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The Final Statement

over 7 years

Christopherzilla's statement:

This is true. Error's harassment of users in this lobby was never hidden -- it was always made public and Bebop refused to do anything about it each time it was brought to him.

It is unacceptable that someone who was put in a position to help the lobby and keep things running smoothly did so much to hurt the lobby and the people within it and it is unacceptable that it was allowed by our owner. Bebop never forced error to do these things and probably wasn't in cahoots with him, but Bebop enabled him to do these things to us and to our lobby. Bebop is liable.

I do believe people can can change and therefore you should not be said to be undeserving of owning this lobby because of things you have done in the past. Both Bebop and Merlot have done and said some nasty things in the past, it's very hypocritical for them to keep deeming Christopherzilla unworthy for things they claim you have done in the past. Like all others for me, Christopherzilla will be given a chance. The way Christopher wrote his statement makes me not worry. Christopher wrote it in a very professional manner and it makes it seem like he actually cares about us rather than holding a position of power like previous owners hav edone.

With error, however, he was given many opportunities to change and he did not. Error wasn't a person who just made a mistake by getting angry at a user and harassing them once, error was a person who is legitimately unstable and this site was no good for him. He had many serious personal issues that he always came to this lobby to complain about to his tight-knit circle of friends and took his angry out on undeserving users. Error let his emotions get the best of him and that is how he works -- it was not a one time thing. Error did not deserve to have his position for as long as he did because the type of person he is should not be put in any type of leadership position or position of power because those types abuse it and cannot handle it.

I don't think we need to sugarcoat things with error. He is not a good person and his personal issues do not make it forgivable for him to do all the things he's done. I think Christopher's response here regarding error was fine.

Bebop's statement:

Not surprising that this was handled so unprofessionally as Bebop wrote it.

I support Golbolco, I think Golbolco would be a fine owner, but I think where you are making a mistake is truly believing that it matters who the owner is right now. Christopher is currently the owner and he has spoken about protecting the people. This is what a good owner should do. He wants to protect us from the things you allowed during your reign. He should be given a chance to prove himself.

I'm certain that no matter who was made owner that the only logical successor for that person would be Golbolco and I don't think you have to worry about Golbolco's chance being taken away because she eventually will get her lobby -- but today is not the day and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It is not important who is the owner at the moment. What is important is how that person handles the lobby in the coming weeks. We need a strong leader and if that happens to be Christopherzilla, then so be it.

Let us all welcome our new owner Christopherzilla and allow him a chance to do what Bebop did not do -- protect us.

Golbolco's statement:

Cub's statement:

Give Christopherzilla a chance
13 signed
Stop worrying about who you want in power and start worrying about the state of our lobby!
Jamal is the greatest
over 7 years

Dag says

SirAmelio says

i dont think its a matter of who deserves it more, tbh

care to explain bro?

sure, in order

chris didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

kenny didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

platypops didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

golbolco didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

hima did a bit for the lobby although most people
nowadays would argue it was bad

platypops didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

gardenfulloflies didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

bebop didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

jimbei didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

golbolco didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

bebop didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership

chris didnt do crap for the lobby pre-ownership
over 7 years

Jimbei says

Jamal's views on the lobby always mysteriously tries to align with the current owner, I wonder why...

That's not true.

I supported Bebop getting another chance without error being in his ear after he removed error as a lobby moderator because I am a fair person, but now that he is acting the way he is by spreading lies about Christopher, I am not interested in his second shot and do not think Christopher should have to give up ownership just because people would prefer another owner.

My views do not support Bebop nor Golbolco nor Christopher. I want a stable lobby and I want a lobby that runs smoothly.
over 7 years

JamalMarley says

fix the issues within the lobby.

the imaginary issues.
deletedover 7 years
Jamal's views on the lobby always mysteriously tries to align with the current owner, I wonder why...
deletedover 7 years

Dag says

- regardless of the cliquey things, bebop had a good influence on this lobby. just take a look at mod actions thread and notice how the rule breaking activity decreased in the past months.

2 reasons why this happened.

1. He changed the HC rule

2. Most of it was dealt with in reports and not reported in the mod actions thread.
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

i dont think its a matter of who deserves it more, tbh

care to explain bro?
over 7 years
It's not like less rules were being broken under Bebop, it's that rules were not enforced equally. If Merlot and I broke the same rule, I would get punished and Merlot would not. Bebop did not punish people equally, he punished people he did not like more severely than the people he likes and that is if he decides to enforce the rules at all. There was no order under Bebop.

Golbolco has deserved it more than anyone else for a while, but it's very hypocritical for Bebop to be supporting her so much and saying that the most deserving person should be the owner when ~80% of Sandbox users voted for Golbolco to be the owner over Bebop. He did not think that it warranted a serious response but now that someone who he does not like is owner? It's a huge issue.

Golbolco will get her shot but we shouldn't be trying to push out our current owner who has recognized the flaws with Bebop's leadership and wants to work to actively fix the lobby. Christopher isn't bad and you shouldn't listen to the lies certain users are spreading about him. He'll do fine and I am certain that once he is done owning the lobby, Golbolco will be his successor as she would be the only logical choice to be anyone's successor.

We must unite to support Christopher, an owner who is going to actually try to fix the issues within the lobby.
over 7 years
i dont think its a matter of who deserves it more, tbh

none of the previous owners had done crap for the lobby pre-ownership
over 7 years
well there is things that you guys don't seem to realize, look at the bright side of things instead of mentioning the mistakes only:

- regardless of the cliquey things, bebop had a good influence on this lobby. just take a look at mod actions thread and notice how the rule breaking activity decreased in the past months.

- there isn't alot of things to do as a sandbox owner/mod at this point. anyone with a little knowledge about the rules can do it because the rare things that happen on sandbox are the chatbans because of slurs and sometimes a report.

i would rather see golbolco as an owner. she deserve it more than anyone because of what she contributed to this community in the past months.
over 7 years
over 7 years

Dag says

jamal is the greatest rp account to ever grace this website

I do not roleplay.
over 7 years

Dag says

jamal is the greatest rp account to ever grace this website

im quite fond of the big brother/survivor/amazing race rp accounts
over 7 years

Dag says


Bebop is liable because he allowed error to abuse us and harass us.

Golbolco would be a fine owner and she'll get her turn.

It doesn't matter who the owner is right now, the state of our lobby needs to be dealt with. Christopher seems eager to fix the mistakes Bebop made -- we should support Christopher as he does this instead of trying to get another owner put in power right now.
over 7 years
jamal is the greatest rp account to ever grace this website
over 7 years

TepLep says

and I thought jamalmarley couldnt get any more dumber

over 7 years
and I thought jamalmarley couldnt get any more dumber
over 7 years
jamal since you're timeless i'm sure you remember when christopherzilla was voted the first sandbox owner
over 7 years
It's also very odd how much Bebop supports giving the lobby to someone who deserves it so much.

Remember when ~80% of the lobby voted that they'd prefer Golbolco over Bebop for the position of owner?

Weird how Bebop never gave a serious response to that but now that someone who he doesn't like is owner, he's Golbolco's #1 supporter and thinks the lobby should go to the person that deserves it more. Golbolco always deserved it more than Bebop.
deletedover 7 years

JamalMarley says

sammy says

hey jamal remember when u invited me to ur fam and promised protection from the meanies of sandbox but then you called me disgusting ?

I do not recall.

which part because all of it happened
over 7 years
Jamal for sandbox lobby owner 2k16
over 7 years

sammy says

hey jamal remember when u invited me to ur fam and promised protection from the meanies of sandbox but then you called me disgusting ?

I do not recall.
over 7 years
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
good words
over 7 years
i remember when jamal was the greatest