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Hall of Fame

almost 7 years

Products are prone to change, please bump if there are inconsistencies. Also feel free to suggest anything.

Seeking oldest viewable topic

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almost 7 years
is competitive the oldest forum? This might be the oldest topic
deletedalmost 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

This is the oldest family I checked all the ones from 1 to 243

does lacrossegirl have a bf
deletedalmost 7 years
did u use a script or manually check them all?
almost 7 years
This is the oldest family I checked all the ones from 1 to 243
almost 7 years

Shwartz99 says

First Thread with a countdown:

TY but I'm looking for the oldest thread that is visible/can be posted on(unless locked)

still seeking that and family, or the oldest one you can think of I can temporarily put it in the hall of fame until an older one is found
deletedalmost 7 years

worst ssb4 player on epicmafia
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
First Thread with a countdown:

This is the board to the thread, not sure what the actual thread was
almost 7 years
I think is the oldest setup if I remember correctly
almost 7 years
Bump, still taking suggestions for new additions
deletedalmost 7 years

Jimbei says

Most downvoted suggested: War Demon

fake news
almost 7 years
more like Hall of Shame
almost 7 years

SirAmelio says

lol i was like "is sammie that good?" then realized all trophies are from a custom lobby and thats actually a bit sad

wait until you realise that every game played in that lobby is filled with exclusively sammie's alts

here's the one with all the silvers:

and bronzes:

remove from this list
almost 7 years

Chaika says

Remove Sammie from this list unless you want this to be called Hall of Infamy.

Chaika says

Remove Sammie from this list unless you want this to be called Hall of Infamy.

Chaika says

Remove Sammie from this list unless you want this to be called Hall of Infamy.

Chaika says

Remove Sammie from this list unless you want this to be called Hall of Infamy.

almost 7 years
Remove Sammie from this list unless you want this to be called Hall of Infamy.
deletedalmost 7 years
sammie farmed in her own lobbies too
deletedalmost 7 years
betmen farmed in custom lobbies for his achievements so it shouldn't count
almost 7 years
This is a good idea, lil' bit of an EM timecapsule
almost 7 years
lol i was like "is sammie that good?" then realized all trophies are from a custom lobby and thats actually a bit sad