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Report System / Moderation Ideas

over 7 years

Use this thread to suggest ways of improving the report system or streamlining the moderation process!

NOTE - This is not to suggest new mods be added or current mods be removed. This is to suggest changes that affect the way mods might work (examples in the past include giving mods the ability to clear profile embeds).

Thank you Lucid
22 signed
For fixing many old things and adding many more new things.
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
My suggestion is the user Xxerox be a moderator or admin.

I already listed why i should be. All are welcome to make up stuff about me.
deletedover 7 years
deletedover 7 years

thecolonel says

Make it so I don't have to put a period in the middle of bad words to say them

i can help u with this
over 7 years
Make it so I don't have to put a period in the middle of bad words to say them
over 7 years
It's a forum, use both.
over 7 years
Wait, which thread are we using concretely? I need to know which one to link to the megathread.
over 7 years
Crossposting suggestions from the other thread:

Arcbell suggested that players are able to file reports publicly or privately. He also suggested adding timestamps on reports that linked to the specific time in the game.

Rutab suggested that players should be able to more easily see which moderator is handling their report, and to be able to continue to see it even after the mod has stepped down from the team.

Bebop suggested adding a dedicated appeal button whereby players can click the appeal button on a closed report (perhaps only if they're mentioned in the report) and it would prompt them for a reason. Once the reason has been put in, it creates an appeal with a link to the report being appealed where the game link usually is. I also suggested removing the 10 minute cooldown on filing reports from mods, as mods aren't likely to report spam and if they do they'll just be demodded.
over 7 years

I just compiled everything here