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EMBB5 Trophy Game

over 7 years



Fantasy Draft:


Announcement Doc:

Time Period


Post-Apocalyptic Future

Winner (Gold Trophy)

Final Two


Arisuu's Speech:

Firestone's Speech:

Eatemuptigs' Jury Speech: Eatemuptigs' Response to Arisuu:

Nostalgicpurposes' Jury Speech:

Alexroberts' Jury Speech:

Ahrre's Jury Speech:

Hyperro's Jury Speech:

Tillie's Jury Speech:

Bryce1997's Jury Speech:

Evicted (Bronze Trophy)

Memory Wall:

over 7 years
over 7 years
hyperro is a woman hater
over 7 years
My draftee slaying the game <3
over 7 years
loved both speeches for very different reasons!
over 7 years
slay me tillie
over 7 years
[9:12:38 PM] Chanman: WELL OH BOI
[9:12:45 PM] Andre (Firestone): idg what that means but ok!
[9:12:46 PM] Scott: The veto ceremony is adjourned
[9:12:47 PM] Chanman: I feel that was directed at me for some reason
[9:12:53 PM] Arisuu: i dont even have close ties with people xD um okay
[9:13:09 PM] Scott: Housemates have until 9 PM tomorrow to send votes and goodbye messages
[9:13:12 PM] Andre (Firestone): sorry alice :(
[9:14:50 PM] Chanman: rip
[9:15:06 PM] Chanman: iconic pov speech even tho its hard to understand
[9:18:56 PM] Nostalgicpurposes: gl you too
[9:19:00 PM] Nostalgicpurposes: two*
[9:23:03 PM] Tillie: two queens
[9:23:18 PM] Chanman: ikr how sad
[9:24:10 PM] Chanman: two icons
[9:24:39 PM] Scott: two people who are currently in EMBB
[9:24:44 PM] Halsey: NOLAN IS A MISOGYNIST
[9:24:51 PM] Halsey: !!!!!!!
[9:24:52 PM] Arisuu: yes
[9:24:56 PM] Scott: All gays are
[9:25:07 PM] Ahrre: EXPOSED
[9:25:10 PM] Chanman: omg
[9:25:10 PM] Halsey: WOW
[9:25:46 PM] Andre (Firestone): dramuh :O
[9:25:51 PM] Bryce: icons (inlove)
[9:28:16 PM] Chanman: this is scary drama omg I'm shook
[9:28:24 PM] Arisuu: shooketh
[9:28:38 PM] Bryce: shooketh
[9:30:13 PM] Halsey: shooketh
[9:31:49 PM] Ahrre: shooketh
[9:32:09 PM] Eatemuptigs: shooketh
[9:33:41 PM] Chanman: shooketh
[9:36:25 PM] Andre (Firestone): shooketh
over 7 years
[9:10:04 PM] Scott: Tillie walks in wearing the power of veto necklace
[9:10:12 PM] Bryce: fashion icon
[9:10:21 PM] Chanman: iconic
[9:10:24 PM] Andre (Firestone): lol
[9:10:27 PM] Alex Roberts: hot
[9:10:30 PM] Scott: Tillie: I use the power of veto on myself
[9:10:30 PM] Chanman: hi sandre
[9:10:34 PM] Chanman: someone is going to be SHOOK
[9:10:35 PM] Andre (Firestone): obviously
[9:10:36 PM] Chanman: andre*
[9:10:40 PM] Andre (Firestone): hi
[9:10:41 PM] Andre (Firestone): mitch
[9:10:59 PM] Scott: "eeek - goodluck nolan n the final noms!!"
[9:11:05 PM] Bryce: LOL love it
[9:11:09 PM] Ahrre: Sorry I'm late
[9:11:13 PM] Ahrre: SHOOK
[9:11:25 PM] Andre (Firestone): lmao that speech
[9:11:26 PM] Andre (Firestone): so cute
[9:11:31 PM] Scott: Tillie: As I have vetoed one your nominees Hyperro, you must make a replacement nomination
[9:11:32 PM] Chanman: aww adorable
[9:11:42 PM] Scott: Hyperro stands up
[9:11:59 PM] Chanman: oh boi
[9:12:01 PM] Scott: "I name arisuu as the replacement nomination"
[9:12:03 PM] Andre (Firestone): oh
[9:12:04 PM] Alex Roberts: o
[9:12:12 PM] Andre (Firestone):
[9:12:15 PM] Alex Roberts: s h o o k to the corr
[9:12:15 PM] Bryce: :o
[9:12:17 PM] Chanman: um
[9:12:21 PM] Ahrre: Oh dayium
[9:12:24 PM] Scott: "There are no more obvious targets left in the house. We've come to a point where alliances are crucial to everyone's survival. By nominating two people that have close ties with a lot of people, alliances are going to be tested with this eviction, and I hope that people can realize that the more soldiers a commander has, the less blood he himself has to spill to win the war and be called the hero. After all, he's not the one that has to be in the line of fire."
over 7 years
[4/29/2017 10:09:39 PM] Bryce: (clap)
[4/29/2017 10:09:46 PM] Chanman: ugh my dog is farting and it smells really bad
[4/29/2017 10:09:49 PM] Chanman: like a skunk
[4/29/2017 10:09:56 PM] Bryce: thanks for letting us know that
[4/29/2017 10:10:00 PM] Chanman: no problem
[4/29/2017 10:10:08 PM] Jessy: With 3 points
[4/29/2017 10:10:09 PM] Eatemuptigs: thanks mitch I appreciate u
[4/29/2017 10:10:13 PM] Chanman: <3
[4/29/2017 10:10:20 PM] Bryce: 3
[4/29/2017 10:10:21 PM] Jessy: Arisuu!
[4/29/2017 10:10:27 PM] Bryce: gj alice!!!
[4/29/2017 10:10:29 PM] Chanman: me when I got 12 like the 5th time
[4/29/2017 10:10:32 PM] Jessy: With 5 points
[4/29/2017 10:10:36 PM] Chanman: LOL
[4/29/2017 10:10:38 PM] Jessy: HalseyMartinez!
[4/29/2017 10:10:42 PM] Tillie: why did i try so hard on this
[4/29/2017 10:10:49 PM] Jessy: With 35 points
[4/29/2017 10:10:49 PM] Bryce: lol GJ HALS
[4/29/2017 10:10:56 PM] Chanman: LOL
[4/29/2017 10:10:57 PM] Jessy: Firestone!
[4/29/2017 10:10:59 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:10:59 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:11:00 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:11:00 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:11:09 PM] Chanman: can u not
[4/29/2017 10:11:09 PM] Ahrre: Lol yes
[4/29/2017 10:11:10 PM] Bryce: gj andre 3000 <3
[4/29/2017 10:11:11 PM | Edited 10:10:59 PM] Jessy: The top two scores had a difference of 25 points.
[4/29/2017 10:11:15 PM] Chanman: LOL
[4/29/2017 10:11:25 PM] Ahrre: Iconic
[4/29/2017 10:11:27 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:11:29 PM] Jessy: In 2nd place
[4/29/2017 10:11:37 PM | Removed 10:11:24 PM] Bryce: This message has been removed.
[4/29/2017 10:11:54 PM] Jessy: Hyperro - 2
Arisuu - 3
Eatemuptigs - 117
Halsey - 5
Firestone - 35
Tillie - 142

With 117 points, Eatemuptigs!

Congratulations Tillie, with 142 points you have won the Power of Veto
[4/29/2017 10:11:55 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2NDEMUPTIGS
[4/29/2017 10:11:56 PM] Ahrre: (whistle)
over 7 years
[4/29/2017 10:08:59 PM] Jessy: It's time for results of the POV Competition!
[4/29/2017 10:09:06 PM] Ahrre: Yaaay
[4/29/2017 10:09:11 PM] Bryce: ooh gl everyone
[4/29/2017 10:09:12 PM] Jessy: In last place with...
[4/29/2017 10:09:14 PM] Eatemuptigs: gl!
[4/29/2017 10:09:24 PM] Jessy: 2 points
[4/29/2017 10:09:28 PM] Chanman: lol
[4/29/2017 10:09:28 PM] Eatemuptigs: wow
[4/29/2017 10:09:29 PM] Bryce: iconic aeusfdj
[4/29/2017 10:09:37 PM] Jessy: Hyperro!
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

Hyperro says

I know I upset some viewers with the nominations so I want to apologize for not playing to satisfy your drafts but playing for myself instead :(

over 7 years
Yaaas Hyperro! ♡
over 7 years
good I approve these noms
over 7 years
over 7 years
I know I upset some viewers with the nominations so I want to apologize for not playing to satisfy your drafts but playing for myself instead :(
over 7 years

itxLuca says

Me @ the house after 4 unanimous evictions and 1 strike out...

Ok when i said this that did not mean it was okay to nom two of my draft picks...
deletedover 7 years
me @Hyperro

over 7 years
noooooooooooooooooo not tillie :(
over 7 years
[8:32:20 PM] Ally ♥: The people playing in PoV will be the HoH, Hyperro, the noms, Halsey and tillie, and alongside them will be eatemuptigs, arisuu, and Firestone
[8:32:39 PM] Mitch: gl guys
[8:32:42 PM] Anthony: gl!!
[8:33:02 PM] Ahrre: gl!
[8:33:27 PM] Bryce: ooh gl!!
[8:33:31 PM] Ally ♥: POV COMPETITION :

Throughout this era, inventors and manifacturers united to take the world by storm. In the present day we are experiencing much the same thing, with app designers and creators flooding the market with fresh ideas, useful programs, and addictive games. In this competition, PoV players will be playing one of the best games the world has seen in the last 10 years. Flappy bird. This genius game will test your reflexes, your eyesight, and your patience, preparing you for when you re-enter 2017, and your annoying friend recommends you download it, and you become addicted to it all over again. You're welcome, houseguests.

Always remember to submit via skype, and include your skype in the screenshot like so:
[8:33:51 PM] Bryce: FLAPPY BIRD OMG
[8:33:59 PM] Mitch: LOL
[8:34:35 PM] Ahrre: lol such immersion
[8:34:59 PM] Ahrre: guys I feel so 19th century rn
[8:35:05 PM] keane: wtf how do you play this game, u just click ?
[8:35:10 PM] Hals: Aaaaah why
[8:35:46 PM] Nolan Maxwell: OMG THIS GAME THO
[8:35:46 PM] Tara: y does it tell u ur high score on the screen thsts so annoying
[8:35:49 PM] Anthony: you hit the space bar
[8:35:53 PM] Ahrre: keane have you never heard of flappy bird?
[8:36:01 PM] keane: never
over 7 years
[8:23:16 PM] Ally ♥: Hyperro: This means I have nominated tillie and Halsey for eviction.
[8:23:19 PM] Hals: Worst noms ever
[8:23:20 PM] Ally ♥: This was not an easy decision whatsoever, since all of the obvious targets are out of the house and I like all of you. Regardless, I had to nominate two people and after talking it out with several people, this is what I have decided. If you want to talk to me, I'd be more than willing to. Best of luck to both of you in the PoV competition.
[8:23:24 PM] Ally ♥: Hyperro: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
[8:23:26 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: SHOOKD
[8:23:30 PM] alice ~: shooketh
[8:23:30 PM] Ally ♥: pov coming momentarily
[8:23:34 PM] Mitch: wth
[8:23:35 PM] Mitch: lol
[8:23:38 PM] Ahrre: spooked
[8:24:29 PM] Bryce: shooketh
over 7 years
[8:21:42 PM] Ally ♥: Hyperro walks in with the keys
[8:21:42 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: I vote to evict Ally
[8:21:45 PM] Ally ♥: die
[8:21:50 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: :'(
[8:21:53 PM] Mitch: BIG MOVEZ
[8:22:08 PM] Ahrre: ZEKE
[8:22:08 PM] Ally ♥: Hyperro: Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony. As HoH, I have been given the task of nominating two people for eviction. I will pull a key, that person is safe and will pull the next key, so on and so forth.
[8:22:21 PM] Ally ♥: 1st key… Anthony
[8:22:25 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: Shook
[8:22:27 PM] Anthony: yeatz
[8:22:34 PM] Ally ♥: 2nd key…. Andre
[8:22:39 PM] Ally ♥: 3rd key... Bryce
[8:22:40 PM] Mitch: I'm shooken
[8:22:44 PM] Ally ♥: 4th key... Alex
[8:22:50 PM] Ally ♥: 5th key... Ahrre
[8:22:53 PM] Bryce: icon thanks Nolan <3
[8:22:55 PM] Ally ♥: 6th key... Alice
[8:22:59 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: A l i c e
[8:23:00 PM] Ally ♥: 7th key... Keane
[8:23:05 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: K e a n e
[8:23:05 PM] Ally ♥: 8th key...
[8:23:06 PM] Ally ♥: ...
[8:23:07 PM] Ally ♥: ...
[8:23:07 PM] Ally ♥: ...
[8:23:08 PM] Ally ♥: ...
[8:23:13 PM] Mitch: why do I always get like the last keys what
[8:23:14 PM] Ally ♥: Mitch
over 7 years
nice one hyperro, move me up in the draft
over 7 years
over 7 years
[9:28:05 PM] Chanman: is ginga leaving now
[9:28:08 PM] Jack (Ginga): please no
[9:28:10 PM] Jack (Ginga): I miss embb
[9:28:11 PM] Jack (Ginga): asdfghjkl;'
[9:28:12 PM] Chanman: lol
[9:28:16 PM] Jake: Is Mitch leaving now
[9:28:20 PM] Jack (Ginga): I want cinnanie and n1ed here
[9:28:21 PM] Ahrre: no until i get revenue for my hard work
[9:28:22 PM] Dean C: Alright love you all
[9:28:23 PM] Jack (Ginga): so I can vote n1ed out
[9:28:24 PM] Chanman: yes
[9:28:25 PM] Chanman: I am leaaving
[9:28:28 PM] Chanman: be
[9:28:30 PM] Chanman: bye
[9:28:31 PM] Dean C: Except febreezio
[9:28:36 PM] Dean C: Kk bye
[9:28:41 PM] Dean C: WAIT ONE MORE
[9:28:44 PM] Jack (Ginga): I'm not leaving without a fight
[9:28:46 PM] Jake: Febreezio
[9:28:48 PM] Jake: Iconic
[9:28:49 PM] Stephen: Bye play good no regrets
[9:28:51 PM] Jack (Ginga): jessy can I stay overnight
[9:28:52 PM] Jack (Ginga): ;)
[9:28:53 PM] Chanman: lol
[9:28:54 PM] *** Stephen has left ***
[9:28:55 PM] Ahrre: JAKE
[9:28:57 PM] Jack (Ginga): amelio lets us stay in sbbb
[9:29:00 PM] Eatemuptigs: 2ndemuptigs
[9:29:03 PM] Jessy: By a vote of 10-0, you are evicted!
[9:29:03 PM] Jack (Ginga): ur not a worse host than amelio are u
[9:29:08 PM] Chanman: LOL
[9:29:08 PM] Ahrre: dean you evil
[9:29:11 PM] *** Dean C has left ***
[9:29:12 PM] *** Jessy removed Dean C from this conversation. ***
[9:29:14 PM] *** Jake removed Jack (Ginga) from this conversation. ***
over 7 years
[9:25:55 PM] Hyperro: I'm here so it can't be the shi*ty season
[9:26:00 PM] Jack (Ginga): theres no way this season can be worse than embb3
[9:26:04 PM] Jack (Ginga): I'm pretty sure
[9:26:08 PM] Dean C: Yeah it can
[9:26:08 PM] Jack (Ginga): unless it turns out that like
[9:26:14 PM] Halsey: It already is
[9:26:14 PM] Jack (Ginga): scott has been soliciting nudes from
[9:26:15 PM] Dean C: So yeah guys
[9:26:16 PM] Dean C: Don't suck
[9:26:20 PM] Dean C: Be bold
[9:26:21 PM] Stephen: EMBB3 had close votes
[9:26:23 PM] Ahrre: dean I drew a in there
[9:26:24 PM] Dean C: Don't be all buddy buddy
[9:26:26 PM] Jack (Ginga): also hey ladies if you need a man who cries a lot
[9:26:27 PM] Chanman: Ging if you are a CLOSE ally I tend to avoid betraying
[9:26:28 PM] Jack (Ginga): and plays video games
[9:26:28 PM] Dean C: Yeah I'm aware
[9:26:29 PM] Jack (Ginga): I'm here
[9:26:31 PM] Chanman: but if you only talk to me once
[9:26:33 PM] Ahrre: thats you
[9:26:35 PM] Chanman: then I don't see the point
[9:26:55 PM] Hyperro: btw judges I'm totally single
[9:27:01 PM] Ahrre: we are the boring crew
[9:27:03 PM] Jack (Ginga): Nolan if I was a female i'd want ur voice inside me