ITT everything gym-related. Post your lifts and workout pics, gym stories, etc.
I'm aware 90% of EM users are degenerate potheads but it's never too late to put down the weed bong and pick up the dumbbells. If any of you are interested in getting into weightlifting and have questions about anything hmu on Skype @ Antithesis91. I'm actually very nice.
i've found that when im working out particularly hard, (in particular either lifting or doing cardio) i get terrible chills throughout body and i haven't figured out why, so i'm pretty sure that the gym is eventually going to kill me
Pretty good numbers man. As you said, you gotta bring that squat up but in my experience squat goes up real fast when you focus on it. Glutes for the sloots.
Good on you for trying Muay Thai. I do boxing once per week and it kicked my at first. If you don't already have good core strength I imagine Muay Thai will fix that real quick.
I don't plan on getting muxh bigger physically, however this one girl I was taking to is getting me a free months membership to a kombat gym on Tuesday so I'll be learning muay Thai next month, at a beginners level which will be a much bigger challenge than anything I've achieved in these last 10 months
I've been eating clean and lifting 5 days/week for about a year. I worked out for about 2 years prior to that but during that time my diet consisted of weed and Little Debbie baked goods so the physique wasn't quite there.