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Reworking Whispers

almost 8 years

Reworking the whisper mechanic, a role patrol special edition.

We've all gotten screwed by that one whisper that just HAD to leak and ruin the game for us. So we got to thinking, why should whispering, which is a very important part of the game, be left up to crappy RNG? So here's what we came up with:

  1. Old random leaks are done away with.

  2. Instead, after the first whisper between two users, subsequent whispers have a chance to leak participants.

  3. The more whispers that are exchanged between the two users, the greater the chance to leak grows.

  4. Everyone will receive a system message that reads as "User A whispered something to User B..."

  5. Roles that force leaks such as the Loudmouth reveal the content of the whisper.

With this system, a few concepts that went into whispers come into play. Like original whispers, people will still be seeings who you are communicating with, but now the contents won't cause a problem. The whispers only start to get revealed if you whisper too much, which stops the mafia from having improvised day meetings without suspicion. Finally, it still allows for some interaction with roles that deal with whispers (currently only the LM, but maybe more in the future).

I like it!
9 signed
This post is good and I like it which is why I signed this petition saying it was good and I liked it.
I use whispers...
When called for
the entire game, I talk only in whispers
Only when claiming
almost 8 years
I'm not sure what your complaint is, whispers are working the same as before. What changed is whispers leaking.
almost 8 years
I know people in sandbox don't have friends, but we here in the DM Lobby do so we'd like to have our whispers back
almost 8 years
needs an option to turn it off/on when creating games
almost 8 years

admin says


My face when stalked by Golbolco every 20-minutes.

[Using whisper once every 20 games]
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years

Golbolco says

On the contrary, I think this change is for the better. Now, instead of games being more or less over day one when you contact your mafia partner and everybody sees it, everybody whispering throws considerable suspicion on everybody but keeps things in the air.

Now all leaks mean nothing because it could be anything from I saved you, to I gunned you, to hey did you see that tv show last night?

Golbolco says

You might say it's better if it still had the content leakage and just didn't leak the first whisper ever,

I think first whisper should still have a chance of leaking. Like suggested, start at a low percent chance of leaking and slowly move up. This would properly mimic an actual hidden conversation. If you are talking to someone in hushed tones the more time that goes by, the more comfortable you feel and the louder you might be making you more likely to be overheard.

Golbolco says

but even then if you're coordinating with your clear or your mafia partner or loved/angel target or whatever, it doesn't out you and make you look bad. In Sandbox we usually just contact our third mafia partner once and be done with it, but that's A) a bad way of playing a game and B) in my experience, not how it's done in Main lobby.

Main lobby also did this while dealing with the potential of what you are saying to be leaked. It adds an element to the game and taking it away just because it doesn't always end well seems foolish. It's a game of strategy, use strategy in your whispers.
deletedalmost 8 years
Can we at least have an option to keep it the original way or a poll.. it seems dumb that 2 users can
almost 8 years
On the contrary, I think this change is for the better. Now, instead of games being more or less over day one when you contact your mafia partner and everybody sees it, everybody whispering throws considerable suspicion on everybody but keeps things in the air. You might say it's better if it still had the content leakage and just didn't leak the first whisper ever, but even then if you're coordinating with your clear or your mafia partner or loved/angel target or whatever, it doesn't out you and make you look bad. In Sandbox we usually just contact our third mafia partner once and be done with it, but that's A) a bad way of playing a game and B) in my experience, not how it's done in Main lobby.
almost 8 years
this change is an huge change that affects everyone, in sandbox, main, and every other lobby.

can we put it up to a vote instead, lucid?
deletedalmost 8 years

admin says

ok, i've added the new whisper mechanics, lemme know if it doesn't work

The proposed mechanic of the first whisper having less of a chance of leaking is plenty enough protection for non visiting maf to be contacted. Hiding the contents takes away a big part of the game and makes leaks useless. You can simply claim you were talking about anything and the leaks now offer far less to the game.
almost 8 years
The intention behind leaks was meant to mimic playing mafia IRL, that is, if someone whispered someone else while sitting around a table you would clearly see it happening. With this new system, it retains the same intent while not screwing over someone because their claim or contact became public to the town.
almost 8 years
so this means no more leaks with the content anymore tho?? thats... pretty dumb. leaks were an interesting mechanism
deletedalmost 8 years

Cubotv1 says

Hiding would make leaking whispers much less useful and would take away a big part of the game

Hiding is a bad idea.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

the fact that everyone knows that User A whispered User B

except in setups where you claim to a clear, an early whisper d1 is most often than not one contacting non-meeting mafs

nvm it was just pointed out that this only applies to leaks and not every single whisper
deletedalmost 8 years
Didn't the 'no leak' for the first whisper solve the leaking mafia partners flaw? It just seems stupid that a large part of the site got simplified. Also this makes the plumber role weaker as what's the point in breaking someones pipes if all it does is show their names? They could be talking about their weekend for all we know. Please change back
almost 8 years
the fact that everyone knows that User A whispered User B

except in setups where you claim to a clear, an early whisper d1 is most often than not one contacting non-meeting mafs
almost 8 years
What ruins non meeting mafs more? Seeing that someone happened to whisper someone else? Or that the one whisper you sent to the 3rd mafia with the name of your partner leaked to the town and now they have all 3 of you?
almost 8 years
Everyone will receive a system message that reads as "User A whispered something to User B..."

doesnt this ruin non-meeting mafs tho? (unless theres a spy or whisperer)

i mean itll be pretty suspicious to see random whispers usually, so while it may be played to be anything, it seems a bit complicated.
almost 8 years

UltraAug says

our game died horribly

nobody could rejoin and it wasn't broken


That was from the server resetting, a side effect of the game updating :[
almost 8 years
wtf how am I supposed to get laid now
almost 8 years
our game died horribly

nobody could rejoin and it wasn't broken

almost 8 years
ok, i've added the new whisper mechanics, lemme know if it doesn't work
almost 8 years

cub says

however, i don't know who the **** even uses forceleak besides to screw around

Really it is awesome to use as fool and I have used it as lyncher before and won.
almost 8 years

Spineman says

make self whispers leakable so I don't have to rely on whispering randoms to enact my nefarious schemes

But what if i feel like talking to myself in private?
almost 8 years
however, i don't know who the **** even uses forceleak besides to screw around