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EMBB5 Trophy Game

over 7 years



Fantasy Draft:


Announcement Doc:

Time Period


Post-Apocalyptic Future

Winner (Gold Trophy)

Final Two


Arisuu's Speech:

Firestone's Speech:

Eatemuptigs' Jury Speech: Eatemuptigs' Response to Arisuu:

Nostalgicpurposes' Jury Speech:

Alexroberts' Jury Speech:

Ahrre's Jury Speech:

Hyperro's Jury Speech:

Tillie's Jury Speech:

Bryce1997's Jury Speech:

Evicted (Bronze Trophy)

Memory Wall:

over 7 years
the trick to this challenge is to put in your own name as everything
over 7 years
[10:04:06 PM] Nattless: You will be playing touchy subjects. We will send you a list of questions. You will consider these questions, and assign the houseguest you feel best fits each one. You may not choose yourself. You will then complete the list a second time, this time focussing on who you believe the majority of houseguests chose for each question. You may select yourself for your response to the majority answers. When you are ready to submit, you must post both lists in your diary rooms, clearly indicating which list you are posting like so:



The questions are as follows:

Who is the most unreliable houseguest?
Who is the most likely to become famous?
Who doesn't deserve to be here?
Who is most likely to go to prison?
Who would be a bitter jury member?
Who do you respect the most?
Who is the most naive person?
Who would you trust with your life?
Who would you introduce to your parents?
Who mistakenly believes they are running this game?
Who is actually running this game?
Who scares you the most?
Who is the smartest houseguest?
Who needs a wake up call?
Who is the sexiest?
Who is the most loyal player?
Who has the best fashion sense?
Who do you want to see win the game?
Who has the biggest sense of entitlement?
Who do you want to vote out next?

You have 24 hours to submit your responses, meaning they are due at 10pm EST Saturday 22nd April
As outgoing HoH, alexroberts may not compete in this competition
over 7 years
[10:01:14 PM] Nattless: At times of war, it is important that you know your enemy as well as you know your comrades. This competition is designed to test that knowledge.
[10:01:24 PM] Anthony: TOUCHY SUBJECTS
[10:01:30 PM] Mitch: aww man I want to play this
[10:01:35 PM] Mitch: :(
[10:01:54 PM] Bryce: oh yay I love this one
[10:02:11 PM] Mitch: can I play or no :(
[10:03:29 PM] Anthony: is it touchy subjects
[10:03:30 PM] Anthony: or nah
over 7 years
[9:30:28 PM] Nattless: Food is scarce, and the sounds of those grovelling around you have begun to take their toll.
[9:30:50 PM] *** Bryce holds Anthony ***
[9:30:52 PM] Nattless: You have begun to collaborate between yourselves, deciding whether to sell the furniture from the house in order to make some money, or if human trafficking would perhaps be a better option, sacrificing a houseguest in order to refill your wallets.
[9:31:20 PM] Nattless: Just as the discussion is getting heated, one of the houseguests looks outside to see smoke rising from beyond the backyard wall.
[9:31:44 PM] Nattless: You move to investigate, and the house gives a great shudder, the smoke thickens, and you are suddenly surrounded by red poppies, and gun shells.
[9:32:00 PM] Nattless: You peer around and find yourself amidst great trenches, the smell of mud and blood permeating your senses.
[9:32:07 PM] Anthony: ooh World War 1?
[9:32:16 PM] Nattless: You have landed in World War I.
over 7 years
[9:25:01 PM] Will McKenzie: No hard feelings to any f you
[9:25:13 PM] Will McKenzie: The truth always prevails alice
[9:25:16 PM] Mitch: I cant breathe
[9:25:17 PM] Mitch: lmao
[9:25:25 PM] keane: so you do like detective conan??
[9:25:30 PM] Will McKenzie: Natt seriously eject me hahahahahahahahha
[9:25:33 PM] Hals: OH S***
[9:25:42 PM] Hals: WILL F*** IT UP QUEEN
[9:25:51 PM] alexandra ♥: thanks for playing will
[9:25:54 PM] *** alexandra ♥ removed Will McKenzie from this conversation. ***
[9:26:17 PM] Anthony: [9:23 PM] Will McKenzie:

<<< Namely Bryce Halsey and AnthonyLMAOOO THIS DOESNT EXIST
[9:26:35 PM] keane: OMFG LMFAOO im only part way reading this, this is so funny
[9:26:38 PM] Mitch: i know
[9:26:43 PM] Mitch: and he blamed it all on me
[9:26:48 PM] Mitch: because i was a "threat"
[9:26:49 PM] Mitch: smh
[9:27:10 PM] alice ~: i was never even part of an f4 LMAO
[9:27:14 PM] Mitch: "believed all of Mitch's lies"
[9:27:15 PM] Mitch: LOL
[9:28:15 PM] Hals: M I T C H
[9:28:27 PM] Hals: U L I T T L E B * * * *
[9:28:41 PM] Mitch: :(
[9:29:20 PM] Anthony: tbh
[9:29:21 PM] Anthony: I was hoping
[9:29:26 PM] Anthony: for some juicy tea logs
[9:30:16 PM] Nattless: hey guys
[9:30:16 PM] Bryce: HI EVERYONE
[9:30:19 PM] Bryce: BYE WILL
[9:30:24 PM] Nattless: it's
[9:30:26 PM] Nattless: time
[9:30:27 PM] Bryce: sorry I couldn't say bye <3
over 7 years
[11:24:01 AM] Halsey: Bye Will
[11:24:05 AM] Markus: Enjoy the read
[11:24:05 AM] Eatemuptigs: good lord
[11:24:06 AM] Eatemuptigs: that's long
[11:24:08 AM] Markus: You're all rad
[11:24:10 AM] Chanman: LOL
[11:24:22 AM] Markus: Now i'm overdue on my break
[11:24:27 AM] Chanman: I'm screaming
[11:24:32 AM] Markus: Natt, without further ado, eject me from the house
[9:24:38 PM] keane: lmfao!! iconic exit
[9:24:44 PM] Mitch: bye will thanks for being iconic and exposing me
[9:24:45 PM] alice ~: LOOOOOOl
[9:24:49 PM] Will McKenzie: <3
[9:24:56 PM] keane: was nice playing with you will, gg
[9:24:57 PM] Will McKenzie: Honestly did enjoy playing this so much!!!!
[9:24:58 PM] alice ~: everything in your tapes are slanderous lies im laughing
over 7 years
[11:23:53 AM] Markus: Tape 3 Side A

This brings me to the final reason why, Keane. This reason is simple and clear cut, you didn't use POV on me, thus hammering the last nail in my coffin.

Though telling me that you could make sure Adam was evicted over me, it was not enough, and as a result here I am.


And thus, here I am.

Hahahahahahha but nah in all seriousness, I really enjoyed the game, and glad to make friends with you all!!!!!! Thanks to the hosts who kept me company when no one was chatting me in the last week I was here hahahahahha

Hope to see you all round vivor lobby in future, and good luck with rest of the competition guys!!!! I'll be following it closely!

You're all cool peeps!!!!! Glad I could make new friends in a new lobby!!!
over 7 years
Go Markus, sad to see you go :l
over 7 years
Tape 2 Side A

This tape goes out to the one person that I believed was my closest ally, and the one person I KNOW knew that I never lied about anything.

Tara, I confided in you everything I knew. You knew I was new at this game, and that I had no ulterior motives or strategies. However, when I came under fire, instead of correcting everyone and defending me, you distanced yourself from me and allowed me to get thrown under the bus. After you ditched me, I was left with no one else to back up that I was being truthful, and the only person I had on my side was myself.

You were the one person with enough influence to be able to help my situation, and you didn't.

Tape 2 Side B

My true descent started with the next person. The next reason why. Alex, i approached you at the same time as I approached alice, and we were a team, or so I thought. I told you when I realised that alice was lying, and you told me you agreed and had my back.

That was until you decided that you had to serve the group and instead of having my back, you nominated me and put me in the position that I couldn't come back from. As head of household, you had the power to completely eliminate me from the possibility of getting evicted due to someone else's wrongdoings, but you chose to sell me down the river, apologising to me afterwards and telling me you hoped I won POV. Well I didn't, and cest la vie that was me.
over 7 years
Tape 1 Side B

Having believed Mitch's lies, I went to the two people I felt I could trust and were the two people I thought were in the middle with not many allies like myself. How I was wrong. I should never have approached you, Alice. Or should I say the biggest snake in the house.

When I approached you, I was unaware that I had gotten one key fact wrong, the one key fact that would see one of my alliances disbelieve anything I said. This key fact was that it was actually you in the second alliance, not Andre.

As I warned you about these two emerging alliances you acted so grateful to me, and thanked me so much for making you aware of these final groups, and vowed that we should team up to make sure we weren't sent home. And I believed you.

That is until I rechecked what I was told, and realised I made the biggest mistake of all, and that you already knew everything I told you, and now you had a scapegoat that you could pin the creation of the rumours on. And so you wove your little web and it was too late for me to do any damage control - I lost any credibility and any chance of bouncing back.
over 7 years
[11:23:50 AM] Markus: Bye guys <3 did enjoy you all
[11:23:53 AM] Markus: Hey it's will, will mckenzie. Don't stop reading these words, because i'm about to tell you the story of my time in EMBB5. More specifically, how I came to be evicted.

This is what I like to call my very one "5 reasons why". Mitch Alice Tara Alex Keane, listen close because you're the reasons why.

Tape 1 Side A

Let's go back to where my spiral downwards all began. It was the end of week 2, and I had made some good friends, was enjoying myself, I had survived being nommed week 1, and I was in high spirits as I was blissfully unaware of the lies and deceit that was to take place the following several days.

Then you came along to spoil it ALL. Yes, mitch, you. You had formed your very own alliances, which I was not a part of, and you started to grow wary of what you saw as potential power players that you feared were forming a strong alliance. Namely Bryce Halsey and Anthony. As a result you warned me that I should "watch out for them" as they could take control and evict me easily. You started the rumour that ended it all. They were a f3. You also let slip that there was an f4 on your side of the house.

Naively I was still at a point where I believed everything anyone said, ignorant of the fact that everyone was only in this game for their own self preservation, and I felt that I needed to warn several other players, just as you had done to me, and once I had done that, the damage was done, and you completely retracted on your own words and left me, the outsider of the group, to be caught in the crossfire and be ultimately held responsible for the creation of these rumours.
over 7 years
[11:20:33 AM] Nat: okay i'm skipping to the votes sorry
[11:20:39 AM] Markus: Hahahahah okay let's do it
[11:20:54 AM] Nat: by a vote
[11:20:56 AM] Nat: of 9-1
[11:21:01 AM] Markus: Holy hell!!!!!!!
[11:21:01 AM] Nat: Markus
[11:21:06 AM] Markus: Hahahhahahahaha
[11:21:06 AM] Chanman: LOL
[11:21:08 AM] Nat: You have been evicted from the house
[11:21:13 AM] Chanman: buh bye
[11:21:14 AM] nostalgicpurposes: bye markus!
[11:21:16 AM] Markus: Yeeeooowwwwwwwwwww
[11:21:26 AM] arisuu: wow bye markus!!
[11:21:27 AM] Markus: Alright so truth is I knew I was getting evicted for a while now
[11:21:33 AM] Chanman: was nice meeting you until you targeted me for no reason!!!
[11:21:34 AM] Chanman: See you
[11:21:43 AM] Markus: So therefore I have prepared a lil something something for ya'll that will explain everything
[11:21:46 AM] arisuu: yea i actually liked you until you started spreading those rumors
[11:21:51 AM] Markus: Oh mitch the worst is yet to come
[11:21:55 AM] Markus: Alice stay tuned
[11:21:59 AM] Chanman: OOOH
[11:22:01 AM] Chanman: EXPOSE ME
[11:22:08 AM] Markus: EXPOSITION COMING
[11:22:13 AM] Chanman: YASSS
[11:22:44 AM] Markus: Without further ado
[11:22:48 AM] Markus: I bid you all farewell
[11:22:55 AM] Markus: And leave you with a gift
[11:23:01 AM] Markus: That you find at your front door step
[11:23:03 AM] Markus: It's a box
[11:23:04 AM] Chanman: a bomb?
[11:23:09 AM] Markus: It has your name written on it
[11:23:19 AM] Markus: Inside, you find some tapes.........
[11:23:24 AM] Halsey: Oh my god 9-1 I did not expect that
[11:23:27 AM] Markus: Specifically 5 taped........
[11:23:32 AM] Halsey: LMAO WILL
[11:23:32 AM] Markus: Tapes***
[11:23:32 AM] Chanman: OH ITS ME
[11:23:35 AM] Chanman: ITS ME
[11:23:36 AM] Halsey: Iconic
over 7 years
[11:17:46 AM] Chanman: And whom might that be
[11:17:55 AM] Markus: Time will tell I think!!
[11:18:01 AM] Chanman: time will tell eh?
[11:18:08 AM] Markus: Definitely
[11:18:14 AM] Markus: The truth will always prevail
[11:18:15 AM] Chanman: What makes you say that?
[11:18:21 AM] Chanman: ok I agree with you there
[11:18:24 AM] nostalgicpurposes: omg are you a detective conan fan
[11:18:36 AM] Nat: chanman
[11:18:53 AM] Markus: Ok like my break really is ticking down hahahahhaha
[11:19:08 AM] Nat: the house has been fairly united for the last couple of votes
[11:19:11 AM] Nat: do you think that will continue
[11:20:01 AM] Chanman: I definitely don't think that will continue. These votes early on are based on inactiveness or people who spread unnecessary drama about other players to try to save themselves. ;)
[11:20:18 AM] Markus: Looooool
[11:20:23 AM] Halsey: Ooh yay
over 7 years
[11:13:17 AM] Markus: MEEEEE
[11:13:22 AM] Chanman: MEEEEE
[11:13:40 AM] Nat: only 2??
[11:13:43 AM] arisuu: me!!
[11:13:46 AM] Eatemuptigs: hi
[11:14:11 AM] Chanman: I'm ready to see someone die
[11:14:21 AM] nostalgicpurposes: here!!
[11:14:23 AM] Nat: 5!
[11:14:25 AM] Nat: anyone else??
[11:14:53 AM] Markus: I am 8 minutes into my 15 minute break time is ticking Hahahaha
[11:15:06 AM] Nat: alrighty
[11:15:08 AM] Markus: In the least impatient way possible of course :)
[11:15:10 AM] Nat: who wants a question
[11:15:16 AM] Eatemuptigs: sure
[11:15:23 AM] nostalgicpurposes: yay!!
[11:15:36 AM] Chanman: me
[11:15:40 AM] Nat: anthony, how did you feel coming second once again
[11:15:53 AM] Markus: I will take a question too if there's one going for me
[11:15:59 AM] Eatemuptigs: At least I didn't tie for first twice and lose tiebreakers!
[11:16:03 AM] Eatemuptigs: :p
[11:16:06 AM] Nat: well
[11:16:22 AM] Eatemuptigs: nat ily <3
[11:16:33 AM] Nat: (envy)
[11:16:43 AM] Chanman: I have a question for will?
[11:16:43 AM] Nat: nostalgicpurposes!!
[11:16:48 AM] Chanman: oops
[11:16:49 AM] Markus: Shoot mitch!!!
[11:16:50 AM] Nat: are you here
[11:16:50 AM] nostalgicpurposes: yes nat!
[11:16:52 AM] Chanman: no question mark
[11:16:56 AM] Chanman: Will quick question
[11:17:02 AM] nostalgicpurposes: yup i’m here
[11:17:04 AM] Markus: Hit me
[11:17:07 AM] Chanman: Have you heard of these so called rumors going around?
[11:17:08 AM] Nat: do you feel like you know who the big threats are moving forward in this game?
[11:17:15 AM] Chanman: Any idea who started them?
[11:17:23 AM] Markus: I have a fair idea who started them
[11:17:25 AM] nostalgicpurposes: yes, i do
over 7 years
glad im not gona be qrustved in this game
deletedover 7 years
also pls save me!
deletedover 7 years

EMBB says

[12:08:28 PM] Scott: Hi guys ready for the POV ceremony
[12:08:49 PM] Eatemuptigs: that was quick
[12:09:09 PM] nostalgicpurposes: i want to be here for a ceremony sry for hastening it
[12:09:22 PM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes enters the room with the POV necklace
[12:09:55 PM] Scott: nostagicpurposes: I choose not to use the power of veto
[12:10:13 PM] Eatemuptigs: wow so simple
[12:10:26 PM] Scott: tennis/markus, i’m not using the POV, we barely talk game together so it doesn’t make sense for me. especially you tennis. i don’t talk to you at all, you’re extremely inactive, and you don’t contribute to the EMBB experience at all.
[12:10:28 PM] Ahrre: bye plebs
[12:10:41 PM] Scott: The POV ceremony is adjourned
[12:10:45 PM] Ahrre: oh there is the explanation
[12:10:46 PM] *** nostalgicpurposes closes box ***
[12:10:54 PM] Ahrre: would of liked a mic drop haha
[12:10:58 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: Keane with the shade at adam
[12:11:06 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: I love it
[12:11:18 PM] nostalgicpurposes: it’s not even a shade, it’s solid colour
[12:11:24 PM] *** Jake (*^ω^)♪ sips tea ***
[12:11:28 PM] Scott: Housemates have until 10 PM tomorrow to submit eviction votes and goodbye messages

Actually I try to be active, school just sucks for me. And I try to talk but school is going hardcore towards the end of the year. I should be on Epicmafia until 10:45 AM EST and I should get back on around 2:00 PM EST if you want to talk I should be available on epicmafia
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
[12:08:28 PM] Scott: Hi guys ready for the POV ceremony
[12:08:49 PM] Eatemuptigs: that was quick
[12:09:09 PM] nostalgicpurposes: i want to be here for a ceremony sry for hastening it
[12:09:22 PM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes enters the room with the POV necklace
[12:09:55 PM] Scott: nostagicpurposes: I choose not to use the power of veto
[12:10:13 PM] Eatemuptigs: wow so simple
[12:10:26 PM] Scott: tennis/markus, i’m not using the POV, we barely talk game together so it doesn’t make sense for me. especially you tennis. i don’t talk to you at all, you’re extremely inactive, and you don’t contribute to the EMBB experience at all.
[12:10:28 PM] Ahrre: bye plebs
[12:10:41 PM] Scott: The POV ceremony is adjourned
[12:10:45 PM] Ahrre: oh there is the explanation
[12:10:46 PM] *** nostalgicpurposes closes box ***
[12:10:54 PM] Ahrre: would of liked a mic drop haha
[12:10:58 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: Keane with the shade at adam
[12:11:06 PM] Jake (*^ω^)♪: I love it
[12:11:18 PM] nostalgicpurposes: it’s not even a shade, it’s solid colour
[12:11:24 PM] *** Jake (*^ω^)♪ sips tea ***
[12:11:28 PM] Scott: Housemates have until 10 PM tomorrow to submit eviction votes and goodbye messages
over 7 years
[11:16:51 AM] Eatemuptigs: SECOND
[11:16:52 AM] Bryce: omg gj keane!!!
[11:16:52 AM] Eatemuptigs: AGAIN
[11:16:52 AM] Tillie: LOL
[11:17:01 AM] Bryce: (party) keane youre so great
[11:17:03 AM] Markus: Fuckkkkk
[11:17:05 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCREAM
[11:17:07 AM] Chanman: Yay Keane
[11:17:07 AM] Markus: Gj Keane
[11:17:12 AM] Scott: And the winner
[11:17:13 AM] Eatemuptigs: I TIED FOR SECOND AGAIN
[11:17:14 AM] Bryce: gj Anthony and markus too like you scored ridiculously
[11:17:16 AM] Bryce: high
[11:17:19 AM] Ahrre: yes you did
[11:17:19 AM] Tillie: gj keane!!!
[11:17:21 AM] Scott: With 100%, 30 seconds remaining
[11:17:24 AM] Tillie: ya u guys r pro
[11:17:24 AM] Bryce: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[11:17:28 AM] Chanman: Wowie
[11:17:28 AM] Scott: And using a fricking trackpad
[11:17:29 AM] Tillie: wow what the heck
[11:17:31 AM] Bryce: LOL
[11:17:34 AM] Tillie: whaaaat
[11:17:37 AM] Eatemuptigs: HE WAS USIGN A TRACKPAD
[11:17:37 AM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes
[11:17:54 AM] Ahrre: a mosquito just bite me
[11:18:02 AM] Bryce: oh rip is it alright?
[11:18:02 AM] arisuu: whoaa congrats keane!!!
[11:18:07 AM] Eatemuptigs: CONGRATS KEANE
[11:18:10 AM] Chanman: Yay Keane
[11:18:11 AM] Eatemuptigs: BUT IM SCREAMING
[11:18:11 AM] Tillie: i HATE Mosquitos don't even get me started
[11:18:14 AM] Eatemuptigs: I TIED FOR SECOND AGAIN
[11:18:14 AM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes has until 9 PM ET tomorrow to determine whether to use veto
over 7 years
[11:15:17 AM] Ahrre: I like to think of that as a sarcastic clap
[11:15:25 AM] Scott: In 4th place
[11:15:26 AM] Bryce: gj alex!! yy
[11:15:29 AM] Markus: Man everyone did so good fk
[11:15:35 AM] Scott: With 100%, 10 seconds remaining
[11:15:40 AM] Bryce: wow omg impossible
[11:15:41 AM] Scott: Hyperro
[11:15:45 AM] Bryce: slay me!!
[11:15:47 AM] Tillie: wow
[11:15:49 AM] Chanman: Shook
[11:15:55 AM] arisuu: woo hyperro slay
[11:15:58 AM] Eatemuptigs: s h o o k
[11:15:59 AM] Bryce: wait how did you guys do this so quickly omg
[11:16:05 AM] Tillie: ikr???
[11:16:06 AM] Markus: Omg Anthony and Keane
[11:16:06 AM] Chanman: Ikr
[11:16:14 AM] Markus: What did you guys get????
[11:16:17 AM] Chanman: Keane omg
[11:16:19 AM] Markus: Shieeet
[11:16:22 AM] Scott: We have a tie for second place
[11:16:24 AM] Eatemuptigs: o
[11:16:26 AM] Bryce: :O
[11:16:27 AM] Chanman: lol
[11:16:27 AM] Eatemuptigs: I swear
[11:16:30 AM] Eatemuptigs: if I tied for second
[11:16:31 AM] Eatemuptigs: again
[11:16:33 AM] Bryce: LOL
[11:16:33 AM] Eatemuptigs: in week 3
[11:16:35 AM] Markus: Omfg
[11:16:38 AM] Markus: If I tied for second
[11:16:39 AM] Bryce: ill scream
[11:16:41 AM] Scott: The tie for second is 100%, 21 seconds remaining
[11:16:41 AM] Markus: I will scream
[11:16:42 AM] Chanman: Haha Anthony told me he was winning
[11:16:44 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCCREAM
[11:16:45 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCREAM
[11:16:46 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCREAM
[11:16:46 AM] Markus: NOOOO
[11:16:47 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCREAM
[11:16:48 AM] Eatemuptigs: SCREAM
[11:16:49 AM] Eatemuptigs: TIED
[11:16:49 AM] Bryce: Literally how did you guys do it
[11:16:49 AM] Markus: FUUUUUCK
[11:16:50 AM] Eatemuptigs: FOR
[11:16:51 AM] Chanman: Lol
[11:16:51 AM] Scott: Because eatemuptigs and Markus
over 7 years
[11:12:40 AM] Scott: Okay who wants the POV results!
[11:12:46 AM] Eatemuptigs: yeet
[11:12:51 AM] Bryce: me me me
[11:13:15 AM] Markus: I'm here
[11:13:30 AM] Ahrre: ayyyy
[11:13:38 AM] Tillie: mee
[11:13:42 AM] Scott: POV players: Will, Anthony, Nolan, Adam, Alex, and Keane
[11:13:44 AM] Scott: Let's go
[11:13:44 AM] Tillie: good luck guysss
[11:13:51 AM] Eatemuptigs: ty!!!
[11:13:54 AM] Bryce: yeah I'm sure you all did super well
[11:14:02 AM] Scott: In 6th place
[11:14:10 AM] Scott: Getting 92%
[11:14:16 AM] Scott: TennisBallBFDI
[11:14:21 AM] Bryce: (clap) gj!!
[11:14:41 AM] Markus: Hahaha Bryce is so nice
[11:14:59 AM] Bryce: that game is so hard 92% is good lol jdfsnlk
[11:15:00 AM] Scott: In 5th place
[11:15:08 AM] Scott: With 100%, 1 second remaining
[11:15:13 AM] Eatemuptigs: oh lord
[11:15:14 AM] Markus: Oh frick
[11:15:15 AM] Bryce: :O wow
[11:15:15 AM] Chanman: Nice
[11:15:17 AM] Scott: alexroberts
over 7 years
[7:54:16 PM] Markus: Beautiful day to be nommed
[7:54:37 PM] Ahrre: I heard the whether is quite lovely today
[7:54:57 PM] Markus: Beautiful day to win POV too
[7:55:02 PM] Ahrre: i missed and a somewhere
[7:55:11 PM] Ahrre: an a*
[7:55:19 PM] Markus: Weather**
[7:55:25 PM] Ahrre: yeah
[7:55:40 PM] Jessy: The three players chosen to compete with Alex, Tennis and Markus are: Eatemuptigs, Hyperro and Nostalgicpurposes.
[7:55:47 PM] Ahrre: every time I misspell a little bit more of my life juice gets sucked out
[7:55:51 PM] Jessy: This Power of Veto competition will test how good you really are with the numbers.
[7:56:00 PM] Jessy: Your Power of Veto competition is the Odd/Even Challenge.
[7:56:07 PM] Jessy: The player with the highest percentage will win the Power of Veto! In the event of a tie, the timer will break it. You have until 9:00 PM EDT April 20th to compete. Your screenshot must include Skype as always.
[7:56:38 PM] Bryce: good luck everyone in the pov challenge!!!
over 7 years
[7:50:57 PM] Jessy: It's time for the Nomination Ceremony
[7:51:00 PM] Jessy: !
[7:51:05 PM] Markus: Hehe leggo
[7:51:08 PM] Tillie: ooo
[7:51:16 PM] Jessy: First Key...
[7:51:22 PM] Jessy: Nostalgicpurposes
[7:51:29 PM] Halsey: Keane (inlove)
[7:51:33 PM] Jessy: Second Key...
[7:51:37 PM] Jessy: Bryce1997
[7:51:44 PM] Jessy: Third Key...
[7:51:50 PM] Jessy: Tillie
[7:51:52 PM] Bryce: thanks!!!
[7:51:57 PM] Jessy: Fourth Key...
[7:52:02 PM] Jessy: HalseyMartinez
[7:52:05 PM] Tillie: thank u
[7:52:08 PM] Jessy: Fifth Key...
[7:52:10 PM] Halsey: Omg when that Miranda Cosgrove face just pops up
[7:52:14 PM] Jessy: Eatemuptigs
[7:52:20 PM] Jessy: Sixth Key...
[7:52:24 PM] Jessy: Hyperro
[7:52:30 PM] Jessy: Seventh Key...
[7:52:33 PM] Jessy: Arisuu
[7:52:39 PM] Jessy: Eighth Key...
[7:52:44 PM] Jessy: Chanman123
[7:52:49 PM] Jessy: Ninth Key...
[7:52:49 PM] Eatemuptigs: ty
[7:52:53 PM] Jessy: Ahrre
[7:52:57 PM] Jessy: Final Key...
[7:52:58 PM] Ahrre: yay
[7:53:04 PM] Jessy: Firestone
[7:53:11 PM] Markus: :))))))
[7:53:19 PM] Jessy: "I have nominated Adam and Markus for eviction."
[7:53:28 PM] Jessy: "I nominate Tennis and Markus, my reasoning for nominating Tennis is because we don't talk, I'd find it hard to nominate people others who do make the effort to talk to me and make a connection with me. I nominate Markus because of the fact that several rumours have been made and passed around recently and then when you backtracked on your story and said you got key details wrong, I didn't believe your story. Also, I nominated you because this house felt strongly about false allegations and rumours getting around the house."
[7:53:38 PM] Jessy: This nomination ceremony is complete.
deletedover 7 years

EMBB says

1) Hyperro (+10)
2) Markus (+2)
3) Bryce1997
4) Chanman123 (+2)
5) Eatemuptigs (+10)
6) Ahrre (-5)
7) Alexroberts (-2)
8) HalseyMartinez (+1)
9) Tillie (+3)
10) Firestone (+3)
11) Arisuu (-9)
12) Nostalgicpurposes (-5)
13) Collokey (+3)
14) TennisBallBFDI
15) Jess (-7)