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Mod team shakeup

almost 7 years

Updated June 25th:

TL;DR: We're starting from a clean state and have demodded everyone as we build a new mod team over the coming days.

Hey guys!

This is something that Nathan has wanted to do for a while, and with the events of the past few days it's been making a lot more sense for me. We're starting the moderator team anew and will be building it from the bottom up over the next coming days.

The mod team hasn't been working well, and with this restart we have the potential of building a better team with less conflict and controversial actions like the ones that have been happening recently. We'll be building the new mod team from a small selection of existing mods and new mods. We will not be re-modding certain moderators.

I want to thank the existing mods for being part of the EM, and I'm sorry for those who aren't being remodded, but it's nothing personal (and please don't take it personally! you're great) and this is for the best.

deletedalmost 7 years
gets jokingly accused
returns joke response

"ThAt WaS tHe MoSt aWfUl rEsPoNsE tO aN aCcUsAtIoN I'vE SeEn In AwHiLe..."
deletedalmost 7 years
mod a woman who's blonde, white, and 6ft tall
deletedalmost 7 years

dust says

That was the most awful response to an accusation I've seen in a while and I played fancy pants the other day.

almost 7 years
skyrim belongs to the nords
almost 7 years
That was the most awful response to an accusation I've seen in a while and I played fancy pants the other day.
almost 7 years

JM123 says

y'all need to get laid

JM123 says

Admin: TheGameGuy

Mods: Golbolco, error, JM123, Blister, nocash, Entil, ruiyang (aka suiyang), soda, Lolchurros, Tartosis, Shwartz99, redino

These are the heros we need

deletedalmost 7 years
am i? dangit and i didnt even know it. must've been better than i thought
almost 7 years
lono ur one of the leakers 0:)
almost 7 years
There's a reason why mods use reasons btw.
deletedalmost 7 years
death to leakers
almost 7 years

mandevian says

What this admin plans to do is obviously really bad for the site. Below is what should be done

1- have people with strong understanding of the rules and their application

2- have people with different taste in setups, different orientation towards the game, different likes, etc so that you have a kind of a representation from every group. This will ensure that there is always a healthy debate instead of a unanimous biased decision.

3- have 70 percent veterans and a few new and active players as mods who can learn from the veterans

4- do not try to do everything in private and decide everything by hiding from the very community that you are meant to serve. The mod team deserves absolutely no privacy in their communication. They should be heard by everyone but their discussions should only allow the mod team to avoid spamming. The option of privacy should be used in case the mods are handling some case with evidence that outs personal information of people and the user in question does not want to share it with everybody. For example if a mod uses a user's password to investigate something then that chat should be private.

I wanna know what is it that the mods really wanna hide from the community if they are working for the community and deciding their fate.

5- mods have never ever tried to solve issues from the base by talking to both parties and resolving the issues. They have always just taken sides based in their orientation towards the issue . If you go deeper and understand the point of view of both parties then you can figure out why someone is doing something or why someone is grudging someone or harassing someone and it could stop.

thanks, agree with you completely. great points

also, you completely mal-interpreted my original posts lol. unity != loyalty != yes men, unity includes things like not leaking mod chat.
almost 7 years

dust says

I'll do all the reports if you promise not to mod Expose and Lono.

Not that... I have anything better to do...

deletedalmost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

please mod me for reparations.

deletedalmost 7 years
please mod me for reparations.
deletedalmost 7 years

dust says

I'll do all the reports if you promise not to mod Expose and Lono.

Not that... I have anything better to do...

almost 7 years
I'll do all the reports if you promise not to mod Expose and Lono.

Not that... I have anything better to do...
deletedalmost 7 years
mmmmmmmODdddsSSSSS WhYYY areNTTTTT mY rePORTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS beINg tAKeN cARE oF?!! abUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years
Why not wait until the comp is over to demod everyone.

almost 7 years
There are 106 open reports how was demodding every single mod a good idea at all?
deletedalmost 7 years

that aint kaaaanyaaaaaaayyyyy
almost 7 years

that is the feeling
almost 7 years
That gif invokes a feeling inside of me
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years