiled from the Church. I am the Lord and you will obey.

Anyone who speaks on behalf of Plissken will be seen as a traitor and will be exiled from the Church.

As always, the Holy Church of Jamal is a sanctuary for all and a community for all and we look forward to new congregants joining us:

How do you feel about the greatest wrangler, Jamal Tiberius Marley?
He is our hero!
So divine and also dreamy!
deletedabout 7 years

jamal in op says

The WOKEN Warriors

eat glass
about 7 years
Can we ban Pisskin already
about 7 years

Nakhhash says

nearbeer says

Negra says

plissken is judas

Don't insult my boi judas like that

judas in BoI is actual trash

1 heart container means you die instantly to any champion


its ok to have bad opinions

if youre getting hit by regular enemies or most bosses in the first few levels then you need to git gud!!!
about 7 years

zoella says

so sad. i am sorry to have upset thee, Ja'al. please forgive me.

The great Jamal Tiberius Marley is so forgiving.

You are still a great member of the Church and will remain as such as long as you uphold the values I have set for you.
about 7 years
so sad. i am sorry to have upset thee, Ja'al. please forgive me.
about 7 years

blood4bloodgod says

what did plissken do now?

I had my wonderful investigators investigate claims that he was not upholding the values of the Church and once these claims were proven to be true, he was exiled from the great Holy Church of Jamal.
about 7 years
what did plissken do now?
about 7 years

lilin says

actually on 16 July, 2016 when you posted that, you were talking about underaged people and 18+ people (i was there)

Untrue as on the 16th of July in the 2016th year, I was backpacking up the Aconcagua mountain in the great country of Argentina.
about 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.

Slanderous lies yet again!

Everyone, feast your eyes upon this toxic bully. This type of behaviour is exactly what we are trying to eradicate with the Holy Church of Jamal.

Its not bullying when you blatantly said you support pedophilia in this thread via your "there is no age limit on dating" comment, among other similar comment I'm very sure exist.

It seems you have an issue understanding that children may start dating one another at any age -- there is no set age that they may begin dating. I struggle to understand how children dating each other constitutes pedophilia.

So glad you finally decided to properly address something instead of beating around the bush. Doesn't disqualify the fact that you still supported a pedophile up until he was finally banned, but ok.

I addressed the comment taken out of context when Bebop initially posted the image. Very upsetting how you ignore information!
deletedabout 7 years
actually on 16 July, 2016 when you posted that, you were talking about underaged people and 18+ people (i was there)
about 7 years

Merlot says

there is no set age that they may begin dating.


Completely missed that he said that. Wowzers.
about 7 years

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.

Slanderous lies yet again!

Everyone, feast your eyes upon this toxic bully. This type of behaviour is exactly what we are trying to eradicate with the Holy Church of Jamal.

Its not bullying when you blatantly said you support pedophilia in this thread via your "there is no age limit on dating" comment, among other similar comment I'm very sure exist.

It seems you have an issue understanding that children may start dating one another at any age -- there is no set age that they may begin dating. I struggle to understand how children dating each other constitutes pedophilia.

So glad you finally decided to properly address something instead of beating around the bush. Doesn't disqualify the fact that you still supported a pedophile up until he was finally banned, but ok.
about 7 years

there is no set age that they may begin dating.

about 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.

Slanderous lies yet again!

Everyone, feast your eyes upon this toxic bully. This type of behaviour is exactly what we are trying to eradicate with the Holy Church of Jamal.

Its not bullying when you blatantly said you support pedophilia in this thread via your "there is no age limit on dating" comment, among other similar comment I'm very sure exist.

It seems you have an issue understanding that children may start dating one another at any age -- there is no set age that they may begin dating. I struggle to understand how children dating each other constitutes pedophilia.
about 7 years
Perhaps you should be more concerned about site users starting to believe you're also a pedophile instead of a fuking imaginary church.
about 7 years

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.

Slanderous lies yet again!

Everyone, feast your eyes upon this toxic bully. This type of behaviour is exactly what we are trying to eradicate with the Holy Church of Jamal.

Its not bullying when you blatantly said you support pedophilia in this thread via your "there is no age limit on dating" comment, among other similar comment I'm very sure exist.
about 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.

Slanderous lies yet again!

Everyone, feast your eyes upon this toxic bully. This type of behaviour is exactly what we are trying to eradicate with the Holy Church of Jamal.
about 7 years

JamalMarley says

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!

Says the person supporting pedophilia, and spends 90% of his time on EpicMafia.
deletedabout 7 years

nearbeer says

Negra says

plissken is judas

Don't insult my boi judas like that

judas in BoI is actual trash

1 heart container means you die instantly to any champion

about 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?

Look at these slanderous lies, folks.

Certain users clearly have never had a relationship growing up which has riddled them with insecurities and wish the same on all others -- how unfortunate!
about 7 years

JamalMarley says

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.

Oh okay, you support pedophilia. Go figure. Can we ban Jamal now too?
about 7 years
plissken was fat anyway
about 7 years

Bebop says

This remains to be true, user Bebop.

When I was a young boy, I truly had so many women wanting to date me and I obliged. To attempt to stop the young boys from developing relationships and going through puberty would result in users having no choice but to find a subpar woman online to date as no one would touch them in real life.
about 7 years
It is good to see that the ideals of the original Holy Church of Jamal are once again expressed! For one year, there was ultimate chaos and spam which I could not support, and I created the Second Church to counteract the Plissken Administered Church (PAC). The success of the Second Church was limited but as the Greatest Day came and our great lord retook control of the Church, I knew great times were to come.

This is a joyous day for all of us true and faithful congregants! May your omnipotence guide all of us through life!
about 7 years