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Reworking Whispers

almost 8 years

Reworking the whisper mechanic, a role patrol special edition.

We've all gotten screwed by that one whisper that just HAD to leak and ruin the game for us. So we got to thinking, why should whispering, which is a very important part of the game, be left up to crappy RNG? So here's what we came up with:

  1. Old random leaks are done away with.

  2. Instead, after the first whisper between two users, subsequent whispers have a chance to leak participants.

  3. The more whispers that are exchanged between the two users, the greater the chance to leak grows.

  4. Everyone will receive a system message that reads as "User A whispered something to User B..."

  5. Roles that force leaks such as the Loudmouth reveal the content of the whisper.

With this system, a few concepts that went into whispers come into play. Like original whispers, people will still be seeings who you are communicating with, but now the contents won't cause a problem. The whispers only start to get revealed if you whisper too much, which stops the mafia from having improvised day meetings without suspicion. Finally, it still allows for some interaction with roles that deal with whispers (currently only the LM, but maybe more in the future).

I like it!
9 signed
This post is good and I like it which is why I signed this petition saying it was good and I liked it.
I use whispers...
When called for
the entire game, I talk only in whispers
Only when claiming
almost 8 years
Can you specify which setups would be ruined by this change?
almost 8 years
you'd be better off consorting main lobby before changing the function of leaks to make sure it doesn't affect ranked mafia too much since this would be a fundamental game change not just sandbox

however i think everyone will agree making whispers less likely the first few messages is a good idea and makes leaks less likely to totally ruin the game for everyone
deletedalmost 8 years
It might ruin some setups, the ones where you leak intentionally if you're fool etc.. and the whole point of leaks was that it was fun trying to figure what the person was saying
almost 8 years
make self whispers leakable so I don't have to rely on whispering randoms to enact my nefarious schemes
almost 8 years
Revealing the contents can run the entire game for people sometimes, which is why people end up using gimmicks to avoid giving away important information. Naming 3 roles and a number for instances.
deletedalmost 8 years
Hiding would make leaking whispers much less useful and would take away a big part of the game
almost 8 years
Personally, I prefer hiding the content in most cases except like sl0nd wrote in the OP about loudmouth or other whisper-interactive roles.
almost 8 years
how about hiding the content vs not hiding. any consensus?
almost 8 years
the ratio should increase based on the time passed since the first whisper instead of the number of whispers itself imo
almost 8 years
yeah ok, i can rework this, it'll steadily increase to a 50% leak rate
almost 8 years
if you polled epicmafia users, everyone would say leaking the first whisper is the dumbest thing ever
almost 8 years
this was what i proposed with the increasing chance

each player has a whispers variable, set to 0 at the start of each day

on whisper
if(whispers/10 > random()) {
else {

first whisper is free, each whisper after that goes up by 10% and every 10th whisper is guaranteed to leak (more likely to happen before then)
almost 8 years

admin says

wouldn't people just take the first free whisper (leak-less), i agree with everything except that it should be 0% for the first one

you better say a hell of a lot in just one whisper

just think how stupid it is for the first whisper to leak, making rng decide the game with no recourse
deletedalmost 8 years
Admin also if you're going to add a whisper related role look at the other thread theres a role with 300 upvotes thats amazing
almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Maybe give the first whisper between 2 people a 15% chance of leaking and from there it goes up 5% each time and cap it at 50%

15 is a lot to start, I think 5% is alright and it shouldn't go up that steadily. Maybe 2.5% or something (or just 5% every other whisper, Idk.)
deletedalmost 8 years
Maybe give the first whisper between 2 people a 15% chance of leaking and from there it goes up 5% each time and cap it at 50%
almost 8 years
wouldn't people just take the first free whisper (leak-less), i agree with everything except that it should be 0% for the first one
deletedalmost 8 years
This ideas much better but I think leaks still should reveal what they say

Also with the revamped whispers there should be a whisper related role which could be used in setups where whispers structure them , we have a will role but not a whisper one
almost 8 years
since when was this town of salem

i do like the idea though, increase the chance as it goes along, but reveal the whole thing like it was

otherwise granny werwolf setup would explode and that'd be sad
deletedalmost 8 years
Actually now that I think about it a bit more. I think this would really limit the amounts of leaks to almost 0.

If the chance of leaking starts at 0% and steadily goes up then nothing would ever leak considering people rarely send more than 1-2 whispers to the same person because people are already so cautious of leaks.
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm not sure how I stand between the current system and this proposal, but I like what you've put up! Do you think we might see a loudmouth-esque mafia role come from this, or even roles that force reveals, if not increase the chance?
deletedalmost 8 years
I like the new mechanic on how whispers leak but everyone should see what they say when they do leak.

But that new mechanic makes it a bit more realistic in that if two people are having a secret convo they might gradually get louder and more likely heard.

With the current system, contacting your 3rd maf partner can leak d1 then game is over and that's dumb