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deletedalmost 8 years

It's my personal cry for help

Feel free to treat it like an AMA if you so please but I'm sure this is just going to become my anime rant thread

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Best Jimbei variation
deletedalmost 8 years
Once my personal cry for help hits 500 replies I'll take a nice long break
deletedalmost 8 years
It has to do with reddit drama so I should've seen it coming. rip.
deletedalmost 8 years
I made my rare once a month comment on reddit and got more replies then what I was prepared for
deletedalmost 8 years
You got it boss
almost 8 years
keep us posted, friend
deletedalmost 8 years
I hate the cold again
deletedalmost 8 years
It sounds the like the last thing most people want to do but I really need the fresh non sticky air
deletedalmost 8 years
I've waited seven months to walk home in the nice silent winter cold
deletedalmost 8 years
time for finals for the next 2 weeks :s
deletedalmost 8 years
Thanksgiving break was a blast
deletedalmost 8 years
If you insist
deletedalmost 8 years
yea screw u lol
deletedalmost 8 years
But screw me, right
deletedalmost 8 years
The anime has a month left until it finishes, anyone with more than two brain cells would be able to produce the thought that maybe, just maybe, people didn't read the manga and would appreciate seeing the anime without being spoiled of what's to come.

That's under the impression that I'm talking to an intelligent human being, not someone who constantly turns their brain onto shintposting auto-pilot because manual settings are too difficult.
almost 8 years
even if the spoiler rule existed the manga has been out for 21 years and i think that slightly covers the cutoff point
deletedalmost 8 years
I know why the spoiler rule disappeared now
deletedalmost 8 years
as my personal blog I shall take this personally
deletedalmost 8 years
why would u spoil the show
almost 8 years

DouradaGrelhada says

how cool is kira

pretty lame lol he gets hit by an ambulance and dies
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

I purposefully bump this because I know Golbolco will always visit this topic.

I don't know who this user is.
deletedalmost 8 years
He's creepy but 10/10 on the cool scale
almost 8 years
how cool is kira
deletedalmost 8 years

DouradaGrelhada says

How old were you when u started sucking Penís

deletedalmost 8 years
I purposefully bump this because I know Golbolco will always visit this topic.
almost 8 years
How old were you when u started sucking Penís