[9:17:03 PM] Scott: And that tie is between [9:17:08 PM] Scott: eatemuptigs [9:17:10 PM] Eatemuptigs: :O [9:17:11 PM] Scott: and [9:17:13 PM] Scott: Firestone [9:17:20 PM] Chanman: OMG SLAY ALEX [9:17:21 PM] Scott: CONGRATULATIONS alexroberts [9:17:25 PM] Eatemuptigs: S L A Y A L E X [9:17:27 PM] Arisuu: woohoo alexroberts slay me!!!!!!!!! [9:17:29 PM] Markus: Congrats Alex on HoH!!!! [9:17:36 PM] Scott: He crushes the competition with 37 points [9:17:47 PM] Scott: He is your new HOH [9:17:48 PM] Eatemuptigs: he's asleep lmao [9:17:55 PM] Ahrre: lol [9:18:16 PM] Scott: I'll wake him up don't worry [9:19:41 PM] Chanman: I'm gonna log off! Cya later!
[9:10:18 PM] Scott: Who's ready for the HOH results [9:10:30 PM] Chanman: me [9:11:21 PM] Arisuu: mee [9:11:21 PM] Scott: Okay [9:11:28 PM] Chanman: Good luck everyone [9:11:30 PM] Scott: Let me just make sure I have my numbers right [9:12:47 PM] Eatemuptigs: yeet [9:12:49 PM] Eatemuptigs: I'm here [9:13:46 PM] Scott: Okay [9:13:47 PM] Scott: In [9:14:04 PM] Scott: A tie for 9th place [9:14:06 PM] Scott: At -22 [9:14:15 PM] Scott: TennisBallBFDI [9:14:18 PM] Chanman: rip [9:14:19 PM] Scott: And Markus [9:14:24 PM] Eatemuptigs: lmao [9:14:28 PM] Markus: Hahaha [9:14:35 PM] Scott: In 8th place [9:14:38 PM] Scott: With -4 points [9:14:44 PM] Scott: Sorry
[9:19:59 PM] Chanman: Omg the lag thank goodness that's over [9:20:15 PM] Ahrre: Omg yes [9:20:25 PM] Ahrre: My favorite kind of depression [9:20:26 PM] Markus: Rough [9:20:27 PM] Bryce: Yes people I can relate to [9:21:03 PM] Jessy: In the Great Depression, you must be careful about how and why you spend your money. This competition will challenge that, as you must decide who is deserving of your coins. [9:21:07 PM] Chanman: I'm freee [9:21:15 PM] Jessy: You each have 11 coins to spend, valued at -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. You must assign one coin to each of your fellow houseguests. [9:21:29 PM] Jessy: A coin of negative value will detract from their overall income, whilst a coin of positive value will add to their overall income. [9:21:43 PM] Jessy: The person with the highest income at the end of the competition will be crowned Head of Household. [9:21:54 PM] Jessy: The amount you give to each player will remain secret. When you have assigned your values, please post a list in your diary room as follows: -5: Player 1 -4: Player 2 -3: Player 3 -2: Player 4 -1: Player 5 1: Player 6 2: Player 7 3: Player 8 4: Player 9 5: Player 10 6: Player 11 [9:22:06 PM] Jessy: You are allowed to collaborate with other players in this HOH Competition. [9:22:07 PM] Bryce: omg this sounds so fun everyone!!! [9:22:09 PM] Markus: Oh wow intense [9:22:10 PM] Arisuu: ooh this is interesting... [9:22:19 PM] Jessy: As outgoing Head of Household, Hyperro cannot compete, and should not be assigned coins of any value. You have until 9:00 PM EDT April 18th to compete. [9:22:20 PM] Chanman: Gl everyone [9:22:29 PM] Chanman: I'll be cheering for u [9:22:43 PM] Bryce: me too!! gl everyone (party) [9:23:22 PM] Chanman: I can play rip [9:23:28 PM] Chanman: Cant* [9:23:39 PM] Bryce: I just noticed your dino talk is over [9:23:45 PM] Bryce: channysaur no more :( [9:23:51 PM] Markus: It's like a whole new person [9:24:01 PM] Ahrre: Raw ;(
[9:17:40 PM] Ahrre: I don't I'm just wishing you gl [9:17:49 PM] Bryce: Wish I could have known you.... [9:17:59 PM] *** Collokey has left *** [9:18:06 PM] Ahrre: LETS START SOME DRA.... [9:18:09 PM] Jessy: With 3 strikes, Jess is also evicted! [9:18:15 PM] Ahrre: why do I type so slow [9:18:18 PM] Markus:
[9:14:57 PM] Markus: Oh forgot about his xelfer lol [9:15:04 PM] Jessy: Does anyone else want a question? [9:15:04 PM] Markus: I was like what essay is he typing [9:15:05 PM] Tennis: neece xelfer anthoony [9:15:09 PM] Bryce: LOL [9:15:11 PM] Ahrre: Quick everyone look for a way to give him a strike! [9:15:22 PM] Jessy: It's time for eviction! [9:15:28 PM] Ahrre: Oh yeah jess [9:15:42 PM] Jessy: When I announce the person evicted, they will have only 5 minutes to say their goodbyes. [9:15:47 PM] Ahrre: Someone would def want to have you expose their game more [9:15:54 PM] Markus: Collo u here? [9:15:56 PM] Markus: Lol jk!!!! [9:15:59 PM] Jessy: By a vote... of 11-1 [9:16:02 PM] Eatemuptigs: LOL LOL [9:16:04 PM] Collokey: Yeah [9:16:05 PM] Bryce: asfdjlk [9:16:07 PM] Collokey: I am [9:16:09 PM] Markus: Oh oops [9:16:13 PM] Markus: I'm an now [9:16:20 PM] Bryce: but youre funny! [9:16:22 PM] Jessy: Collokey, you have been evicted from the EMBB5 House. Please say your goodbyes and leave [9:16:26 PM] Collokey: (bye) [9:16:27 PM] Bryce: bye collokey <3 [9:16:32 PM] Ahrre: If it makes you feel better you were before [9:16:35 PM] Markus: Bye collo!!! [9:16:36 PM] Collokey: Eh [9:16:38 PM] Ahrre: Jk!!!! [9:16:40 PM] Arisuu: byee collo!! [9:16:52 PM] Ahrre: Bye collo [9:16:56 PM] Eatemuptigs: Bye collokey <3 3< yekolloc eyB [9:17:07 PM] Collokey: Don't bother saying bye guys [9:17:09 PM] Ahrre: Gl in that other org! [9:17:21 PM] Collokey: You didn't know me don't pretend to feel bad or anything : ) [9:17:30 PM] Collokey: Double eviction what up
[9:10:43 PM] Markus: Lol cheers ahrre [9:10:43 PM] Ahrre: Well I don't know [9:10:47 PM] Ahrre: I guess [9:10:56 PM] Ahrre: Maybe [9:10:58 PM] Ahrre: Kinda [9:11:01 PM] Markus: Omg [9:11:02 PM] Bryce: icon [9:11:07 PM] Jessy: Are you implying you're playing this game one week at a time? [9:11:08 PM] Markus: Literally shortest answer ahrre [9:11:09 PM] Eatemuptigs: gimme a q q a emmig [9:11:13 PM] Markus: And you gave me stick [9:11:23 PM] Markus: Shittest*** not shortest [9:11:24 PM] Ahrre: One day at the time friendo [9:11:34 PM] Jessy: So you aren't worried about the long term game? [9:11:41 PM] Ahrre: Yes I am [9:12:08 PM] Jessy: Okay! [9:12:12 PM] Ahrre: But whatever I envision for it will prob get along the way [9:12:23 PM] Tennis: loong anssweer rawwwwwwwr [9:12:30 PM] Chanman: Lal [9:12:32 PM] Ahrre: Raaaaaaàaaw [9:12:50 PM] Ahrre: Can I get best dino award? [9:13:00 PM] Ahrre: I put my soul in that raw [9:13:01 PM] Jessy: Eatemuptigs - People obviously know that Jess might get striked out tonight. Do you feel bad that Collokey might be evicted over someone who isn't here? [9:13:46 PM] Ahrre: Lol [9:13:51 PM] Markus: Everyone knows there's only one answer to this [9:13:58 PM] Ahrre: That's gonna take long [9:14:18 PM] Chanman: Fourshadowing dunnnnn dunnn dunnnnn [9:14:26 PM] Ahrre: Anthony is typing... [9:14:38 PM] Eatemuptigs: I feel like if he gets evicted here he should have put more effort into the game. .emag eht otni troffe erom tup evah dluohs eh ereh detcive steg eh fi ekil leef I
[9:06:09 PM] Jessy: Bryce - Do you think your fellow houseguests will now think you might find a hidden power? [9:06:34 PM] Chanman: Ohmygawd [9:06:34 PM] Chanman: Chu thricking meh :( [9:07:18 PM] Tennis: @brice ameelio iss pessed att u [9:07:28 PM] Tennis: bbut heei sais congrauts [9:07:38 PM] Bryce: Uh probably not because I'm super unlucky (cwl)! I mean, I was injured already and that was only a 25% chance :) so hope no one is worried [9:07:43 PM] Tennis: annd sooo doees n1eed [9:07:49 PM] Ally: adam you don't have to talk like that [9:07:55 PM] Bryce: Lol [9:08:12 PM] Jessy: Arisuu - Are you happy to not be in the spotlight this week? [9:08:22 PM] Arisuu: YES [9:08:32 PM] Arisuu: i'm glad i'm not [9:08:34 PM] Arisuu: nommed [9:08:35 PM] Arisuu: or anything [9:08:35 PM] Markus: Hahaha u tell him ally [9:08:40 PM] Ahrre: What's happening? [9:09:05 PM] Chanman: Jhust mhee [9:09:10 PM] Jessy: Markus - Do you think your game is somewhat stable now after not being nominated? [9:09:19 PM] Markus: Lol [9:09:23 PM] Markus: No [9:09:34 PM] Jessy: Why do you think it's still unstable? [9:09:51 PM] Markus: Still learning how this game all works [9:10:12 PM] Chanman: Ohmygawdlol [9:10:18 PM] Jessy: Ahrre - Are you going to go for this upcoming HOH competition? [9:10:19 PM] Ahrre: And ppl said I gave answers... [9:10:29 PM] Ahrre: Jk markie
[9:01:23 PM] Jessy: Before we get to the eviction questions, it's time to announce the best dinosaur! [9:01:24 PM] Chanman: Da ironeeeeee [9:01:31 PM] Chanman: Rawr [9:01:46 PM] Tennis: iiss iitt teh vaacation dinosaaur? [9:01:55 PM] Jessy: "As part of an incentive, the hosts will choose who acts like the best dinosaur and they will be guaranteed no injuries in their next three guesses. They will also get to pick one of the hunting locations and the hosts will tell them if something is there or not, and it will not count as a guess." [9:01:59 PM] Jessy: The best dinosaur is... [9:02:02 PM] Tennis: mee [9:02:06 PM] Jessy: Bryce1997! [9:02:10 PM] Tennis: gggggg [9:02:11 PM] Chanman: Adhamsaur [9:02:12 PM] Bryce: rawrrrrrrrrr [9:02:23 PM] Chanman: Yayyyyy Brice! [9:02:24 PM] Tennis: gggj brycesaur rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [9:02:36 PM] Bryce: thenks!! [9:02:52 PM] Arisuu: yayy congrats brycesaur!! [9:02:58 PM] Jessy: Tennis - How was your vacation? Are you surprised to not be nominated? [9:03:37 PM] Tennis: iit waas fuun rawr annd heell yeess ih thoughtt ii waas teh easiesst terget [9:03:40 PM] Chanman: Hum chan aiii thalkk nhormal nhow? [9:04:01 PM] Markus: Hahahahha I did say [9:04:03 PM] Jessy: Chanman - Are you shocked to not be the best dinosaur? [9:04:11 PM] Markus: If Bryce didn't win bestdinosaur then it was rigged [9:04:51 PM] Chanman: Dhoes dat mhean yhes? [9:05:12 PM] Jessy: Huh! [9:05:16 PM] Jessy: Okay I'll move on [9:05:27 PM] Markus: He wants to know if he can stop speaking like a dinosaur now haha [9:05:38 PM] Jessy: after eviction!
[9:02:35 PM] Ally: WHO'S HERE FOR THE POWER OF VETO CEREMONY [9:02:41 PM] Chanman: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [9:02:45 PM] Eatemuptigs: me [9:02:49 PM] Halsey: Me [9:02:50 PM] Halsey: !! [9:03:17 PM] Bryce: HIII [9:03:39 PM] Ally: Hyperro walks into the living room [9:03:51 PM] Ally: Hyperro: As the Power of Veto holder, I have the power to remove one of the nominees from the block. [9:04:06 PM] Ally: Hyperro: I have chosen…. [9:04:10 PM] Ally: ... [9:04:11 PM] Ally: ... [9:04:11 PM] Ally: ... [9:04:12 PM] Ally: ... [9:04:17 PM] Ally: Hyperro: not to use the POV. [9:04:22 PM] Ally: Hyperro: I nominated the two of you because of the fact that you never talk to me, and considering that even after nominating you, I still haven't gotten a word from either of you, so it's best for my game to keep you both on the block. [9:04:36 PM] Ally: Hyperro: this POV ceremony is adjourned. [9:06:00 PM] Ally: Jess and collokey are your final nominees. You will have until 9pm EST tomorrow to submit your votes and goodbye messages. Hyperro, as the HoH, you must submit a tiebreaker vote. HoH and noms must also submit goodbye messages. [9:07:00 PM] Halsey: Who wants to bet that jess is gonna strike out [9:07:12 PM] Chanman: jesssss isszzz gunna strikeeee outttttt [9:07:14 PM] Chanman: ripppppppppppppppppppppppp [9:07:18 PM] Ahrre: oh that would suck [9:07:30 PM] Arisuu: oh no I hope she doesn't strike out