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N1 Vig in Reverse Maf is optimal.

deletedalmost 7 years

There is an EXTREMELY popular opinion that n1 vig is a noob/idiotic move.

Firstly, this is based on the actual truth that all noobs are going to n1 as vig and that (due to this popular peer pressured opinion) most experienced players will kill no one n1 as vig. The issue is that just because all noobs would do it and most experienced players wouldn't doesn't, in itself, prove that the majority who no-kill are in the right.

I will now prove why the minority of experienced players who do n1 as vig are not idiotic gamblers but wise gamblers: There are 10 players overall. 6 of them are ones you want to kill n1 (traitors+fool). Note that it is actually a 66.67% shot you are taking and not a 60% shot because you know you yourself are not one of the 6 and therefore it'a a 6/9 shot in the dark and not a 6/10).

The argument that you can n1 stalker and unrank the game (which is a 11.11% chance) or that you can kill the masoned player and/or the same as stalker both which hurt town is just not how you should analyse a gamble. You don't think "oh no this can go wrong so therefore it's unwise" you should think which is more likely; it going right or wrong and use this combined with the extent of profit in deciding to go for it or not. In reality killing off a mason isn't too bad n1 unless the stalker kills the other one too. The only person you could kill n1 who really will impact your chances of winning negatively by a huge percentage is the tracker as you now have heavily nerfed the information with which the masons can operate AROUND the possibility of masoning the stalker.

So, in reality, the stalker and the tracker are the only game-hampering kills you could make n1 and since you can still win easily-enough with tracker dead (especially with the skill level of most reverse maf players being hella low) you are only really needing to fear killing the stalker n1 or the same as the stalker kills which all in all is a 22.22% chance of failure in your shot.

So, taking ALL ANGLES of thinking into your frame of mind, n1ing as the vig is pretty much either helping you or not mattering too much 77.88% of the time.

almost 7 years
gonna need a screenshot of that one buddy
almost 7 years
UnknownGangster sent a message to Jeff 3m 32s ago
« Back Reply
You hurt my feelings.
deletedalmost 7 years
if/when i received that pm, it may have also said "Your child self would hate the amoral -up you've become."

my child self is absolutely disappointed in me but i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that none of the disappointment comes from mocking someone on epic mafia dot com
deletedalmost 7 years
UnknownGangster sent a message to Recidivism 1m 46s ago
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I don't give a if you're 6'7 or the real life Hulk. Your body isn't how you will escape my wrath I tell you that.

I have supernatural powers you don't even understand. Your life is going to go downhill in all ways and my alien allies will assist in it along with other things.

You are dealing with forces you will wish you had not.

You are everything this world is better off without and I hope you die a very slow and painful death.
almost 7 years
it's so depressing that we live in this world where armed gangs of lawyers can beat up teenagers and then show up in court the next day to explain to the judge why it was actually the teenagers who were wrong
almost 7 years
this guy has lawyer friends who also rove around beating up internet trolls, look out guys
deletedalmost 7 years
i may or may not have gotten a pm from him telling me that he's appalled at whose side i took in this thread "considering what i went through as a child."
deletedalmost 7 years
The irony of this guy calling me a bully after he literally threatened to dox me to the extent I lose my job and my enrollment in University because he can't deal with mean words is not lost on me.

I hope you don't shoot up a school dude
almost 7 years

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

If/when I was a hall monitor, I was the type you cowered before.

this is honestly the greatest post ever made on this website.

this guy 100% put hall monitor on his college applications and every resume he's ever made.

are you sure he put hall monitor and not hall monitor (maybe)
almost 7 years
me and my real friends who exist are going to beat the sh*t out of you sonseray
almost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

If/when I was a hall monitor, I was the type you cowered before.

this is honestly the greatest post ever made on this website.

this guy 100% put hall monitor on his college applications and every resume he's ever made.
deletedalmost 7 years
i can't believe that sonse saying he was laughing at the op turned into 14 pages of him defending his title as the most feared hall monitor ever to step foot in his school
almost 7 years
I just reread the thread and it's honestly one of the funniest reads I've ever had I'm actually laughing out loud.
deletedalmost 7 years

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Only a virgin would think "I'll take your any day" is someone BEGGING to be fu'cked.

No, anyone who understand English or can use Google translate would realise it means that.

any *virgin* who understands English

No, seriously anyone who isn't a virgin can understand that sentence too, like I don't get what on Earth you're implying here but your sentence really was easy to understand.

He capitalized Earth because he's self-conscious about his intelligence now we did it ya'll good game team. 1-2-3 goooooo epicmafia foruuums!

I can't believe this is the post that broke him. It's like he got shot down with a pea shooter.
almost 7 years
Upvote this post if you think Recidivism is going to jail for Cyberbullying
deletedalmost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Anyone who wants to post about this topic, PM me so I'll check. Otherwise I'll be ignoring this thread. Thanks.

wait come back and clear this up for me, do you want them to pm you about being a hall monitor or about how to play reverse mafia?
deletedalmost 7 years

UnknownGangster says

Now I get why you keep pointing out how everyone's laughing at me with you. This is your source of socialising and friendship. Meanwhile I got real life friends who wouldn't just laugh at you but would curbstomp you beyond recognition as yoru jaw hangs loose and then use their actual law degrees to put you behind bars for the cyberbullying you've probably done worse to many other people. Yeah, stick with these bunch of losers you call your online friends, I feel do intimidated by their laughing at me.

Did you guys ever imagine we could achieve a post like this in the year of our lord 2017
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
that took longer than i expected
deletedalmost 7 years
We broke him guys. He snapped. He's broken.
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
i still wanna know why this guy has been so mean to jeff and sonse but they were so nice to me and tried to defend my honor against sIut shaming when i've been here with the two of them being rude af about their hall monitor title
almost 7 years

Recidivism says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

UnknownGangster says

Jeff says

Only a virgin would think "I'll take your any day" is someone BEGGING to be fu'cked.

No, anyone who understand English or can use Google translate would realise it means that.

any *virgin* who understands English

No, seriously anyone who isn't a virgin can understand that sentence too, like I don't get what on Earth you're implying here but your sentence really was easy to understand.

He capitalized Earth because he's self-conscious about his intelligence now we did it ya'll good game team. 1-2-3 goooooo epicmafia foruuums!

Now I get why you keep pointing out how everyone's laughing at me with you. This is your source of socialising and friendship. Meanwhile I got real life friends who wouldn't just laugh at you but would curbstomp you beyond recognition as yoru jaw hangs loose and then use their actual law degrees to put you behind bars for the cyberbullying you've probably done worse to many other people. Yeah, stick with these bunch of losers you call your online friends, I feel do intimidated by their laughing at me.

Get some real life friends who would do more than laugh with you at someone for posting a brilliant thread.

Pathetic c***.

Anyway, I'm done here, seriously I am done.

Anyone who wants to post about this topic, PM me so I'll check. Otherwise I'll be ignoring this thread. Thanks.
almost 7 years
Serious question Jedi Master Lord Gangster, when is the last time someone touched your d'ick and your hand and your pastor DON'T COUNT.
almost 7 years

Recidivism says

Jeff says

I got TWO latinos within 3 hours of each other tyvm xoxo

How many points is a latino worth as compared to an Asian?

They're the same actually those are my racial preferences lol