
Report #138,774

Report Details

closeddeletedover 9 years
Appealing I am appealing this because the violation is completely excessive for something that isn’t even hate speech or hateful comment. I use singular pronouns for singular subjects. This is the most important part why it shows I wasn’t trying to be hateful at all: By using “their” in lieu of his/her, it makes my grammar conflicted and awkward. In Rezi’s screenshot, I said “Deux claims he/she/it is agender.” If I had used “their”, it would become “Deux claims they….” Do I use “is” or “are”? Honestly, when I said “it” it was never with ill intent to insult or dehumanize Deux. I just simply listed out a bunch of all the neutral singular pronouns. Rezi is stretching this and trying to show me saying a two-lettered pronoun was an attempt to insult Deux when it wasn’t. Even in Rezi’s screenshot, I was responding to someone else’s comment why we were talking about agender people; It was not out of the blue to make fun of Deux! So please, remove this violation.
deletedover 9 years
And just so you're aware, a moderator was about to sustain this before I stopped them. You're welcome, Terry.
deletedover 9 years
Self-OTing to a note. In retrospect the instigation may not have been as serious as I thought because the out of context screenshots ((THIS IS HOW LEAVING 80 COMMENTS ON A REPORT SCREWS THINGS UP PEOPLE)). Terry, be respectful. Saying "Deux claims..." is sketchy enough. I get that it's an opinion but seriously, keep opinions about this kind of stuff to yourself if you're not accepting. This isn't a site to debate gender identity, it's a mafia site and a community and you need to respect people's choices. Go rant about how gender non-conforming people don't make sense to you on your tumblr, not in sandbox chat where a lot of people will be made uncomfortable with that sort of thing.
over 9 years
"Terry, I'm giving you the vio because you have plenty of history with this and you know full well that the things you were saying were going to start fight [........]but you're going out of your way to be caustic and fan the flames when you say things like this and you know it." Christopherzilla has banned me before for doing this-- I told him I would stop making such comments. Yesterday, another person brought up the topic, and I simply added my political viewpoints to it-- That is all. I never made any comment to offend others. Honestly, if you actually looked at the screenshots, I was responding to OTHER people about the topic on hand. I remember someone asking something regarding the agender topic, and I responded "Deux claims he/she/it is agender." I'm still going to use he/she because Id on't like using "they," a plural pronoun, on singular subjects. You also called me a troll when I wasn't even trolling yesterday-- I was giving my political viewpoints.
deletedover 9 years
Sigh I hate that I have to write my whole essay again because Chris thought it would be funny to delete the old appeal.