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My Personal Blog

deletedalmost 8 years

It's my personal cry for help

Feel free to treat it like an AMA if you so please but I'm sure this is just going to become my anime rant thread

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Best Jimbei variation
deletedalmost 8 years
Ended up getting nothing done
deletedalmost 8 years
11 books and 3 side stories

Purposefully want to make it long enough to be my life's work

If only I would be an author. English succs
deletedalmost 8 years
I should've done NaNoWriMo. A few weeks too late for this random motivation to want to work on my story that I've never brought up until now, anyways.
deletedalmost 8 years
My story idea can be written. I really wish it would be a comic, but right now I can work with words far better than I can with drawing
deletedalmost 8 years
I wish I had the patience to learn how to draw well and get through all the frustration that comes with it
deletedalmost 8 years
I have 4 hours on the game but 1 of them is trying to defeat the boss on the hardest difficulty :I Still having trouble with that whole business D:
deletedalmost 8 years
For those who are unaware, Princess Remedy is a cute little free game on steam. I definitely suggest checking it out, takes like an hour or two to beat and the ending + secret ending is worth your time ^-^
deletedalmost 8 years
!!!! There's a Princess Remedy 2 out I know what I'm playing tomorrow morning
deletedalmost 8 years
thank u quiche!!!
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
I dedicate this new page for the most lonely post I ever made:

Happy birthday, me
deletedalmost 8 years
Just kidding, Vegas was extremely impressive to me.
deletedalmost 8 years
and not one of them impressed me
deletedalmost 8 years
wew that's a lot of places
deletedalmost 8 years
16/52 if I am gonna count Puerto Rico and DC
deletedalmost 8 years
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Arizona I've visited/lived

As well as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland and DC

Gives me 15/50 huh

Illinois kinda but just the airport soooo
deletedalmost 8 years
Went to Wyoming today
deletedalmost 8 years
It's 4 am why this
deletedalmost 8 years
it's 1 am and my bed cries for attention
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
is it poly and can i join
deletedalmost 8 years
Once winter break starts I'm gonna open back up my committed relationship with my bed
deletedalmost 8 years
I'll need more sleep than this
deletedalmost 8 years
Boy am I a dumb dumb should just sleep my stress off
deletedalmost 8 years
I am actually really upset with myself for not noticing this. 2 weeks on my backup crap network for not seeing this.