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EMBB5 Trophy Game

over 7 years



Fantasy Draft:


Announcement Doc:

Time Period


Post-Apocalyptic Future

Winner (Gold Trophy)

Final Two


Arisuu's Speech:

Firestone's Speech:

Eatemuptigs' Jury Speech: Eatemuptigs' Response to Arisuu:

Nostalgicpurposes' Jury Speech:

Alexroberts' Jury Speech:

Ahrre's Jury Speech:

Hyperro's Jury Speech:

Tillie's Jury Speech:

Bryce1997's Jury Speech:

Evicted (Bronze Trophy)

Memory Wall:

over 7 years
i believe in ou michael!! dont let my draft down yo!!
over 7 years
[7:22:20 PM] Chanman: lmao
[7:22:28 PM] Michael: what if i win pov
[7:22:29 PM] Halsey: Idek ahrre
[7:22:39 PM] Markus: Then you'd use it on me obv??
[7:22:43 PM] Markus: Hahahahaha
[7:22:47 PM] Michael: i'd.. like to decline that offer
[7:22:50 PM] Halsey: I did the puzzle for fun and I wanna see if I did good
[7:22:57 PM] Chanman: oh should i do it for fun?
[7:23:07 PM] Halsey: Do u like puzzles
[7:23:11 PM] Chanman: eh sure why not
[7:23:26 PM] Ahrre: FUN
[7:23:28 PM] Markus: Alright work break over
[7:23:32 PM] Markus: Gotta run
[7:23:32 PM] Hyperro: sad
[7:23:36 PM] Halsey: Bye will
[7:23:40 PM] Markus: Just thought i'd let SOME people know i'm not inactive
[7:23:43 PM] Ahrre: From the cops?
[7:23:43 PM] Markus: @arisuu
[7:23:47 PM] Chanman: shook
[7:24:00 PM] Ahrre: Shooked
[7:24:00 PM] Bryce: bye <3
[7:24:03 PM] Eatemuptigs: Markus is throwing the shade today
[7:24:11 PM] Hyperro: Every time he speaks I fall more in love
[7:24:16 PM] Ahrre: See you later Markus
over 7 years
[7:20:21 PM] Hyperro: I'm coming to New Zealand with my prize money
[7:20:25 PM] Chanman: :O
[7:20:26 PM] Ahrre: Nolan will expand our orisons
[7:20:31 PM] Hyperro: and having Will buy me alcohol with it
[7:20:38 PM] Markus: Well if ur in NZ
[7:20:43 PM] Markus: You can buy alcohol yourself anyway
[7:20:47 PM] Hyperro: oh that's right
[7:20:54 PM] Chanman: lol
[7:20:59 PM] Hyperro: but you're my showmance so you're buying it for me
[7:21:13 PM] Halsey: Oh I forgot there was prize money for this
[7:21:20 PM] Hyperro: Wait is there actually
[7:21:25 PM] Halsey: Let me win guys I'll buy you stuff
[7:21:27 PM] Michael: the legal ageto buy alcohol here is 18 and I'm 16 I'm 2 years away ;(
[7:21:38 PM] Chanman: aghetto?
[7:21:45 PM] Ahrre: What would you spend the money on hals?
[7:22:05 PM] Markus: Michael if you get evicted i'll buy you alcohol
[7:22:07 PM] Markus: :)
over 7 years
Markus offers some incentive towards keeping him!

[7:18:21 PM] Markus: I'll buy you all alcohol
[7:18:26 PM] Markus: Since i'm 21 and ur all underage
[7:18:26 PM] Chanman: I'm underage
[7:18:29 PM] Hyperro: Will is that you?
[7:18:29 PM] Chanman: sorry not soryr
[7:18:34 PM] Michael: will is tht u
[7:18:36 PM] Markus: Ye that's me
[7:18:39 PM] Hyperro: wow
[7:18:40 PM] Bryce: nice pic!!
[7:18:43 PM] Ahrre: That's is bff
[7:18:46 PM] Markus: Why wow
[7:18:48 PM] Hyperro: You're cute and can buy me alcohol
[7:18:52 PM] Hyperro: be my showmance plz
[7:18:54 PM] Michael: NOLAN DSJAJD
[7:19:01 PM] Ahrre: Showmance confirmed
[7:19:12 PM] Markus: Can't evict me then!!! No alcohol if ya'll evict me
over 7 years
arisuu slay!
over 7 years
yas kween nom those gays
over 7 years
[4:40:18 PM] Arisuu: michael I was really hoping to have you as an ally but you're just not that active
[4:40:23 PM] Arisuu: pls forgive me
[4:41:14 PM] Michael: hm.
[4:41:17 PM] Jessy: It's time for the Power of Veto competition!
[4:41:33 PM] Jessy: Since we're in the 14th century... we need to find out where everything is!
[4:41:37 PM] Markus: Ahhhhh I literally just started work Hahahaha
[4:41:40 PM] Jessy:
[4:41:50 PM] Halsey: Let me play
[4:41:51 PM] Ahrre: To america
[4:42:02 PM] Jessy: You will be completing a jigsaw puzzle of a map! The person with the fastest time will win the Power of Veto.
[4:42:14 PM] Jessy: Let's find out who will be competing in the Power of Veto competition with Arisuu, Michael and Markus.
[4:42:21 PM] Michael: I'm ready.
[4:42:37 PM] Jessy: The first player who was randomized is..
[4:42:40 PM] Jessy: Jess!
[4:42:48 PM] Jessy: The second player is...
[4:42:52 PM] Jessy: Collokey!
[4:42:59 PM] Jessy: The final player is...
[4:43:01 PM] Jessy: Firestone!
[4:43:06 PM] Eatemuptigs: Good luck guys!!
[4:43:11 PM] Jessy: POV Players: Arisuu, Michael, Markus, Jess, Collokey and Firestone
[4:43:12 PM] Bryce: Good luck!!!!
[4:43:16 PM] Alex Roberts: Gl everyone competing
[4:43:24 PM] Arisuu: I thought I was injured though?
[4:43:29 PM] Jake: Arisuu is however injured and can not compete!
[4:43:45 PM] Alex Roberts: Rip
[4:43:48 PM] Bryce: oh
over 7 years
[4:39:28 PM | Removed 4:39:48 PM] Michael: This message has been removed.
[4:39:30 PM] Arisuu: jeez stop exposing me
[4:39:37 PM] Eatemuptigs: (chai) (chai) (chai) (chai) (chai)
[4:39:42 PM] Arisuu: I was TRYING TO BE NICE
[4:39:45 PM] Jessy: no screenshots are allowed
[4:39:45 PM] Markus: Eek
[4:39:55 PM] Michael: oh oops
[4:39:56 PM] Markus: Anyways just making sure you're all aware i'm active right
[4:39:59 PM] Michael: I didn't know that soz jessy
[4:40:00 PM] Jessy: sorry i have to give you a strike
[4:40:04 PM] Markus: Literally been in this chat since start???
[4:40:04 PM] Michael: that's okay
[4:40:12 PM] Michael: it was worth the strike
over 7 years
[4:38:45 PM] Michael: ok hold on a second
[4:39:03 PM] Michael: [02:33:13] alice ~: haii
[02:33:33] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: ok why wasn't it letting me message u
[02:33:35] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: hi!!
[02:33:38] alice ~: how are youu?
[02:33:49] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: I'm good! wanting to win this hoh!
[03:48:54] alice ~: me too me too!
[03:48:58] alice ~: good luck
[16:48:56] alice ~: wanna be allies?
[18:53:38] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: omg
[18:53:42] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: I didtnt read this
[18:53:43] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: ahhh sure
[18:54:13] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: please don't put me up though, I might not know anybody but I can be a asset to you!!
[18:54:29] alice ~: dw! you're a cool person and I'd love to have you as an ally <3
[18:54:34 | Edited 21:30:02] alice ~: but I'm not sure though
[18:54:42] Michael the Easter Rat Shahinfar: omg thank you so much!!
[4:39:13 PM] Michael: she edited the "I'm not sure though"
over 7 years
[4:37:49 PM] Scott: arisuu smirks as she walks away, clearly not sorry
[4:37:53 PM] Jake: I wasnt nominated week one, i feel blessed!
[4:37:53 PM] Halsey: LOL
[4:37:53 PM] Eatemuptigs: LOL
[4:37:58 PM] Ahrre: omg this is so sad
[4:37:58 PM] Alex Roberts: Scott stop stirring s*it omg
[4:38:00 PM] Halsey: Alice what an icon
[4:38:07 PM] Markus: Tfw you infect eatem
[4:38:09 PM] Ahrre: we were such a nice group of 16 ppl living together
[4:38:10 PM] Markus: Over arisuu
[4:38:14 PM] Michael: I guess the house knows who not to trust alice
[4:38:19 PM] Markus: And arisuu noms you
[4:38:21 PM] Arisuu: omg pls
[4:38:23 PM] Alex Roberts: But you hardly talk michael
[4:38:31 PM] Alex Roberts: Why are you starting now?
over 7 years
[4:34:26 PM] Scott: Fourth key: eatemuptigs
[4:34:35 PM] Scott: Fifth key: tillie
[4:34:47 PM] Scott: Sixth key: TennisBallBFDI
[4:34:56 PM] Scott: Seventh key: Chanman123
[4:35:09 PM] Scott: Eighth key: Firestone
[4:35:19 PM] Scott: Ninth key: Collokey
[4:35:31 PM] Scott: Tenth key: alexroberts
[4:35:44 PM] Scott: Eleventh key: Hyperro
[4:36:27 PM] Scott: Twelfth key: ahrre
[4:36:37 PM] Scott: And the thirteenth and final key
[4:36:49 PM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes
[4:37:05 PM] Michael:
[4:37:09 PM] Markus: Tfw
[4:37:12 PM] Markus: Your name
[4:37:15 PM] Scott: I'm nomming Michael and Markus!

I nominate MichaelA16 because he's been mostly inactive and only messaged people once during the HoH challenge, and overall he hasn't spoken that much lol. I don't really know him that well.

I nominate Markus because he's been equally inactive and, imo, inactive housemates don't really contribute that much to EMBB. I think he's only chatted with me once.
[4:37:16 PM] Markus: Not drawn
[4:37:22 PM] Markus: Excuse me
[4:37:25 PM] Arisuu: D: sorry will!!!
[4:37:25 PM] Markus: I am not inactive
[4:37:32 PM] Markus: I am just in a different time zone
[4:37:33 PM] Scott: The head of household ceremony is adjourned
[4:37:35 PM] Michael: lmfao
[4:37:36 PM] Arisuu: I'm so sorry
[4:37:38 PM] Michael: alice you promised me safety
[4:37:43 PM] Bryce: thanks so much alice!!
[4:37:47 PM] Arisuu: I'm so sorry michael!
over 7 years
nominations 3ish hours after they won HoH? holy crap that was fast
over 7 years
i'd backdoor voice here
over 7 years
[4:31:47 PM] Alex Roberts: Im here
[4:31:53 PM] Alex Roberts: Not necessarily ready
[4:31:54 PM] Halsey: Me
[4:31:55 PM] Ahrre: me here
[4:32:04 PM] Bryce: here
[4:32:08 PM] Alex Roberts: I mean alice already knows them
[4:32:13 PM] Eatemuptigs: HERE
[4:32:13 PM] Halsey: Alice is gonna shake my workd
[4:32:24 PM] Alex Roberts: Shake my workd aswell pls alice
[4:32:26 PM] Arisuu: thx hals you're my queen
[4:32:28 PM] Scott: Okay
[4:32:43 PM] Halsey: ♡-♡
[4:32:55 PM] Scott: arisuu comes into the room carrying the nomination box
[4:33:19 PM] Scott: arisuu: "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my job as Head of Household to nominate two people for eviction. I will pick the first key and the person whose key I draw is safe. Then the person they draw is safe, and so on and so forth until there are two people left."
[4:33:34 PM] Scott: First key: bryce1997
[4:33:59 PM] Scott: Second key: HalseyMartinez
[4:34:13 PM] Scott: Third key: jess
over 7 years
over 7 years
Chain of Infection in order: Chanman123, HalseyMartinez, Bryce1997, Tillie, Firestone, Collokey, TennisBallBFDI, AlexRoberts, MichaelA16, Nostalgicpurposes, Hyperro, Jess, Ahrre, Markus, Eatemuptigs
over 7 years
[1:38:42 PM] Scott: [1:38 PM] Hyperro:

<<< Someone's popular!Fun fact: Last season the person who won this competition was evicted 10-1 in week 2
[1:39:01 PM] Arisuu: nicol right?
[1:39:01 PM] Hyperro: No pressure Alice
[1:39:03 PM] Nostalgicpurposes: congrats alice!!
[1:39:04 PM] Ahrre: ty for that fun fact scott!
[1:39:11 PM] Arisuu: yeah I remember that LOL
[1:39:53 PM] Scott: OTOH, the person who won the first challenge in EMBB3 which was also social based went on to win gold
[1:40:01 PM] Scott: So it could go a lot of ways here
[1:40:06 PM] Alex Roberts: OTOH wth does that mean
[1:40:11 PM] Bryce: on the other hand
[1:40:18 PM] Alex Roberts: nattless (heart)
[1:40:25 PM] Scott: Over the Octopus Hands
[1:40:33 PM] Alex Roberts: Omg what
[1:40:36 PM] Eatemuptigs: Alexroberts that was N1ed
[1:40:37 PM] Eatemuptigs: not nattless
[1:40:52 PM] Ahrre: rip nqed
[1:40:56 PM] Alex Roberts: oh i can pass that off as my daily Nattless appreciation instead
[1:40:56 PM] Ahrre: n1ed
[1:41:03 PM] Ahrre: lol
[1:42:16 PM] Alex Roberts: Ohh i didnt see the part where scott talked about nicol
[1:43:17 PM] Tennis: lol
[1:43:34 PM] Tennis: Btw sorry I wasn't active last night. Had family business
[1:44:05 PM] Bryce: Oooh hope everything is alright!!
[1:44:09 PM] Bryce: glad youre here now <3
[1:44:12 PM] Ahrre: hey dont worry dude
[1:49:58 PM] Tennis: If anyone wants to talk with me I am available
over 7 years
[1:37:39 PM] Hyperro: Alice omg!!
[1:37:41 PM] Ahrre: gj!
[1:37:47 PM] Bryce: Congrats alice!!!!!
[1:37:50 PM] Arisuu: omg wait really wow thanks everyone
[1:37:55 PM] Arisuu: <3
[1:38:11 PM] Hyperro: Someone's popular!
[1:38:20 PM] Scott: She has until 10 PM EDT tomorrow to submit her nominations!
[1:38:27 PM] Collokey: Congrats!
[1:38:38 PM] Arisuu: thanks collokey!!
over 7 years
[1:29:26 PM] Chanman: Omg who is gunna win
[1:30:50 PM] Bryce: Anthony/arisuu are last two I think
[1:30:56 PM] Jess: Sukram u hold the power
[1:31:06 PM] Eatemuptigs: M A R K U S
[1:31:11 PM] Bryce: Markus pls hold my hand
[1:31:37 PM] Ahrre: Markus hug me
[1:37:10 PM] Scott: Markus infects eatemuptigs
[1:37:28 PM] Alex Roberts: Gj Alice!
[1:37:33 PM] Ahrre: oh
[1:37:38 PM] Scott: Which means that arisuu becomes the winner of this competition and our first HOH
over 7 years
[1:12:11 PM] Scott: jess has infected amy
[1:12:20 PM] Bryce: SCREAMING lol
[1:12:34 PM] Alex Roberts: Omg LOL
[1:13:00 PM] Ahrre: dayium
[1:13:33 PM] Hyperro: and then there were 3
[1:14:03 PM] Ahrre: who is left?
[1:14:07 PM] Alex Roberts: O o oh
[1:14:16 PM] Alex Roberts: Arisuu, Anthony and someone
[1:14:17 PM] Eatemuptigs: myself arisuu markus
[1:14:18 PM] Alex Roberts: Markus!
[1:14:25 PM] Ahrre: oky
[1:20:15 PM] Scott: Amy has infected Markus
[1:20:21 PM] Eatemuptigs: ooh
[1:20:23 PM] Alex Roberts: Amy
[1:20:46 PM] Ahrre: scott pls stop
[1:20:53 PM] Ahrre: I'm a zombie now
[1:20:59 PM] Ahrre: things can go bad for you
[1:26:07 PM] Jess: Sorry :( the list was so small why did y'all leave me for the end smh
[1:26:42 PM] Bryce: hi jess!
[1:27:13 PM] Ahrre: jeess
[1:27:15 PM] Jess: HIII
[1:27:20 PM] Ahrre: haha dont worry
[1:27:34 PM] Ahrre: we all have to become zombies sooner or later
over 7 years
[12:13:17 PM] Hyperro: Ahrre, is it okay if we give you the nickname of "Amy"?
[12:14:15 PM] Ahrre: Only if I can call you Stefanie
[12:14:21 PM] Ahrre: Deal?
[12:14:47 PM] Hyperro: idk if I can accept that
[12:14:56 PM] Scott: Changing Ahrre's name to Amy now
[12:15:33 PM] Ahrre: Best I can give you is Sofie and a bag of chips
[12:16:00 PM] Alex Roberts: i'll take it
[12:16:03 PM] Ahrre: But let me call my name expert before hand
[12:16:31 PM] Ahrre: Also scot
[12:16:34 PM] Ahrre: Pls
[12:16:44 PM] Ahrre: We are making a deal right here
over 7 years
[12:41:14 PM] Ahrre: ty bryce
[12:41:17 PM] Ahrre: scott
[12:41:33 PM] Ahrre: you are now officialy on the not nice ppl list
[12:41:41 PM] Ahrre: alongside chan
[12:43:08 PM] Scott: I'm the evil host, I'm good with it
[12:43:20 PM] Scott: nostalgicpurposes has infected Hyperro
[12:43:27 PM] Hyperro: what the hell
[12:44:25 PM] Chris: Hyperro officially has death by nostalgia of old tv shows and movies
[12:44:30 PM] Eatemuptigs: LOL
[12:45:45 PM] Hyperro: Yeah real funny
[12:45:47 PM] Scott: Hyperro has infected jess
[12:46:11 PM] Ahrre: omg this is some non stop
[12:46:20 PM] Bryce: wow!
[12:46:35 PM] Eatemuptigs: I was laughing at chris' comment ;_;
[12:46:43 PM] Ahrre: who is left mr ashole host?
[12:46:58 PM] Scott: 4 people
[12:47:06 PM] Eatemuptigs: markus arisuu ahrre eatemuptigs
over 7 years
[12:23:02 PM] Hyperro: I didn't know this season's theme was Battle of the Nerds
[12:23:08 PM] Ahrre: Bravo
[12:23:14 PM] Alex Roberts: Get rekt anthoni
[12:23:15 PM] Bryce: I'm a top chef nerd ama
[12:23:16 PM] Andre (Firestone): EMBB5: Sand vs. Gravel
over 7 years
[12:00:22 PM] Alex Roberts: Why is UltraAug throwing his draft chances away
[12:00:30 PM] Chanman: Poor ahrre and lmao true
[12:00:39 PM] Chanman: And high space rofl
[12:01:23 PM] Ahrre: High space is bae
[12:03:37 PM] Chanman: Who drafted ahrre cause wasn't ahrre and hyperro the only ones left
[12:04:07 PM] Hyperro: coolkidrox123
[12:04:13 PM] Eatemuptigs: roxy
[12:05:00 PM] Chanman: Interesting I would have picked hyperro if I could
[12:05:14 PM] Hyperro: omg you're too sweet
[12:05:55 PM] Chanman: Honestly I didn't think hyperro would be last and I'm shook
[12:06:00 PM] Eatemuptigs: same
[12:06:19 PM] Hyperro: I don't give a , they'll just be upset when they miss out on the points
[12:06:26 PM] Scott: MichaelA16 has infected nostalgicpurposes
[12:07:13 PM] Chanman: Omg
[12:07:17 PM] Chanman: Who is led
[12:07:20 PM] Chanman: Left
[12:07:53 PM | Edited 12:08:11 PM] Eatemuptigs: Markus, Arisuu, Ahrre, jess, Hyperro, eatemuptigs
[12:07:56 PM] Eatemuptigs: thats' whos left
[12:08:18 PM] Chanman: Still a lot then
[12:08:33 PM] Alex Roberts: Hopefully it will get done like in a few hours
[12:08:41 PM] Alex Roberts: Most people are on around that time
[12:10:04 PM] Ahrre: Mitch - Today 1:05 PM
> Interesting I would have picked hyperro if I could
[12:10:21 PM] Chanman: Erm
[12:10:23 PM] Hyperro: He pulled out the receipts
[12:10:23 PM] Ahrre: You are saying you wouldn't pick me?
[12:10:29 PM] Ahrre: You evil chan
[12:10:34 PM] Ahrre: Eeviiiiil
over 7 years
[11:46:50 AM] Scott: TennisBallBFDI has infected alexroberts
[11:48:38 AM] Scott: alexroberts has infected MichaelA16
[11:50:01 AM] Alex Roberts: i infected the least active person im sorry everyone
[11:50:35 AM] Eatemuptigs: dammit now we gotta wait another 13 hours
[11:50:58 AM] Hyperro: Actually Michael messaged me last night so he's somewhere
[11:51:05 AM] Hyperro: also good morning