over 7 years

let there be no mistaking what this thread is about

over 7 years

cub says

sometimes i wish i was a slime monster

over 7 years
on the other hand maybe i should get a clue what im doing first
over 7 years
i was reading some reviews of some other interactive fictions and something that struck out to me is the idea of a lackluster premise oft used for open world type games

while this is mainly a learning experience, i do want it to be good, so i had the idea of quests

each time you play through the game you can pick a different quest to give your life some direction. they're simple and won't be too noticeable, but i just thought it'd be a neat addition to let you choose a goal
over 7 years
blessed Christmas image
over 7 years
over 7 years
Who is the bodyguard-looking guy representing?
over 7 years
im fully aware the proportions gradually get worse as i am not an artist
over 7 years
since nobody ever reads the role patrol thread and i actually spent two and a half hours on this here is the role patrol christmas banner

over 7 years
its the site creator, cub
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years

cub says

i wish emojis were more homogeneous ... vastly different results on different computers and even across different browsers ...
i really like microsoft's segoe ui emojis

you might be able to use this to rip the emojis from segoeui.ttf and use them as assets in your game*

*probably not allowed by micro$oft license
over 7 years
i wish emojis were more homogeneous so i could actually discern what other people will see instead of vastly different results on different computers and even across different browsers

i really like microsoft's segoe ui emojis and they really fit the story, but if you view it from an apple computer you'll see some unfitting 'realistic' icons which don't go well with the font and general feel of the story at all

also i needed some simple descriptions of places based on night and day (a feature which also affects some encounters)

there are four distinct locations: the three vistas (breezy beach, leafy woods, and spicy volcano) and the grand city connecting them. so far i've just been adding content to leafy woods though so that's why it's all you're seeing

i'd like to define the whole basic experience of the game more before moving onto other places since stuff like day/night requires going back and changing everything to fit the theme
over 7 years
i found a pretty fitting font, cute and silly a perfect match

over 7 years
also you can make the cooldown or whatever 24 hours idk why its capped at 6 client side

news of slime adventure
since twine arrays and everything start at 1 instead of 0, because of course they would, i just figured out the most brilliantly simple way to do modulus for array indexes: x = x % y + 1. it's so simple yet i always assumed modulo might've been lower than addition in order of operation but apparently it isn't so it's really as simple as +1 at the end whoa
over 7 years
so i figured out how i can restart hurt and heal

this time its to the death lucy
deletedover 7 years
cub is cool
over 7 years
over 7 years
in fact you've indirectly inspired me to probably implement styling more like harlowe's macro tags, which would further allow combo style-name tags; for example:

#tag{b: bold}

then you can
$ change #tag to "hello" and it'll still be bold

over 7 years

YHWH says


your syntax is SH!T sexpcode is #1

{i i know {b right}}

if you dont get the syntactic flaw, it reads as "i-i know" and "bright"

harlowe's (macro: content) tag looks nicer but it's used for coding rather than styling, although one could easily do {style: content}, and this syntax would also allow {b, i: bold italic} multi-tag syntax (which the limn syntax does, but via %b, i{bold italic} instead, keeping tags outside of the content). it can further allow multi-tag and class syntax, such as %i, b.u{italic, bold underlined via class}

i see the attempt in this format to be 'minimal' but in doing so actually complicates using it via ambiguity

i know this is probably a troll post but i like talking about syntaxes
over 7 years
sure go ahead

so today i worked on my little slime game more and im adding neat little things like day/night (with corresponding events) and karma (which influences some interactions) and i might have a very tiny demo later today if i do enough stuff

forest area only, you can travel to other areas (or start there depending which type you start as) but they wont have anything

stay runed
deletedover 7 years
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i cant do anything w/o ur consent cub i respect u too much
deletedover 7 years
do u love me idk if i can sign this petition or not :'(
over 7 years
i died
over 7 years

your syntax is SH!T sexpcode is #1