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Statement from cub

over 7 years

I want to get in on the action, and if we're going by "what you've done recently makes your opinion more valid" then I think I have a little say. Sorry if you think otherwise.

Chris: I probably should've given more input on your statement before you posted it but I didn't want to try to change what you were saying because I didn't feel it was my place. I will say Bebop isn't responsible for error and although lobby mods were among his bad decisions, it's far from the key issue.

Bebop: Your response is exactly the kind of thing I don't want in an owner. While you can disagree with Chris, he tried to be respectful, and you made less than no attempt. You've been spreading salt all over the place and it just comes off as a child having his toy taken away. I don't think you were the worst owner, but you should've stepped down when you chose to become a site mod, but the ruby mafia power got to your head. How you're reacting now only makes your replacement seem all the more justified.

Also, just because you say "lol I don't care about being owner anymore" doesn't mean you didn't keep it as long as you could and then got upset when it was taken away. If you really wanted to pass the lobby over to Golbolco, you would have, but you're just using her as a shield to feign altruism.

As for the rest of Sandbox, they don't really care. Trust me, I actually play the game.

over 7 years
Bebop is liable.

Sure, he did not force error to harass and abuse users, but what he did was allow it to happen. He kept error in a position of power that we can all agree that he could not handle. He took his anger out on all of us. He defended and refused to remove error after all of the terrible things he has done.

Bebop allowed error to hurt the Sandbox lobby.

Anyone who willingly turned a blind eye to error's wrongdoings was apart of the problem, and when that person is the owner, it can be argued that the owner is liable for the things he did to this lobby and the people in it.
over 7 years
foxie has no life and thus can dedicate it to being the best owner ever
deletedover 7 years
Just because you do things for the community doesn't mean you should be owner. Although I will admit that it helps.
over 7 years
i vote to demod everyone, put owner on a disposable account, and delete the disposable account
deletedover 7 years
cub and golb care about/do more for sandbox than anyone else and i think maybe, possibly, the people in sandbox that care should have some kind of say as to who the owner is rather than it just being taken via an email
deletedover 7 years

my bad i thought we were going to derail this thread by posting memes
over 7 years

Bebop says

deserves it

you know i dont bring it up often but i think a cubbles rant is warranted, it just keeps bothering me every time people talk about who "deserves" stupid things on epicmafia

ive been on epicmafia for four years and ive been in sandbox for exactly as long as ive been on epicmafia, as you can probably tell from how often i badger lucid about letting 0 points users do stuff. ive done everything from actually stealing sandbox to hosting "hacked" games for sandbox (even so far as to host a script on the root of my server just to load youtube videos behind the game), creating and updating a ludicrously long userscript for years, doing my absolute best to shield new players from the vice grip of policy, hosting big party games which recently led to lucid raising the player and anonymous deck limits, contributing code to the site (if you remember the old broken rainbow text, i fixed that), begging lucid to make changes that i thought would improve the game and site as a whole (you might remember hidden links: you're welcome), drawing doodles just for sandbox now and then (you can see a collection of comics on the em facebook page), and i cant even remember what else

so shut up

i just had to get that off my chest
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
kawaii on the streets, senpai in the sheets
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

Bebop says

Ayd says

I didn't say you did it to be popular but more to be in the good books of senpai error

this proves you didn't read what i wrote properly.

was senpai error pleased with your ownership? did senpai notice you?
over 7 years

Ayd says

I didn't say you did it to be popular but more to be in the good books of senpai error

this proves you didn't read what i wrote properly.
deletedover 7 years
I didn't say you did it to be popular but more to be in the good books of senpai error, and if chris believes he would be a good owner in the best interests of the community then there is nothing wrong with that?
over 7 years

Ayd says

again a bit hypocritical here because if you did things in the best interests of the community then you would not have modded error after the harassment he gave to members of the community but you did what was best for you by staying in the goodbooks of your pal

i know you already know this but i've said time and time again that i kept error on because, at the time, i believe the good he did as mod outweighed the bad. if i just wanted to be popular i would have removed him but i did what i thought was best for the community which was having an active and dedicated mod.
over 7 years

ballsy says

I'm glad Christopherillza is owner. He isn't the type to forcefully dip his owner dong into the community tea. Not saying that Golbolco will do it but I don't see any reason why Golbolco should be owner now instead of when Christopherzilla steps down.

Golbolco deserves it a lot more than Chris does and Golbolco is who I would have chosen to come after me. If Chris' motives were truly (as he said) taking the lobby away from me and "my group of friends", then it shouldn't make a difference to him if Golbolco is owner.
deletedover 7 years

Bebop says

what you said about me is mostly your opinion and i respect that fully, but:

cub says

If you really wanted to pass the lobby over to Golbolco, you would have, but you're just using her as a shield to feign altruism.

this isn't true at all. it's not that i "wanted to pass to golbolco" it's that when it was my time to go, that's who i would have given it to. i'm not using golbolco as a shield to feign altruism, i'm saying that golbolco deserves to be owner much more than chris, should have succeeded me, and if he's so passionate about the best interest of the community then he has no reason not to hand the lobby over to golb.

again a bit hypocritical here because if you did things in the best interests of the community then you would not have modded error after the harassment he gave to members of the community but you did what was best for you by staying in the goodbooks of your pal
over 7 years
foxie is the next owner after chris
deletedover 7 years
I'm glad Christopherillza is owner. He isn't the type to forcefully dip his owner dong into the community tea. Not saying that Golbolco will do it but I don't see any reason why Golbolco should be owner now instead of when Christopherzilla steps down.
over 7 years

Bebop says

Golbolco says

Platy and Garden too, but I thought the single-word deadpan was funnier.

garden probably would have if he used the site

ok but try to be more like platy and your personal candidate pick
over 7 years

Bebop says

Golbolco says

Platy and Garden too, but I thought the single-word deadpan was funnier.

garden probably would have if he used the site

xela says

garden also had a pansy- background

stop speaking ill of the dead
over 7 years

Sishen says

Golbolco says

Platy and Garden too, but I thought the single-word deadpan was funnier.

garden left quite a lot of salt, but that was from his friends and not himself since he died in a hamas raid literally minutes after being removed from power

The question was about the lobby owner, not their friends. Still upset that you can't forum ban dissenters, I see.
over 7 years
garden also had a pansy- background
over 7 years

Golbolco says

Platy and Garden too, but I thought the single-word deadpan was funnier.

garden probably would have if he used the site
over 7 years

Golbolco says

Platy and Garden too, but I thought the single-word deadpan was funnier.

garden left quite a lot of salt, but that was from his friends and not himself since he died in a hamas raid literally minutes after being removed from power
over 7 years

cub says

who was that other lobby owner who got replaced by an email to lucid but didn't turn forums into a salt mine

it was platypops